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Reviews For Swamp Day by Ladybug

Friday 10th June 2011 04:04
Swamp Day
Nice....Beautiful & wonderful point made too.... all authors deserve applaud for effort ... few earn them like YOU
Monday 26th November 2007 15:20
Swamp Day
This was quite amusing. In light of Fred's demise in DH , this would be such a great tribute to him.
Monday 26th November 2007 19:40Swamp Day (Author Response)
Oh, I know! I had no clue that the twins wouldn't be around together forever! Thanks for reviewing - it's a great treat!
Sunday 21st October 2007 16:17
Swamp Day
lol I love this! especially the ending!!
Thursday 30th August 2007 15:55
Swamp Day
Well done. A little bittersweet to read now, with Fred gone.
Thursday 30th August 2007 21:02Swamp Day (Author Response)
Thank you. I hope Swamp Day can indeed become a fitting tribute to Fred's memory.
Saturday 30th June 2007 11:33
Swamp Day
a day full of pranks have to love it, thanks fo this great story.
Saturday 30th June 2007 21:49Swamp Day (Author Response)
And thanks for the tumbs up! Glad you loved it.
Thursday 30th November 2006 11:16
Swamp Day
I loved this story...especially since Ron, Fred and George are my most favorite characters! Great job, funny and enjoyable.
Friday 1st December 2006 06:43Swamp Day (Author Response)
Oh lovely! I'm glad to have done your favourites justice, they deserve a bit of fun and recognition. Thank you for reading and reviewing.
Sunday 29th October 2006 23:51
Swamp Day
Fantastic!!! I loved it! I loved that YOU wrote it! The best first line ever!! Bravo!! Bravo. A big hug to you.
Monday 30th October 2006 04:59Swamp Day (Author Response)
Oh! Thank you, thank you, I adore hugs! I'm tickled pink with your review - I was hoping to surprise a few people with this one. And I send a big hug to my fantastic beta Tante who managed to weave her magic in such a short time so this actually made it into the challenge by the skin of its teeth! I'm glad you liked - it was a total blast to write, even if I did it far too quickly with not nearly enough refining time.
But most of all, congratulations to you for your very well deserved recognition - there was such a high standard of stories, it's an honour to be amongst them.
Sunday 29th October 2006 18:18
Swamp Day
Oh my god this may be the cutest most amazing FF I have ever read. I was actually chuckling to myself at my computer. Its a fabulous and feasable idea and everyone seemed very in character. Wonderful awesome work!
Monday 30th October 2006 05:05Swamp Day (Author Response)
Thank you so much! The idea is the result of one of those wonderful moments of inspiration that comes along all too rarely. I had great fun writing it. Thanks for your review, it's such a buzz!
St Margarets
Wednesday 25th October 2006 17:46
Swamp Day
LOL. Now this is an anniversary Hogwarts should adapt. I love the songs and the new "traditions" you invented. What fun.
Monday 30th October 2006 05:22Swamp Day (Author Response)
Hehe! Thanks so much, that was completely my aim - to have some fun with it. I'm so delighted by the response. I have thank my pre-beta for demanding I write a better song - you should have seen the first attempt - it was beyond LAME!
Tuesday 24th October 2006 16:09
Swamp Day
What a great idea! I've never seen anyone really make a anniversary day commemorating something the twins did. I loved the new song and the way the students found to celebrate. Good job! Good luck with the competition.
Monday 30th October 2006 05:28Swamp Day (Author Response)
You know, I was flipping through OotP the week before the Challenge closed (as you do!) and I just saw the twins flying off into the sunset after escaping Umbridge's clutches and thought to myself - now this is worth an anniversary!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Thanks heaps for your review.
Monday 23rd October 2006 06:37
Swamp Day
Fantastic!! What fun! What ingeniousness! I'm still wiping my eyes from the tears of hilarity. My fave parts: High-Jinx Instigator, perhaps she'll DIE, and Filch.

I loved the concept - 99% fluff-free! Great ideas all through.

*sings* Weasley is our King! How ever did you come up with that?
You've got my vote!!
Monday 30th October 2006 05:39Swamp Day (Author Response)
THANK YOU, for your 20min pre-beta turn-around and for making me fix the song - couldn't have done it without you! Hey, but those other ideas were all my own!
Friday 20th October 2006 21:16
Swamp Day
This story is so good I read it twice to see what I'd missed the first time! My two favorite parts are the hilarious Educational Decree and your original version of "Weasley is Our King".
Monday 30th October 2006 05:49Swamp Day (Author Response)
Oooh, you're too kind! I just loved the chance to have a dig at Umbridge and prolong her misery into eternity! I'm so glad you enjoyed it, it was great fun to put it together, though I must admit to having a bit of help with the song. Thanks so much for your review.
Tuesday 17th October 2006 14:03
Swamp Day
This was a fun read. Good luck in the competition!
Monday 30th October 2006 05:52Swamp Day (Author Response)
Thank you! I really needed to write a bit of fun and silliness after my last couple of stories. I'm glad it was fun to read, too!
Tuesday 17th October 2006 12:34
Swamp Day
Monday 30th October 2006 05:54Swamp Day (Author Response)
Thank you, pleased you enjoyed it.
Tuesday 17th October 2006 10:02
Swamp Day
Very, very nicely done. Most excellent. Bloody Brilliant. (what more can I say). I say, Well done!
Monday 30th October 2006 05:58Swamp Day (Author Response)
Hehehe! Thanks for you bloody brilliant review, I love it! Thanks so much.
Grandma Kate
Tuesday 17th October 2006 09:45
Swamp Day
Swamp Day- what a good idea.
Monday 30th October 2006 06:04Swamp Day (Author Response)
Thanks! Personally, I think we should institute Swamp Day immediately. Glad you like it.
Tuesday 17th October 2006 08:24
Swamp Day
I do believe I now have a new firm favourite short fan-fiction. It's true, some days do deserve to be remembered, and you've caught the with this one.
Monday 30th October 2006 06:15Swamp Day (Author Response)
Oh, I am so stoked that you liked it so much! I feel like I've won the Quidditch Cup! Thanks for reviewing, I appreciate it so much.
Tuesday 17th October 2006 03:48
Swamp Day
Ooh .. this is going to be a tough decision to make ...

I love the idea, and the title ... Hogwarts High-Jinx Instigator!
Monday 30th October 2006 06:27Swamp Day (Author Response)
Hehehe - one of those flashes of inspiration gave me Harry's title! So glad you enjoyed it. I'm so excited by the response, I had great fun writing it.
Monday 16th October 2006 17:28
Swamp Day
That was brilliant - I laughed out loud.
Monday 30th October 2006 06:33Swamp Day (Author Response)
Great! That's exactly the response I was hoping for. Thanks for your review.
Monday 16th October 2006 16:54
Swamp Day
This was a great idea and so much fun.
Monday 30th October 2006 06:36Swamp Day (Author Response)
Thank you! It was a last minute entry because I suddenly got hit by the idea and just knew it had to be shared! I'm glad the fun came across, it was certainly fun to write.
Monday 16th October 2006 15:24
Swamp Day
Now this was a fun work of fiction. I especially like Harry's title of Hogwarts High-Jinx Instigator.

Monday 30th October 2006 06:49Swamp Day (Author Response)
Yay! That's my favourite - Harry's title. Sometimes a great idea strikes you in such a way that you can't really take the credit for it. It just popped into my head. Thanks for your review, I'm so glad you liked it.