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Reviews For One Year Later by Majick

Saturday 27th October 2007 21:23
One Year Later
lol Im glad that they are making up

Wednesday 26th July 2006 21:29
One Year Later
Hermione better like Ron more than Molly, and that was great.
Monday 24th July 2006 07:05
One Year Later
Sorry, I don't get the joke between Harry and Ginny.
Sunday 23rd July 2006 21:55
One Year Later
YES! lols, I loved when Ginny was like... "What?"
Can't wait for the conclusion!
Sunday 23rd July 2006 01:57
One Year Later
Ginny was great. I loved those scenes when they all trooped into her room one after another.

All those awkward conversations... I was so glad I wasn't in their place.

So, nearly finished, is it? But I do hope we'll see Remus and Tonks again in the last part. Looking forward to it.