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Reviews For In the Name of the Father by Ladybug

Monday 18th August 2008 19:22
In the Name of the Father
Just breathtaking, again.
Monday 25th August 2008 05:45In the Name of the Father (Author Response)
And to hear from you again is just as rewarding as before, if not more so - thank you for being so generous in reviewing.
Saturday 29th December 2007 21:57
In the Name of the Father
That left me breathless. Beautiful job.
Monday 7th January 2008 19:52In the Name of the Father (Author Response)
Thank you so much, you don't know how much comments like this mean. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much.
Sunday 21st October 2007 16:09
In the Name of the Father
i love this!! it's so cute!!!!!
Sunday 18th March 2007 13:42
In the Name of the Father
So I was skimming through my reviews, trying to find this story I read a few years ago, and then I saw my first review for this, and decided to reread it.

It was just as touching and meaningful the second time around. You seamlessly move from POV to POV.
Monday 19th March 2007 02:34In the Name of the Father (Author Response)
Thanks so much, not only for re-reading, but for letting me know - it's such a thrill to get feedback and doubly so when a reviewer is kind enough to review twice. Thank you for your kind words, I'm so pleased you enjoyed it again.
Sunday 7th January 2007 05:24
In the Name of the Father
Oh, sweetness! I believe I have a tiny, happy-and-sad tear in my eye too, now. Great job!
Sunday 7th January 2007 19:45In the Name of the Father (Author Response)
That's so kind, thank you!
Thursday 30th November 2006 12:10
In the Name of the Father
I think your words were chosen perfectly. Really good...sad still, because we know the fates...but great none the less.
Friday 1st December 2006 06:38In the Name of the Father (Author Response)
Oh, thank you - yes, you understand perfectly. Thank you for your lovely review.
Saturday 28th October 2006 20:34
In the Name of the Father
Interesting... I like the different POV & reflections surrounding Harry's birth/christening. Think you got Lupin's mindset at that time pretty dead on. And then coming forward to present day, between Lupin & Sirius... interesting OotP missing moment.
Tuesday 31st October 2006 18:29In the Name of the Father (Author Response)
Thank you, especially for the Lupin comments - I think it's so tragic how he was suspected of the Potters' betrayal, and I wanted to give a hint as to how those suspicions might have arisen. I'm glad the OotP scene worked - I've never done a 'flash-forward' before. I'm sure Sirius was frustrated that Harry never used those two-way mirrors. Another tragic irony from JKR - she's so nice, isn't she?
St Margarets
Wednesday 25th October 2006 17:35
In the Name of the Father
Oh, that was an interesting story about Harry's name. I like the short scenes and how they were told from different POVs. They built up to a nice crescendo when Harry's full name was pronounced. I always found the renouncing of evil to be such powerful lines in the baptismal ceremony - and very interesting in light of the HP universe.
Tuesday 31st October 2006 18:13In the Name of the Father (Author Response)
Thank you, St Margarets, for your lovely review. Given that we already know Harry's full name, there wasn't going to be any surprise for the reader, but I'm so pelased that you felt the build-up to that moment. I wanted to add a little something - not just that Harry is named after his father, but that Sirius named him after James.

I always found the renouncing of evil to be such powerful lines in the baptismal ceremony - and very interesting in light of the HP universe.

Oh yes, as I started to think of the two together, the words became very pertinent, especially when thinking of Lily's sacrifice for her son - how he was 'rescued from death' - I could go on and on!

Thanks again for your lovely comments.
Tuesday 24th October 2006 15:58
In the Name of the Father
That was so sweet and sad at the same time. Good job!
Tuesday 31st October 2006 18:03In the Name of the Father (Author Response)
Thank you so much, I'm glad that balance came across.
Monday 23rd October 2006 11:22
In the Name of the Father
Stunning, beautiful work - thank you so much for sharing this. You weave the emotions wonderfully into the story. The use of "renouncing evil" was brilliant.

Just fantastic - I loved it. Bravo!
Tuesday 31st October 2006 17:49In the Name of the Father (Author Response)
Thank you for your generous and encouraging review, I appreciate it so much. Yes, the 'renouncing of evil' can exact a high price, can't it? But to succumb costs even more, as Womrtail has no doubt discovered. (I make it sound like they're real people - well, they are! Aren't they? )
Monday 23rd October 2006 10:52
In the Name of the Father
Chills! Oh this was excellent! So poignant, pointed, wonderful. I still have chills running down my spine five whole minutes after reading. Normally, chills go away after seconds. Just wonderful. Congrats!
Tuesday 31st October 2006 17:40In the Name of the Father (Author Response)
Thanks for your awesome review! You obviously 'got' everything I was trying to put across, the jealousies and insecurities, the hopes that came to naught, the suspicions and regrets - thank you so much for letting me know how it affected you.
Monday 23rd October 2006 06:23
In the Name of the Father
Oh, that was sooooooooo sweet! I loved the changes of POV and we saw what everyone was thinking. Interesting choice of annivesary, too - a Christening rather than a birthday. I loved your portrayal of the Marauders.
Great fic!
Tuesday 31st October 2006 17:32In the Name of the Father (Author Response)
Thanks, T! I know it was a little too sweet for your tastes. Glad you like the Marauders - I like to give Wormtail plenty of opportunities to show his jealousies and weaknesses - I'm mean that way.
Wednesday 18th October 2006 18:46
In the Name of the Father
:] Baby Harry Story! It was.. wow.

You did a great job! Love the decriptions and thought process.

Tuesday 31st October 2006 17:28In the Name of the Father (Author Response)
Thank you so much! I love the thought of baby Harry being surrounded by so many who love him, but when we know it's not a happy ending (for baby Harry), it makes it all the more precious.
Wednesday 18th October 2006 12:04
In the Name of the Father
Wow, this is...

Words fail me. Good job.
Tuesday 31st October 2006 17:21In the Name of the Father (Author Response)
Short, but very very sweet! I'm touched by your review - this is the sort of reaction that makes the writing of it so worthwhile. Thanks.
Tuesday 17th October 2006 13:49
In the Name of the Father
Beautiful! I believe you've captured each and every one of the characters perfectly. Good luck in the competition.
Monday 30th October 2006 22:10In the Name of the Father (Author Response)
That's a great compliment, thank you, I'm very pleased to have achieved that. Thanks for reading and taking the time to review.
Grandma Kate
Monday 16th October 2006 21:11
In the Name of the Father
Very moving, although at first I admit thinking of the tee shirt with the bear and the flowerpot that has "HAIRY POTTER" written on it.

James and Sirius have such a close bond.
Monday 30th October 2006 21:21In the Name of the Father (Author Response)
OK, it’s official – I do not get out enough! I have never heard of a teddy bear, with a flowerpot, called Hairy Potter on a t-shirt – but that is a very cute idea! Great minds must think alike, eh? Thank you for reviewing, you picked up one of the main themes I wanted to explore – the friendship between James and Sirius.
Monday 16th October 2006 19:53
In the Name of the Father
This was so sad- but in a good way. Bittersweet, to think of everything that might have been, if things were different. Sigh. The connection between Sirius and James towards the end was just so intense, and Remus' remorse... Fantastic!
Monday 30th October 2006 21:15In the Name of the Father (Author Response)
Thank you so much – that’s exactly what I was trying to convey, especially the bond between James and Sirius. The question occurred to me, ‘what if it were Sirius that named Harry after James?’ and I wanted to think about how their friendship was involved in that. You’re words are most encouraging, thank you.
Lorelei Lynn
Monday 16th October 2006 18:59
In the Name of the Father
Very good! I especially liked the way you had all of the characters ponder the words of the baptismal liturgy and come to different conclusions. Lovely and touching.
Monday 30th October 2006 20:28In the Name of the Father (Author Response)
Thank you! I think those words are very powerful (they’re not mine, by the way, they’re the genuine article) – I think they’re designed to draw a response from us. And I like exploring the Marauders in that era of suspicion and betrayal, imagining how they fell into the mess they did. Thanks again, I’m so pleased by your kind review.
Monday 16th October 2006 16:21
In the Name of the Father
Ugh, Wormtail naming Harry .
Nice christening service. Good story.
Monday 30th October 2006 19:42In the Name of the Father (Author Response)
Hehehe, I love that little angry guy in your review! I take perverted pleasure in giving Wormtail nice things to do – it makes him more creepy that way. Thanks for the thumbs up! I really appreciate it.