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Reviews For The Chimaera and the Hippogriff by mcdowella

Wednesday 25th October 2006 08:54
The Chimaera and the Hippogriff
Funny start ... so Percy never reconciled to his family?
Wednesday 25th October 2006 13:51The Chimaera and the Hippogriff (Author Response)
Percy doesn't come out of this tale a hero, and the prolog shows that neither Ron nor Hermione believe everything he put in his so-called memoir, but that doesn't make a reconciliation out of the question.
Monday 16th October 2006 09:12
The Chimaera and the Hippogriff
I really love this. I mean being a Percy Weasley fan it's hard to read another fic where he proves himself to be an idiot but that's still better than evil or dead which is what most of the fandom rewards him with. I wanted to howl with Remus when you killed off Tonks. It seemed perfect though. I can just see Remus imagining that he'll be the one to go first and then to be devastated with that kind of pain. I like the Grangers. I like Draco getting a second chance. I like RonandHermione and especially Ron. It's hard to see Ron as that willing to deal in grey areas getting Death Eaters off on technicalities even for better moves. I mean it makes sense chess wise that he's be prepared to do it- it just seems that heart wise he's not the type. Still, war is forcing him to grow up. I wish I knew what Harry and Ginny were up to. Anyway, here's waiting for the next chapter.
Monday 16th October 2006 13:57The Chimaera and the Hippogriff (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it, even if I don't take Percy very seriously. Heroic Percy would be at least as hard to sell as cuddly Snape, but some people seem to go for that, so I guess it takes all sorts. I see the business of getting Death Eaters off as very much Aberforth's idea, and one that he introduces gradually in the hope that he can slip it past Ron and Hermione more easily that way. I think Ron would go along with it as a tactic, but Hermione wouldn't be happy with it at all, especially once she has time to think it over; for one thing, if the full story of Chimaera ever came out there'd be a lot of people in Azkaban who could probably claim that they didn't get a fair trial. For the purposes of the story, I have to believe that eventually Hermione decides that the means justifies the end, if the end is getting rid of Voldemort. You'll find out enough about Harry and Ginny's part to round out the story, but it's very much Ron's POV and Ron and Hermione at the centre of the story.
Saturday 29th July 2006 14:54
The Chimaera and the Hippogriff
What? I don't get it.