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Reviews For I Suppose It's a Twin Thing by Majick

Thursday 31st August 2006 06:49
I Suppose It's a Twin Thing
Can't be just Fred, George, and Lee in their dormitory. Somebody has to be the male prefect in the year, and I assure you it is not one of those three.
Thursday 17th August 2006 02:58
I Suppose It's a Twin Thing
I would've loved the twins (either would be fine) to snog Snape - could you imagine the explosion?!
Mira Miracle
Wednesday 16th August 2006 05:01
I Suppose It's a Twin Thing
Life is going to be incredibly dull when we leave Hogwarts next summer and have to cope without our chum and his mangy cat.

I love your fic! Fred sounds exactly like the Fred I always imagined. You're showing wonderfully how he realises that maybe he likes Angelina a bit more than just as a friend, and how difficult it is to deal with those feelings.

Great job!
Monday 14th August 2006 14:21
I Suppose It's a Twin Thing
Ahh... Stupid Fred.

Hes going to make up to her with a date, well.. I guess hes not to stupid ^_^

I wish I was Angelina or Alica.. =)

Update soon!!
Monday 14th August 2006 04:49
I Suppose It's a Twin Thing
The way you write Fred, I can hear him speak. That's really him, right there, talking to us.

I also loved those tiny bits about when the twins were little: never having done anything low-key since they were three, their settling-in period at Hogwarts just taking a few days...

I can't wait for the next update. I suppose Angelina's next?
Monday 14th August 2006 03:47
I Suppose It's a Twin Thing
That's definitely an entertaining story.
Sunday 13th August 2006 21:56
I Suppose It's a Twin Thing
Really cute!