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Reviews For The Chimaera and the Hippogriff by mcdowella

Wednesday 25th October 2006 13:04
The Chimaera and the Hippogriff
Ron as solicitor, interesting.
Monday 31st July 2006 15:12
The Chimaera and the Hippogriff
I'm really looking forward to see how this story turns out. Update soon!
Saturday 29th July 2006 20:17
The Chimaera and the Hippogriff
Okay. What is the whole point of this story? But otherwise, the way it is written, very good.
Sunday 30th July 2006 00:18The Chimaera and the Hippogriff (Author Response)
I'm glad you like the way it is written, both for myself, and for my careful and accurate beta and pre-beta.

This is going somewhere. By the time you read the epilogue, I will have told you how we got to the scene described in the prologue. You will know the real names of the people behind the codenames Chimaera and Hippogriff, and you will know just how reliable Percy's book is likely to be. In fact I have one of the characters guess the meaning behind Chimaera, but in hindsight.

As a spy story, part of the point of it is that both you and the characters have to try and guess what is actually going on from scanty and unreliable evidence, but I will leak two ideas that I got from other sources, and one that comes straight from the book.

1) Harry's expectations at the end of one book have usually been dashed in the next, so it's not entirely unreasonable that Book 7 not be an obstacle course round Hogwarts hunting Horcruxes. (This was from a post in In this story, the turning point is Harry's question "How are we supposed to fight Voldemort if he won't turn up?" in chapter 2, which might be echoed by anybody fighting a guerilla force anywhere.

2) I read an essay by Berylla Chubb on which said that one of the prominent characters in the book tended to get a raw deal in fanfic, and thought I would see if I could give them a good workout. This central character is probably obvious by now, but if not, ask yourself "is there anybody here who sees almost everything we do?"

3) Is Harry really doomed to be either victim or murderer? Is there a way to finish the story with at least some characters that you can admire both as honest, moral people, and as effective fighters? Is it possible to beat Voldemort without descending to his level?