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Reviews For I Suppose It's a Twin Thing by Majick

Thursday 17th August 2006 03:05
I Suppose It's a Twin Thing
Awwwwwww cute!
Mira Miracle
Wednesday 16th August 2006 05:07
I Suppose It's a Twin Thing
This is so sweet! If course they're made for each other - but will they pluck the courage to tell each other as well?

There was a bigger part of me, and it was getting bigger each time I thought about it, that said a brief fling wasn't what I really wanted. And I hated that. How thoroughly and completely stupid of me to fall for my best friend, and to fall hard, at that.

Poor Angelina. But very well written by you! You manage to introduce your readers into her thoughts and worries, which are - from her POV - completely reasonable.

I'm excited what will happen with these two at the ball Update soon!
Wednesday 16th August 2006 02:46
I Suppose It's a Twin Thing
Zacharias Smith? Who wants to go out with Zacharias Smith ?

You did it again. Even though we don't know Angelina that well, you put her there, in front of us and made her a real person. Wonderfful work.

Now, as you say, It all had a pleasing symmetry to it.
I'm looking forward to the last chapter.