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Reviews For One Year Later by Majick

Sunday 25th November 2007 09:07
One Year Later
"You! You have a girlfriend!" yelled Ron.

"You do?" Hermione said.

"He does?" Ginny said.

"I do?" Harry said.

ROTFOMAO!!!! This has to be one of the funniest exhanges in all of HP fanficdom! You have a wonderful flair for dialogue, particularly that with sarcasm, humor or self-deprecation. Your handling of the conversation between Ginny and Olivier was many authors could keep a non-French speaking reader engaged and amused through a conversation in French?

Although the premise for the story is a bit of a stretch, your follow-through with people acting out of good intentions and struggling with Murphy's First Law ("Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, and at the worst possible moment."), not to mention bungling through some of life's most important choices, is so very human and endearing.
Saturday 27th October 2007 20:44
One Year Later
wow! interesting... seems as though harry and ginny were getting somewhere.. and then ron has to appear and bring up tatiana... darn him

Sunday 15th July 2007 17:25
One Year Later
You guys write stupid, dirty stories, and if I could I'd sue. Go to Heck.
Wednesday 26th July 2006 21:06
One Year Later
Oh wow. What a way to end the night.
Friday 21st July 2006 07:29
One Year Later
ARGH! Ron! The idiot!
Wednesday 19th July 2006 22:04
One Year Later
Love it! You write with both humor, some tongue in cheek, and a great sense of angsty romance.
Wednesday 19th July 2006 17:40
One Year Later
GAAH! Stupid, stupid Ron! Grr. It was all special-momenty and then... *sigh* Well, all I can say is that I can not WAIT for the next part. The suspense is killing me! *dramatic pose* Yeah. So hurry up please! Great chapter. I love Tatiana/Tonks. And Olivier getting bat-bogified!! Mwahaha. ;D
Wednesday 19th July 2006 01:45
One Year Later
Ooooh... loved it!

That was so funny. I laughed out loud several times.

Just one thing. Why do Olivier (glad he got dumped ) and Ginny say 'vous' instead of 'tu'? Isn't that a bit too formal ?

Anyway, I'm very much looking forward to the next chapter!
Wednesday 19th July 2006 05:51One Year Later (Author Response)
The wonders of babelfish... I probably should have caught that, but my French is even rustier than Ron or Harry's
Wednesday 19th July 2006 00:13
One Year Later
FANTASTICK. i love it
where did gin
Tuesday 18th July 2006 22:45
One Year Later
Heh, soap opera Hogwarts style! Enjoying the story, thank you!
Tuesday 18th July 2006 22:20
One Year Later
Oh, what a tangled web we weave, huh, Harry? This is funny, clever, and touching. Can't wait for the next chapter.