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Reviews For Rebuilding Tomorrow by kjcp

Tuesday 21st November 2006 19:59
Rebuilding Tomorrow
I like what I've seen so far. Looking foward to seeing where you take things...
Saturday 18th November 2006 16:27
Rebuilding Tomorrow
You're doing great. I'm reading this one on another site where it's further ahead, but I just wanted to disagree with an earlier reviewer about people in history living relatively private lives. I see Harry more in the light of John Kennedy, Jr. or Princess Diana. The press houded them relentlessly, I think because they were young and attractive and the public interest in them never waned. As the saviour of the wizarding world, I see Harry garnering that same kind of attention, and knowing the way Harry he is, he would definitely hate that.

You're doing just fine.
Sunday 19th November 2006 17:41Rebuilding Tomorrow (Author Response)
Thank you very much! That's how I pictured the media and Harry. He's the only "celebrity" the magical world has and if he helps bring peace to it ... Thank you for your review.
Friday 17th November 2006 15:00
Rebuilding Tomorrow
That was so good!!!!!!!!! And I loved the stories you helped with on
Grandma Kate
Thursday 16th November 2006 09:47
Rebuilding Tomorrow
Very moving. Ron has more than the emotional range of a teaspoon. He just hides it well.
Thursday 16th November 2006 02:50
Rebuilding Tomorrow
Sorry, but Harry really does seem like an arrogant prick. We all know that he'd get a lot of press attention for a while, but the immediate attention would actually die pretty quickly. Major people in history, who are still alive, live quiet lives, even if everyone know their names.
Thursday 16th November 2006 07:47Rebuilding Tomorrow (Author Response)
Harry's young. He wouldn't understand that. I think he's got a lot of attention from the first time he went to Diagon Alley and everyone knew him. The way I picture him is not so much about the press, but also that everyone just *knows* him and he wants to get away from that. But he can't hide forever, can he? Sorry you seem to think the idea is stupid.