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Reviews For The Coven of Echoes by hwimsey

Friday 20th February 2009 09:57
The Coven of Echoes
Good going Harry!!!
Thursday 4th September 2008 21:51
The Coven of Echoes
hehe i love this story
cant wait to read it again!
Thursday 1st November 2007 16:27
The Coven of Echoes
What a jerk. I was wondering if Harry was going to coming and knock that jerk on his A**. Good for Harry.
Monday 8th October 2007 05:22
The Coven of Echoes
Wow, your Harry makes quite an entrance. It was entirely necessary in this chapter, though. You'd be hard pressed to come up with a more dislikeable "good guy" than your Mr. Areids.

But besides the obviously sour taste, I'm not sure what to make of your new auror. Normally the early introduction of Americans into fics raises red flags for me about cliched characters and cliched plot lines, but I very much appreciated the international political tension you used to frame his presence. That's definitely not cliched, and it's something I'm hoping you might develop more. Plus, if Areid's going to become a significant character, the dialogue between him and his "colleagues" could be quite entertaining.

Another thing Areid let you do was tell us a lot about the Coven ... without really telling much of anything. My first reaction to his story was Why is she giving so much away so soon?, but as I think about it, all you've really is done eliminated the first step from the mystery. Perhaps the purist in me would liked to have seen Harry, Ron and Tonks have to figure out who they were dealing with from scratch after the Chapter 1 incident, but I'm sure you've got your purposes and there's plenty of intriguing mystery left in the whats and whys of the Coven -- not to mention the question of how the heck Voldemort ties in. So there's definitely plenty here to keep me thinking. I look forward to seeing what you do with it.

Another major plus for me from this? Ginny as headline fodder for the tabloids. I'm a journalist (or at least I pretend to be when I'm at work), and sad as is, the idea of the girlfriend of a celebrity being made into an infamous figure is all too realistic. But it does make me wonder how deep a rift you've put in between Harry and Ginny.

So anyway, I've rambled enough for now. Thanks for all your hard work!
Wednesday 3rd October 2007 19:50
The Coven of Echoes
love the ending
Thursday 20th September 2007 03:16
The Coven of Echoes
so badass
Friday 6th July 2007 14:42
The Coven of Echoes
Bwahaha! Great chapter. I'm a bit confused about the American, though- he's very in character, but his interactions with Ron and Tonks are very odd.
Sunday 10th June 2007 11:25
The Coven of Echoes
wow! i do think that it is kinda funny that Americans are written to be @$$holes! however i do have to admit that i fit the "typical" description that you used. what can i say though, i am hooked thus far!!
Wednesday 30th May 2007 13:02
The Coven of Echoes
An arrogant American Jerk, you wouldn't be British would you? Just kidding. This is great fun so matter what. I like the whole good cops, bad cops thing, but doubt that Ron would let anyone treat Ginny that way. And Tonks, as the Senior Auror, would exert her athority over somoe who is a guest in her country. And of course once the American started in on her, you knew Harry was going to show up some time soon. I was glad to have him show up, but think Ginny is going to be a bit ticked at him for 'Saving' her. I myself would have prefered to have Ginny put him in his place, and Harry merley say, "I was wondering how long that would take."

Still, I really like what you are building here. Keep it coming, and I'm off to the next chapter.
Monday 21st May 2007 15:32
The Coven of Echoes
Well you certainly know how to make a reader's blood boil - with Areids, that is.

Harry's entrance here is absolutely awesome!
Tuesday 23rd January 2007 14:59
The Coven of Echoes
Woo Hoo! And there's Harry! Love his entrance, too. Areids is SUCH an obnoxious man - although I love all the Massachusetts references since that's where I live, lol. Two chapters in, and I'm hooked!
Sunday 28th January 2007 21:53The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Wonderful that you are from Mass! It is a beautiful part of the country (well, most of it .

I'm glad you liked Harry's entrance -- and I'm thrilled that you are hooked!

Take care,
Thursday 11th January 2007 21:31
The Coven of Echoes
I really liked this chapter because it was so informative and brought most of the good guys together. Areids certainly showed himself to be an utter boor and it was a real pleasure to see Harry bring him to his knees. The story of the Coven is really scary and you have setup a first class mystery environment about this horrific group. We also learned a little bit about Harry and Ginny's past but there is still alot more to reveal.
Tuesday 16th January 2007 14:41The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Thank you. Yes, I tried to write the backstory without it living too long in narrative. Areids is an interesting character to be sure. & 's past seems to be driving people crazy -- I'm sorry, but I don't mean to!

Thanks again for the review!
girl from ipanema
Sunday 19th November 2006 13:05
The Coven of Echoes
There is an author in Potter fandom, whose name is Emily North, who has put these words in Ron's mouth: "Angry Hermione could make Gryffindor himself run for cover, but angry Harry could make a Hungarian Horntail run and hide."
Oh, my! I do believe I have spotted a flock of Hungarians Horntails making a strategic retreat at the end of this chapter I look forward to falling towels...
Sunday 19th November 2006 14:42The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hello!!!! How are you!

I laughed myself silly with your 'falling towels' comment. No, I haven't forgotten. You are the greatest! I tell you what, I'll see what I can do -- but we're going to have to go thru the desert to get to the promised land. I mean, if that towel is going to fall, it's gotta earn the right to fall, and then fall with gusto.

It was wonderful to hear from you! Thanks for the chuckles!

Thursday 16th November 2006 16:00
The Coven of Echoes
That was really amazing. I loved it. Fantastic job. I'm really curious as to know the exact reasons Harry and Ginny broke up, it seems to me like he is still very protective which is always a good thing. Haha. I loved how Harry saved the day. Fantastic. You can always count on Harry. Love him! I can't wait for the next chapter update when you can!!
Friday 17th November 2006 00:15The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
What a great username -- I love it!

Thanks for the kind words, I'm touched. Yes, Harry is protective despite ...... hmmmm, better wait till the next chapter!

Thanks again for such a wonderful review.

Thursday 16th November 2006 08:54
The Coven of Echoes
Bloody brilliant! Great chapter and I look forward to the back story to know what happened with H/G...looking forward to the next update!
Friday 17th November 2006 00:13The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hello hedwig

Thank you so much for your two reviews. I thrilled you're enjoying the story. Backstory is coming in the next chapter. Let me know how you like it.

Wednesday 15th November 2006 13:29
The Coven of Echoes
I'm really enjoying this story. Very atmospheric and the characterisations are great.
I loved the banter and closeness between Ginny and the other healers; the sense that they know each other so well was very realistically portrayed. Exactly how I'm sure they would be.

I also thought Ginny's emotional reaction to Ron was spot on - she's glad to see him but has this undercurrent of guilt that it's been so long, that she's living her life away from her family. There is a real sense with all the characters that they have been through so much, and are very strong, but still only just coping.
And Harry's entrance at the end - great! Can't wait to find out what he's doing there, and why he steps in. You know you are killing us to know what happened between H & G.
As for Areids, I gather from his character that you are showing that in the wizarding world there is a insular ignorance between wizarding societies, and he clearly has no real knowledge of what went on in the first war. As a Brit I thought this was interesting, and the reaction of the others to him was very realistic. Can't wait to find out about the Coven of Echoes, sounds very "secret society".
I'm counting down the days to the next update. Thank very much for a good read.
Wednesday 15th November 2006 14:24The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Dear leiselily,

I must say, I truly enjoyed your review. You have to be a writer yourself. I live for reviews like this. I'm so glad you "got" everything I tried to write -- forgive my wretched English!

This chapter was all about "coming to." Especially in regards to emotions.
I'm glad as a Brit you can understand Areids. I think his attitude points to his arrogance -- he hasn't bothered to study other wizarding societies. I find this in the US often. Most of us honestly couldn't tell you much of anything going on politically in Europe.

I would be honored if you'd continue reading and reviewing. Thanks again for your kind words.

Tuesday 14th November 2006 22:24
The Coven of Echoes
An excellent story with tons of potential! I can't wait for more. Keep the updates coming!
Wednesday 15th November 2006 14:18The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Can do! Thanks for the kind review.

Tuesday 14th November 2006 20:33
The Coven of Echoes
Gah!!!!! As I'm sure you've noticed, oh well, actually, I don't know if you have, hmmm...well anyway, if you've noticed or not, at PS there is a terribly addictive story called Cursed. well the lovely Myth, poor dear, has gone on hiatus and this is JUST WHAT WE NEED!!!! Oh you are the antidote to my withdrawal poison. Please please PLEASE don't go on a break too! lol. this is just so FABULOUS!! If (and dear lord WHEN) Cursed returns, I will still be as faithful as ever to this lovely adventure. So thank you. oh yes, and my favorite line? well, it wasn't exactly in the story, per se...

"What's life without a little romance." Or in this case, lust. "

Ga!! Oo my heart is pounding....that, and

"Healer Weasley knew the man who killed him. Quite intimately. "

Woo hoo!!!

Wednesday 15th November 2006 14:17The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Oh, Delani. I was laughing for a solid minute after reading your review.

First, thank you so for your lovely words. I'm thrilled you're enjoying the story and that I'm providing an antidote for withdrawal poison.

Second, I love Myth. Both her writing and the writer herself. I keep telling her that it isn't fair. Such talented people cannot be kind, funny and warm individuals. If you read her reviews, you'll see my name often. I, too, am suffering.

Please keep stopping by. I'd love to hear how you're enjoying this tale going forward. Plus, you make me smile with such reviews!

Cheers and woo hoo back at ya,
Connor Landon
Tuesday 14th November 2006 20:10
The Coven of Echoes
Ohmygosh. Once again, very awesome job. The story is becoming more detailed and intricate, which I love. Hate the cliffie, though.
Wednesday 15th November 2006 14:12The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hi Connor -- how are you doing? Thanks for stopping by again and thank you for the lovely review. Yes, I love detailed intricate plots myself. And this is going to get more detailed as we go.

Sorry about the cliffie. But how will I get you to come back for more?

Tuesday 14th November 2006 18:04
The Coven of Echoes
Whew! I had to come back and read it a second time. I do that with all the stories that I LOVE!

You didn't back down on this chapter either, did you? The tension remains throughout the whole thing. The behavior of the American Auror was beyond rude. I know I told you this before, but I am hoping that Ginny can retaliate someday. Only, I don't think just a Bat Bogey Hex will do it for me. You know, she is the Weasley Twins' sister with extensive potion knowledge. That is all I will say.

I loved the tension of the ending and how Ginny just knew that Harry was there. His whole nonverbal behavior was very telling, and I can't wait to learn what has happened between the two of them. Harry's response to the American Auror was also very telling. I think I will enjoy reading about the further interaction between the two.

Can't wait for the next chapter.

(This is me waiting patiently.)
Wednesday 15th November 2006 14:10The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hello dearest you,

Your choice of icons cracks me up. I love the bat one.

The next chapter is backstory and a breather. But you know all about Ch. 4
having supplied so many of the spells.

Ah, I'd like to tell you, but I'd have to kill you.

You're the best,
Tuesday 14th November 2006 16:43
The Coven of Echoes
Great finish to this chapter .. I only hope you continue to grace us with updates! This is definitely one of the best stories after reading only two chapters ever! Keep it up!
Wednesday 15th November 2006 14:07The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Thank you Bagelz. Yes, I plan on being a regular updater if that helps!
Thanks for taking the time to review -- it means the world.

Grandma Kate
Tuesday 14th November 2006 15:18
The Coven of Echoes
Wowie! This story packs a punch. The descriptions are so intense. The plot has twisted and turned and Ginny's emotions are out front and raw. Harry is just right for this story.

Ten days is a long time but you make it worthwhile to wait.
Wednesday 15th November 2006 14:06The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hello Grandma Kate! How are you? Thanks for stopping by again and I'm thrilled you're enjoying the story. Sorry about the ten days, but I love my beta, iviolinist and this posting schedule works well for both of us.

I'm glad you liked Harry. So did I.

Take good care,
Tuesday 14th November 2006 13:32
The Coven of Echoes
Oh my God but this is excellent. I never say this, but I can,t wait for more. Gigi.
Wednesday 15th November 2006 14:03The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Thank you Gigi! I'm honored. I'd love to keep hearing from you. Please come say hello again in 10 days.

Thanks again!
Tuesday 14th November 2006 10:42
The Coven of Echoes
Well, Ginny’s head wasn’t the only one spinning from hitting the floor, as mine still was after reading chapter one. This is a ‘most excellent’ continuation to your story.

Establishing the physiological state that Ginny is in upon regaining consciousness helped me feel a sense of bewilderment and embarrassment, which I’m sure anyone would feel under similar circumstances. The act of Healer Virden doing his best to put her at ease and gain a sense of balance through their repartee gave insight into the depth of their relationship.

I really appreciate the continued snippets into Ginny’s background in this story. The tidbit about the tabloids is intriguing. The playfulness with Ron yet the distance from her family is helping solidify her character in this tale. Most importantly though, the way she bristles when pressed by the Arrogant American Auror.

The interview/interrogation scene has a very tense quality to it and you did a great job of building that tension toward anger and an expectant release. The accusations, the patronization and the physical throat grab (nice touch btw) gives background and insight into Areids motivations and obvious frustration with his whole investigation.

Harry’s harsh intervention is curious based on what we have so far. There will always be a soft spot in his heart for any Weasley, I’m sure. Perhaps the lack of courtesy being extended to someone who earned it during the previous war stoked his fire. Maybe he doesn’t like Americans for their lack of involvement. Or, is it something else? (*hmmm)

Like Oliver, “I’d like… some more.”

~Absolutely Splendid!
Tuesday 14th November 2006 13:16The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
My dear you,

Please pick up that most excellent head of yours, it is much better on your shoulders! Remember your manners (independent of the head on the floor) you must thank iviolinist if your fiendish plan of hurrying the updates will ever work. And just to let you know, they won't.

This chapter was all about 'Coming To' in a way. We needed to layout a bit of backstory as well as introduce Areids, who tends to step on more toes than not. I wanted to build up tension in the same way a person comes to awareness when they wake up.

Good catch about Areids frustration. He is frustrated. Why?

Harry's intervention was a pivotal point of the scene. We know that he and Ginny have had a relationship and it has ended. From his reaction, it didn't end well. Now that's all I'm saying.

"No gruel for you. You must wait 10 days. Go pick a pocket or two."

And you are, absolutely splendid.

Tuesday 14th November 2006 10:00
The Coven of Echoes
Just a quick followup to my first review:

"By the time his owl reached us, the Auror was dead. Strangled to death. A note was left on the body telling us to abandon our efforts and apologized for the death. I liked that touch," he added bitterly. "Murdering with style."

I just realized what this statement reminds me of. "The Others" on Lost. They appear brutal and animalistic at times and then turn on a dime and seem very civilized and enlightened. Creeeepy!

Also, maybe I didn't read closely enough, but I didn't hate Areids as much as everyone else seemed to. I didn't necessarily like him, but I did like the way he went nose to nose with Ginny. He is an outsider, not part of the "Old Guard", and doesn't defer to anyone. I sometimes think Ginny gets too much royal treatment--or expects it--and maybe rightfully so, but it's also good for someone to remind her that the entire wizarding world doesn't revolve around her. Hope I'm not out of line in saying that! I do still think he took it a little far and that Harry's entrance was fantastic!
Tuesday 14th November 2006 12:55The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hello meddymo,

You are turning into one of my favorite readers. You are too smart by half.
While I've never seen an episode of Lost, you're instincts aren't far off.

I also like your thinking about Areids. We shouldn't like him, but he is in driven. Why? Hmmmmm.

I must thank kelleypen who reviewed the beginning ch's for Harry's choice of adjective in his entrance. And this story has been loved by an incredible beta, iviolinist, whom I'm indebted to.

Please keep stopping by. I love the way your mind works!

And thanks for the loveley reviews!

Monday 13th November 2006 21:47
The Coven of Echoes
Woohoo! Three cheers for Harry Potter, boy-who-beat-the--out-of-annoying-American-guy!

Sheesh, almost makes me ashamed to be a Yank. Ah well. We may not have given birth to Harry Potter or Bertie Wooster, but House M.D. is completely ours.

I was going to name a good American writer but I'm not certain if I can name any without naming a British or Australian etc one by mistake. Lessee....Anne McCaffrey. Tamora Pierce. I think they're American. Stephen King and Dean Koontz for sure...Edgar Allen Poe...

Ok, wait. Really got off on a tangent there. Great chapter, really exciting. (Coven of Echoes, huh? Fascinating) And still your characterization floors me. Three sentences and already I'm in love with your Harry. And Ginny is just perfect.

Smiling widely and waiting (sort of) patiently for an update,
Tuesday 14th November 2006 13:04The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Oh Wooster. You can't leave a review like that while I'm drinking hot tea. I will injure myself.

Listen, I'm a Yank too. A New Jersey/NYC Yank so I'm railing against the home team! I fell off my chair with the House M.D. crack. Except isn't the actor British???

Only you would know that is was 3 sentences - you're wonderful. Must give kelleypen a hand for altering my choice of adjective there.

And my beta, iviolinist continues to work her magic. So if you like the story, you need to thank her, too!

A hug to your patient self,
Monday 13th November 2006 21:02
The Coven of Echoes
Dang, Harry is such a BA.

I think you pulled off Arieds' pompous attitude quite nicely. Enough to make me want to punch him in the face, but still realistic. Well done!

Cannot wait for the next chapter
Tuesday 14th November 2006 12:58The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
I actually cackled while reading your review. BA he is!

Thanks for the kudos about Areids - he is someone you love to hate.

And thanks for taking the time to review - means so much.

Monday 13th November 2006 20:04
The Coven of Echoes
I was so glad when I saw that this story had been updated. Another fantastic chapter. There was less imagry in this one than the last, but I think that is completely appropriate. The important thing here was dialogue and you have such a talent for writing compelling dialogue. I like that you've introduced a foreigner. It's a great idea to show international cooperation (however strained it might be) in the wizarding world, just like there would be in anything else.

And I love bringing Harry in at the last as a cliff hanger! I hope this means we can look forward to some back story coming up. I am so intrigued by this story that I am eager to see what has gotten us to this point.

Great job once again! I do so love reading your stuff! I anxiously await chapter 3....
Monday 13th November 2006 18:34
The Coven of Echoes
Oh ho! Take that you nasty American. Really, guys like Aerids give the rest of us a bad name. He deserved whatever Harry did to him!

Good job on everything else, too. Very well written piece.
Tuesday 14th November 2006 12:49The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hello Kamalia,

LOL about our American. To set the record straight, I am an American. In fact, I lived in and near NYC for many years -- I'm just channeling memories of some folks. Most people in NYC are incredible, it just takes a while to warm up to them.

Thanks again for your lovely review.

Monday 13th November 2006 17:46
The Coven of Echoes have not let up at all! The first chapter was terrific...this one beats it. I like a dangerous Harry. Too cool for words. Now I have to wait out the next chapter. Grr...hope you post if fast.
Tuesday 14th November 2006 12:46The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hi girlspell! How are you doing?

Thanks for your review. What a boost! Dangerous Harry - you've hit the nail on the head with that one. He's definitely grown up a bit.

10 days and next chapter - promise.

Thanks again! Stop by LJ were dishing about Christmas!
Felix Felicis
Monday 13th November 2006 17:27
The Coven of Echoes
My goodness! What an intense chapter. I mean that in the very best way, of course! You sure have a knack for expressing characters, especially new ones. That's a great skill. You somehow manage to introduce new characters with a perfect mix of dialogue and narration, and at the same time you only show us enough to get through the scene. That way there's still the mystery of who that person really is.

I have to say I was surprised Ginny held out for so long. I really thought she was going to give Areids what he deserved. In fact, I was about ready to reach through my monitor and whack the guy upside the head (being, of course, invincible from outside my computer). I just wanted to say "Don't you know who you're talking to!" And then Harry comes and saves the day. Naturally. Excellent, as usual! I can't wait for the next! Chapter eight done already? (Sorry, is using info from beta email considered cheating?)

P.S. I nearly murdered my computer right now. I hit the 'review' button and it said I wasn't logged in. So I logged in... and my review was gone! Fortunately I hit 'back' a few times and there it was again! Whew.
Tuesday 14th November 2006 12:44The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hello F.F.! How are you?

LOL about Ginny. I can picture you screaming at the monitor. Everyone is rather British in that scene (with the exception of Areids). They keep themselves in check. But when the line is crossed, bam!

I'm sorry about your computer. That has happened to me before. Makes me wish for a wand!

And yes, sneaky, I've written thru 9 as we speak. Ten is turning out to be one of my favorite ch's -- years of pent up magical imaginings.

Thanks again for being you and making me feel wonderful.

I must thank kelleypen who betaed the early ch's and provided me with Harry's choice of adjective. And iviolinist who helps me in a million ways.

Monday 13th November 2006 17:12
The Coven of Echoes
Wow, real nice I dohope we couldreadsoon the update, read whats behind all the Harry/Ginny history.

Great story!!
Tuesday 14th November 2006 12:37The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Thank you luka - we'll try to update every 10 days. And backstory is coming, not to worry! Thanks again.

Monday 13th November 2006 16:01
The Coven of Echoes
Very nice. This is so exciting, I can't wait ti find out what happens next. Good job!
Tuesday 14th November 2006 12:36The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Thank you for such a lovely review. We will update soon!
Monday 13th November 2006 15:17
The Coven of Echoes
Oh wow. Harry to the rescue. And I don't like Auror Areids. He is a pratty . Gosh. Very good chapter. Kept me on the edge of my seat...fights can do that. haha. Even if it was verbally.
Tuesday 14th November 2006 12:35The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hello and welcome back!
Yes, Areids has a way of getting under people's skin. I'm glad you were on the edge of your seat -- I too like verbal fights, the inner turmoil just builds and builds then - bam!

Thanks for taking the time to review.

Monday 13th November 2006 13:45
The Coven of Echoes
Can't wait for the next chapter. Brilliant writing...

Tuesday 14th November 2006 01:00The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hello Trey!

Thanks for the kind review. We'll update soon!

Monday 13th November 2006 12:39
The Coven of Echoes
Garsh, that was another horrible cliffhanger!! I really want to see more of how Harry and Ginny act around each other. I mean, I know it's a mystery but does everything have to be so...mysterious?? Heh. Oh, that stupid Auror was so annoying! But that made the ending all the more wonderful. Really, it was so tense! And Harry's quite scary, isn't he? Anyway. Sorry. I'm still just as hooked, probably more so, and do we HAVE to wait the whole TEN DAYS until an update?? I don't think we'd all survive the suspense.
I really liked Ron by the way. He seemed appropriately aged, still in character but not unrealistically the same person. I like Ginny, too. I really can't wait until we get further into this story.
Tuesday 14th November 2006 00:59The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hi Basketkiwi!

Backstory is coming -- next chapter, not to worry. LOL about the mystery - that's the problem with them!

I'd like to think Harry is being a grown up Harry -- hopefully not as scary as intimidating. But if I were Arieds, I think I would be scared.

Thanks for the heads up about Ron. He is a difficult character to age appropriately as he provides a good deal of my comic relief.

Sorry about the ten days, but I am very protective of my beloved beta, iviolinist who has been invaluable in this process.

Thanks again for your kindness. Please keep with us. It's wonderful to know you're out there reading!

Monday 13th November 2006 12:36
The Coven of Echoes
I'd offer a "squee" and a "ooo", but those would probably get snagged by the review filter... So I'll quietly jump for joy and pull my hair out at the same time

I love the interrogation with Areids. Almost a "good cop, bad cop" type of sarcasm, but we seem to be missing the "good cop" And Ginny's mental comment about "quacks" (muggle docs) and ducks was too funny. I've often wondered that myself.

Deeper down the rabbit hole we go! This Coven of Echoes sounds interesting enough, more so "Mafioso" or KGB than Death Eaters. Killing with style indeed.

We get backstory with Ginny and Harry next chapter! YAY! Can't wait to see that!
Tuesday 14th November 2006 00:54The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hello you!!

You are a sweetheart. LOL about the good cop/bad cop.

One of my favorite sayings: down into the rabbit hole. How did you know that?? Excellent catch about the Coven. How did you get to be so smart??

Yes, backstory is coming! Next chapter. Not all, but quite a bit.

Thanks for such a great review. You're wonderful.


Monday 13th November 2006 11:46
The Coven of Echoes
You're mean with your endings, very very mean.

You managed to create a very hateble (is that a word?) character, that allows also to have exposition of background stories in quite a nice way.

Nice touch to have Ginny and Harry meeting each other again and him playing semi-hero right away again.

I hope to read an update soon, not only because of that mean chapter ending. And I really hope you can keep that level of writing thoughout your story.
Tuesday 14th November 2006 00:48The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hello again!

I'm sorry. I don't mean to be mean but I have to find a way to have you come back for more!

And from your lips to God's ears about the level of writing. While I don't think I can keep up this level of intensity (it wouldn't be fair to the reader, they need to exhale) I will strive to keep up the quality.

Thanks again and take good care,
Monday 13th November 2006 11:00
The Coven of Echoes
I have a feeling I'm really going to love Harry in this fic. Wonderful entrance of his there.

Can't wait for more!
Tuesday 14th November 2006 00:44The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)

Oh, I hope you like him. I enjoyed writing him. Must have an entrance for our boy! Will update soon.

Thanks again and take care,
Monday 13th November 2006 10:50
The Coven of Echoes
I loved that chapter! it was so good! I loved the ending with Harry teaching that horrible man a lesson he needed to learn. I can't wait to read the next chapter when it's posted. ~HiJane_2
Tuesday 14th November 2006 00:42The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)

Thank you for the kind review. I'm glad you liked the ending - so did I!
Our boy Harry has manners!

Take good care and thanks again,
Monday 13th November 2006 09:21
The Coven of Echoes
Hahaha! For a second I thought Areids was Harry in disguise, but then he started to be a prat...great way of introducing Harry, by the way. Good story!
Tuesday 14th November 2006 00:40The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Oh my goodness. I stared at your review for a solid minute. Way, way, back when I actually was playing around with this plot line! Great minds, right? Thanks for reviewing!

Monday 13th November 2006 08:17
The Coven of Echoes
This is a great mystery. I like the flow and the difference from all the other fan fic that I've read. It'll be great to finish reading this story. And you're right, what's life without a little romance? Are you going to post weekly? Hope so!
Tuesday 14th November 2006 00:39The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hi daisymom!

Thank you for your kindness. Yes, it's different from what I've written before - and I'm flattered that you like the flow. That's so important in these types of stories.

We (my glorious beta, iviolinist and I) are planning updating every 10 days. That way we can make sure we hit our deadlines.

Thanks again - romance is great, isn't it

Take care,
Monday 13th November 2006 08:14
The Coven of Echoes
Whoa, dramatic appearance from Harry there.

Okay, things are definitely not cheery, but looking up. From the first chapter I was positively afraid that Ginny was more or less the only survivor of the war, but it seems there are a few more left.

Now I'd like to know what went wrong between Harry and Ginny.
Tuesday 14th November 2006 00:34The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hello critmo!

Yes, things are looking up. Oh pity the thought that only Ginny would survive. Then I'd have to write something rather sci fi. Everyone (almost) has made it through.

Next chapter should cast some light on our pair. Hope it helps.

Take care,
Monday 13th November 2006 07:46
The Coven of Echoes
'What ducks and Muggle Healers had in common she had no idea' --
'It tastes like bat dung.' -- Is that a common potion ingredient? And how is Ginny so familiar with the taste? (I know ,its just an expression).
Oh, I really don't like Mr. Areids (but you intend that, don't you? ). At least Harry taught him a bit of manners.
Tuesday 14th November 2006 00:32The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hello you!!
Thanks for the review! Ah, bat dung - what a visual it paints, don't you think? Can't you imagine bored Healers in organic potions saying, "I dare you, drink it!"

Our Mr. Arieds has made no friends, nor should he. Yes, our boy Harry is well mannered, in a rather persuasive way.

Take care,
Monday 13th November 2006 07:38
The Coven of Echoes
Very much looking forward to the next chapter. I haven't read anything this intense on PS in a long time. I really enjoyed reading it....had my heart pounding at every turn...

And your American Auror is an ! Perfect! The way Harry made his entrance was brilliant! I'd like to know soon why they are separated...what happened to them? What was the scandel? And most importantly, how and when will it be resolved for them to be together again?

Tuesday 14th November 2006 00:28The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hello lvlupin!
Thanks so much for the kind review. I'm glad you're enjoying it. Please keep with us and let me know how you like the story going forward.

Ah, the American - people love to hate him, I fear. Don't worry, the next chapter is full of backstory and should help (a little

thanks again for taking the time - means the world.
Monday 13th November 2006 06:34
The Coven of Echoes
Ooh! That was the best! I loved the ending. Gosh, I can't wait for more! Wonderful job on this chapter.
Tuesday 14th November 2006 14:47The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Thank you so much! I must give credit where credit is due. Kelleypen altered by choice of adjectives in the ending and it made a world of difference!

Thanks for taking the time to review -- makes me feel wonderful.

Monday 13th November 2006 05:04
The Coven of Echoes
Oooh, I would have Bat-Bogeyed Areids to heck and back again for saying less than he did. What an .

The Coven of Echoes sounds really sinister. What's the code that they're protecting and what does it have to do with Ginny?

And how come I get the feeling that Ginny's not going to like it that Harry stood up for her? Why are they apart? What happened? What scandal are we talking about? Aargh!

How many chapters do you have? Now I want an update soon. Ten days is way too long, you know.

Tuesday 14th November 2006 14:46The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hello cwarbeck!!

So many questions!! You are quite sharp with your line of questioning though. Going right to the heart of the matter (pun intended).

Let's see. I've written thru 9 as we speak, but it will be a long FF. Can't give you an exact number yet. What I outlined has expanded already.

Sorry about the 10 days. I'm highly protective of my lovely beta, iviolinist.

I love hearing from you, please keep stopping by!

Take care,
Monday 13th November 2006 04:34
The Coven of Echoes
Well, hwimsey, I have just spent precious sleeping time on reading this chapter, and I'm sure happy I did. Although with my mind foggy(It's nearly 3:30 am o.o) I have to say that this story is absolutely remarkable. So fast paced that if i miss a detail, I will have to reread the paragraph. Where you get these brilliant plot bunnies, I do not know.

Now that I'm wide awake(this chapter did better work than caffeine), I'll just ramble on about what I liked.

When I think of Mr. Areids, I somehow think of a male combination of Rita Skeeter and Umbridge. He has that Slytherin-type way to him, and he surely doesnt care about his words affecting others. For(what I assume is) an insignificant person to the plot, he was written beautifully.

Then there is this little quote:
"I don't think it's something someone of your limited experience could understand. We loathed him. I lost my bro--" She pointed her wand directly into his face. "Voldemort's dead. He can't return."

My best guess was that she was going to say, I lost my brother. And if that is correct, my thoughts wander to who it could be. Explaination in the next chapter possibly?

And of course, the very last few paragraphs. Not only did it send chills down my spine, but the way Harry acted... to put it frankly... was one of the best fanfiction scenes I've read for a long time. Harry's use of past tense when mentioning Ginny('...Healer Weasley knew the man who killed him...') just puts tons of ideas rushing through my head. Why was Harry there in the first place? Just how intimate were he and Ginny? If the use of past tense meant anything, why didn't Ginny 'know' Harry anymore?

Argh, evil little cliffhanger AGAIN! You have succeeded in making this a very frusterating story =D heehee. But A+ all the same. Can't wait for the next update!!

Tuesday 14th November 2006 14:53The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Oh Alex. I am printing off this review and keeping it by me when I feel down.

Thank you so, so much. I adore readers like you - smart insomniacs!!

Yes, she was going to say brother. We'll find out more next chapter - promise.

I'm blushing reading the end of your review. You read the last few paragraphs precisely in the way I intended. Our hero has to make an entrance.

Sorry about the cliffhanger. But how can I make sure you keep stopping by? Remember, readers like you keep me going. You are the best.

Take good care,
Monday 13th November 2006 04:19
The Coven of Echoes
Very neat but I have trouble believing that Ron would let the US Auror talk to Ginny like that. Dark, dangerous Harry - I could go for that!
Tuesday 14th November 2006 14:55The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hi Kilian!

I wanted to infer Ron was sharing in Tonks' anger -- I too agree that he would be livid. Sorry it fell a little short.

Thanks for reviewing!

Monday 13th November 2006 00:56
The Coven of Echoes
Go Harry! There seems to be a lot of pain between he and Ginny, yet he still defends her. I love that!

Fantastic chapter! The mystery continues. Oh...I hate that American Auror by the way. You wrote him particulary unlikeable. If that's what you were going for...well done!

I'm looking forward to the next chapter where we may (?) get some Harry/Ginny interaction. I'm very curious to know more about what happened between the two.

You've got me hook, line, and sinker.
Tuesday 14th November 2006 14:58The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hello you!!

I'm so glad you are enjoying the story.

You hit the nail on the head with G&H -- there is a lot of pain, but Harry will always be Harry.

In the next chapter you'll get a lot of backstory on I hope you'll like it.

As for the hook, line and sinker -- let's just say both you and I are out for a very nice day of fishing, with a great lunch and great company!!

Take care,