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Reviews For A Different Boy Who Lived by angelmorph

Friday 5th January 2007 21:08
A Different Boy Who Lived
You're right, it does flow better as a single chapter.
Very nice chapter. You've certainly captured 'Mione's jabbering style of questioning.
Monday 20th November 2006 15:53
A Different Boy Who Lived
I just knew that the witch was Hermione as soon as she appeared in the chapter...I like it
Monday 20th November 2006 17:04A Different Boy Who Lived (Author Response)
I tried to drag it out, but... it is pretty obvious...
Wednesday 27th September 2006 18:27
A Different Boy Who Lived
That was great! Longer is definately good, you know. And now I see what you meant about the boys telling someone who was important =)
Nice touch there with Hermione-the-five-year-old. I knew who it was straight away, and i got so excited! But what's Lily going to think...
Wednesday 27th September 2006 19:21A Different Boy Who Lived (Author Response)
Thank you! I know longer is good, but I have difficulty pulling it off and actually updating semi-regularly so don't get too used to the idea. My response to your last review was intentionally cryptic.

Perhaps the proper question is what will Augusta think...

Thank you for your review,
Wednesday 27th September 2006 16:05
A Different Boy Who Lived
Little Hermione is so cute, such an inquisitive (I bet she knows that word, too ) know-it-all .
Wednesday 27th September 2006 16:57A Different Boy Who Lived (Author Response)
Thank you for the review. Hermione definitely knows the meaning of inquisitive ("I" is only the 9th letter of the alphabet afterall...)

Wednesday 27th September 2006 09:20
A Different Boy Who Lived
It's a clever idea bringing Hermione in the way you did. I did feel that she sounded a little bit too grown up for 5 years old, even for her. But overall it was a fun read. Can't wait for 25!
Wednesday 27th September 2006 09:34A Different Boy Who Lived (Author Response)
Bringing Hermione in like that was something that has been planned for quite a while. I'm sorry to hear that she seemed a little too grown up to believable but I do have my reasons. All will be revealed...

Thank you for your review,