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Reviews For A Different Boy Who Lived by angelmorph

Thursday 8th October 2015 06:24
A Different Boy Who Lived
Too funny about Augusta. Methinks she was allowing her inner Slytherin to come out!
Thursday 8th October 2015 10:45A Different Boy Who Lived (Author Response)
Which part? Buying them the car, or getting out of answering Hermione's question?
Monday 20th November 2006 15:59
A Different Boy Who Lived
Yeah, a tiny Hermione would have been almost too much for ANYONE to take
Monday 20th November 2006 17:05A Different Boy Who Lived (Author Response)
Hmm... Harry and Neville seem to handle her quite well.
Sunday 1st October 2006 13:27
A Different Boy Who Lived
For someone so cross and disagreeable, Augusta was a relatively easy pushoever with Hermione . I guess Hermione is just too brilliant .
'all Muggles didn't like magic or wouldn't want to be magic and that's why they weren't witches or wizards' -- very interesting philosophy, might not be JKR but might just be right .
Sunday 1st October 2006 15:53A Different Boy Who Lived (Author Response)
Pushover? Not at all; she's just afraid...very afraid...

As for Hermione's conclusion, it's an interesting take on things, if a little over-simplistic...

Thanks for the review,
Saturday 30th September 2006 20:41
A Different Boy Who Lived
Heather Potter ... cute name. This was great, we got lots of information, and the story's moving along at a very nice rate. Hermione's gorgeous - "Almost as important as where babies come from ..." - so cute! I don't know why adults have so much trouble with that question, just tell them the truth!

Sunday 1st October 2006 13:14A Different Boy Who Lived (Author Response)
Thank you. I had a difficult time choosing a name for the newest Potter. I'm glad you're enjoying the pace, it shouldn't be letting up much in the coming chapters. Hermione is certainly fun to write. I shall be sad to let her go...

As for why parents have a difficult time with that question, I can only guess but a lot of it is probably due to the stigma that has surrounded the topic of reproduction and sexuality for ages. To top it off, it's diffiuclt to know how much is appropriate to explain to a child as young as they usually are when they ask. Where Hermione's parents are concerned, I assure you they spared her no details...

Thank for your review,