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Reviews For Heart of Gold by Wings

Saturday 26th May 2007 11:17
Heart of Gold
I really like your Regulus--he's so believable.
Saturday 22nd July 2006 08:27
Heart of Gold
Ooh... This is going to end badly...

I have to wonder at Liam and Regulus' friendship. Regulus explanation for being friends with a muggleborn and being a Death Eater at the same time sounds like a very bad excuse. But then, I suppose that's just the madness you want to show, isn't it?

Well done so far, I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
Saturday 22nd July 2006 15:12Heart of Gold (Author Response)
Thanks! Regulus isn't really thinking, and it is a bad excuse. But, don't we all make up bad excuses for things to justify our actions? All the time. Keep watching for the next chapter!