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Reviews For The Future's End by Sorting Hat

Tuesday 22nd April 2008 21:18
The Future's End
huh interesting... so i wonder why james goes back in time...
Saturday 1st December 2007 15:32
The Future's End
interesting... i wonder... could it say be harry in disguise or something.... hmmm.... I cant wait to read the rest of the story!
Monday 6th November 2006 14:48
The Future's End
Interesting. So who is this 'boy' -- not really a boy, though is he, if he's in 6th year?
And what was the spell Scarborough cast? To send him back or forward in time?
Saturday 16th July 2005 18:53
The Future's End
The very first time that Dumbledore doesn,t know all and see all. I can hardly believe it.