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Reviews For A Different Boy Who Lived by angelmorph

Monday 20th November 2006 15:39
A Different Boy Who Lived
I'm starting to worry, is Ron coming into here at all? And Hermione? Wow, things really WOULD be different...
Monday 20th November 2006 17:03A Different Boy Who Lived (Author Response)
I'm still not sure if Ron will be making an appearance before September 1991. It's possible, but I wouldn't hold my breath (not because I don't like him, I'm just not sure it would be believable to work him into the story.) As for Hermione...
Friday 22nd September 2006 20:04
A Different Boy Who Lived
Well written chapter. I'm glad to see that things are starting to move along a little bit more. All the chapters about the boys' fourth year were fun to read and contained some lovely moments, but it did start to feel a little bit belabored. I look forward to reading the next chapter and finding out how exactly they broke lily's and Augusta's rules!

One other quick comment. I don't know if anyone else has already mentioned this, but it seems like the main character in this story is not Neville, as the title would suggest, but Lilly. Telling the story from her perspective is certainly an effective tool, but I would have expected the story to be written more from Neville's viewpoint instead.
Saturday 23rd September 2006 14:31A Different Boy Who Lived (Author Response)
Thank you! I was beginning to feel the same which is why I jumped from New Years to Mother's Day to September...

I hadn't noticed that that Lily was taking such a focal role in the story. Writing the story from the point of view of a 4-5 year-old is not an easy task, and one I would not feel comfortable attempting, which is why I adopted a more neutral POV.

On a related note, Lily won't be getting much attention in the next 4 chapters at least, well not really... Another witch will be getting far more attention
Tuesday 19th September 2006 22:43
A Different Boy Who Lived
Good thing they're only five - five year olds come up with some crazy stuff, it's a good thing no-one pays attention to the things they say ... or so lily hopes!

Wednesday 20th September 2006 05:49A Different Boy Who Lived (Author Response)
The only person who believes them will be the person who needs to believe them...

Thanks for the review,
Tuesday 19th September 2006 17:04
A Different Boy Who Lived
I see Augusta is still Augusta . I can't wait to see how the broke all the rules .
Tuesday 19th September 2006 17:25A Different Boy Who Lived (Author Response)
Augusta will always be Augusta. Two steps foward, one step back... As for the rules, they try to be good, honestly. It's not their faults...

Thanks for the review,