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Reviews For The Coven of Echoes by hwimsey

Friday 5th September 2008 17:38
The Coven of Echoes
Thursday 8th May 2008 21:49
The Coven of Echoes
You might be getting a fresh flood of reviews because lots of Poufwanians will be reading - Coven is being discussed on PotterficWeekly! Great story so far. Very interesting perspective on what it would be like for Ginny dealing with Harry's fame plus an intriguing mystery to figure out. There was just one little spelling error that really threw me out of the story in this chapter though. It is in the line
After the attack, the staff had been taking great pains to treat Ginny with kit gloves
. It should be KID gloves, not KIT. The origin is a bit gruesome but gloves made out of kid or lamb skin were known for being especially soft and delicate compared to those made out of the usual cow leather. I am hoping you are allowed to go back to fix spelling but if not I apologize for being picky and will go back to reading!
Thursday 1st November 2007 16:41
The Coven of Echoes
Boy that Auror is a real piece of work. It's interesting what Ginny said to that little girl. What could Harry have done that hurt Ginny so much. Well I guess I can think of a few. Loving this story. Brilliant.
Thursday 11th October 2007 03:42
The Coven of Echoes
OK, so the pain's shared a bit differently than I initial thought in the this Harry/Ginny tale of woe. Ginny's heartbroken and Harry's clueless. ... Not so unusual after all. But I still like the contrast of Ginny being so sure of what went wrong between them and Harry having no idea. Makes for seriously good angst, that's for sure.

On the plot side of this, one word jumped out: "Poor." The way you phrased that makes it seem that Areids is a lot more emotionally involved in the case than he wants to let on. Is he related to the victims? Does he/Did he have a daughter that age? I don't have enough to guess the reason the reason yet, but it's interesting to know there's probably more to his character than the blustering tough cop.

Wednesday 3rd October 2007 20:39
The Coven of Echoes
I like the way Ginny describes her relationship with harry. too bad the had to hear the majority of it :p I would have obliviated him though so he doesnt remember... lol
Monday 9th July 2007 10:42
The Coven of Echoes
I remember reading "Jenny" over at the Quill- it was a great story! So sad, too. Nice chapter. I can't stand that American. Though I suppose you mean for it to be that way. lol.
Tuesday 23rd January 2007 19:47
The Coven of Echoes
Okay, Areids is an obnoxious *insert swearword of choice*, but by putting him in there at the end, I think you're trying to distract me from my annoyance with Ginny. Very clever of you, that.

I don't know what it was Ginny thinks she saw, but I'm willing to bet all isn't as she thinks. Harry's too devastated, as well. Why woudn't she talk to him though? She knows about him and his nobility complex. He's had too much betrayal in his life to ever do that to her. I'm loving the mystery, though, because I'm certain there is more here that's not obvious yet. Harry most certainly doesn't act like a wizard in lust, never mind one in love, so either Ginny misinterpreted what she thinks she saw, or someone has set up our heroes.

How am I doing? I'm so excited there is more. I've been dreading the end of I think I've found myself a new story to obsess over
Friday 2nd February 2007 15:19The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
You can be annoyed with anyone you prefer.

Sometimes hearing a lie is worse. Perhaps Ginny wants to hold onto one last good thing -- and having Harry lie would be the nail in the coffin?

Oh, please, obsess to you hearts content. As the commercial says, "We'll make more!" But you'll have DH soon enough!!

Sunday 14th January 2007 13:39
The Coven of Echoes
I remember Jenny ..... one of the best unfinished HP fanfics. You have achieved your objective in doing honor to Ginny with her powerful emotional talk to the little girl lying in the coma. I am so glad to see such depth of love still remaining in Ginny; it will make her reunion with Harry such a strong scene. My gosh, but Ariens is such a hateful person. Why didn't Ginny give him a strong slap in the face, followed by a bat=-bogey hex?
Tuesday 16th January 2007 16:56The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Thank you for the nod to Jenny. I wish she had finished it. I dip into that story a bit -- just loved certain moments to much to let them die.

Hah! Yes, she is angry. My, you are very smart -- are you sure you aren't reading unposted chapters? Remember that anger, though. It will drive her in Chapter 10 to do something fairly foolhardy.

Thursday 21st December 2006 15:49
The Coven of Echoes
This is a great chapter. What insight we receive into what Ginny is like as a healer and how her patients respond to her. The way that she relates to the children reflects her own wonderful spirit.

Does Peter have a "crush" on Ginny?

Ginny's whole "discussion" with the young female patient was so heart-wrenching. It really revealed that she had not only lost her boyfriend but her best friend, which takes her pain to a whole other level. I loved her memories about the good times that she had with Harry.

And on to Marc Areids. You know, the first couple of times that I read the chapter, I thought that he was just an arrogant . But, this time I found myself thinking just a little bit differently about him. Oh, I still think he is an arrogant , but now I saw a couple of things I hadn't before. One of them is that it was Ginny who lashed out at him first. Before that it almost seemed as if he related to what Ginny was telling the girl. This sentence caught my eye:

He stared at her with a strange mixture of curiosity and something Ginny could not quite place.

Another thing that was reinforced with this chapter is Areids' intense single-minded pursuit of these people. How much of his intensity is because of his arrogance and how much because of his desire to find these people?

And what a way to the end the chapter. How long will we have to wait to find out what happened to that girl?

Great chapter. I love your writing.
Wednesday 27th December 2006 01:19The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
You are a dear one, you know.

It's a great chapter because of Ivy who raises those eyebrows and says, "Are you sure????"

Yes, I think it's safe to say Peter has a crush on Ginny, I mean, who wouldn't??

You are dead on regarding Areids. Your instincts serve you well young Skywalker.

I think he did mean to go down a different path but Ginny ended that line of conversation fairly quickly. Oh, those redheads...

Hmmm. We know the girl has been abused by the Deatheaters -- or it's safe to assume that. Why? Well that is going to take a while, my dear -- but you know that you'll know before anyone else.

And to mirror your closing -- Great RA, Love you.

Sunday 17th December 2006 19:35
The Coven of Echoes
Ooh, Ooh, Ooh! Is Harry using Tamsyn as a doll to take media pressure away from Ginny?
Tuesday 26th December 2006 22:05The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
I can unequivacally say "No" to that!! But it did make me chuckle!!
Sunday 17th December 2006 19:15
The Coven of Echoes
Jenny was also one of the first fics I read, and it was a wonderful, though gut-wrenching, story. Anyway, I think it was done when I read it - "Jenny" at The Sugar Quill

Anyway, I like the story so far. Will Areids ever soften?
Tuesday 26th December 2006 22:01The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
I'm glad you're enjoying the story! Thank you for the review.

Arieds is a tough case -- we'll understand more about him in the next few chapters.

Unfortunately Jenny never was finished. In fact, I've read more chapters than are posted on SQ -- I wish she would finish it!

Happy New Year,

Sunday 17th December 2006 17:31
The Coven of Echoes
The. The. The. American Auror is her daddy?

Or was she just.. calling for her papa?

I love the part with Molly's quilt. Its beautiful
Tuesday 26th December 2006 21:59The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hmmmm. Is he her daddy. Hmmmmm. We'll have to wait and see.

Thank you for your kind review. I'm glad you liked the part about the quilt. I'd just been to a museum collection of the Gees Bend quilts before writing that scene.

Take care and Happy New Year!


Saturday 16th December 2006 15:44
The Coven of Echoes
Aw. Poor sweet little girl. I hope this is a signals she's waking.

Seriously, can you PLEASE arrange for that arrogant jerk to be prescribed some head-deflating medication? He's got a serious problem. Admittedly, tales of heartbreak aren't necessarily best for a comatose patient, but Ginny cares and is very sweet. Areids does not and is not.

Ok, sorry. More ranting from me. Uh...update soon?
Tuesday 26th December 2006 21:56The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Oh Wooster - you make me laugh!!

Poor Marc - people either love him or hate him. He definitely is a "bull in a china shop" at times - he doesn't suffer fools - unfortunately, he feels everyone is a fool!

Update in ten days or so -- the holidays are tricky with traveling - but it's written and ready - although I have pestered by beloved beta, Iviolinist into making some last minute changes.

And one more thing -- rant all you want!

Take care,
Saturday 16th December 2006 14:49
The Coven of Echoes
Oh what does it all mean? Well, I say, well done, old bean!

On your beginning note...I was a HUGE fan of LaFeeMechante and Jenny too. I'm terribly depressed to see that it has been,for all I know, officially abandoned, and I can't even re-read where it ended because of the whole SIYE fiasco... so with that, know how much I wold be terribly miserable if this too never found its completion!

Fabulous chapter,and I loved the Spartan Ginny-no tears! All control! Huh! When you feel like the pieces to a watch, our emotional unwindings can be quite a lot more than normal...

Tuesday 26th December 2006 21:52The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Weren't you angry when Jenny just ended right before he was going to take the potion -- ugh!!! Yes, the SIYE fiasco from what I could make out seemed quite silly -- but people stand by ratings and Jenny was definitely, ahem, not an "E" for everyone!!

Not to worry -- I will finish this one -- I'm having a marvelous time writing it and Chapter 11 has turned into one of my favorites, not to mention my plans for a further chapter that I'm dying to write.

Thank you again for being there -- your reviews mean the world.

Happy New Year!


Friday 15th December 2006 07:06
The Coven of Echoes
Well, I figure there's not much of a chance that Harry is the bad guy that Ginny has painted in her memory, otherwise the readers would be out for blood. I am interested in seeing how he turns this around. I'm still intrigued by the story so I hope it continues - great writing!

Sorry for the 'Harry's a Stalker' comment last time, I know that wasn't your intention, just thought it came off a bit funny. Don't make this story another 'Jenny,' it's too good to stop now!!!

Happy Christmas!
Tuesday 26th December 2006 21:47The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Oh Lord! I wouldn't dream of making another Jenny -- a) I don't have the same talent and b) I will finish this

Thank you for your kind words -- keeps my fingers hitting the keys, it does!

As for who is the bad guy -- let's just say there are several versions of the truth out there.

Happy New Year!

Thursday 14th December 2006 10:53
The Coven of Echoes
Holy cow… I don’t know whether to cuddle up under a warm blanket and feel bad for Ginny or give my monitor the finger; which would be directed to Areids, or course.

I applaud your mixing up the emotions in this chapter. Comparison to a ride on a roller coaster barely does it justice. The ‘heart-to-throat-to-stomach’ feeling within the span of a few pages is fantastic. I have found a loss of equilibrium due to the flow of events, which I believe you intended to help us empathize with Ginny’s current emotional state; and perhaps into Harry’s as well. The fire that you’ve built between Ginny and Areids is great!

Thank you, so much, for building on Ginny’s background. (*Happy dance) It is always helpful to really get into a story when you have a thorough understanding of a character. It gives insight to the motivations behind a character’s actions, comments or responses. It’s the ‘lives’ of characters that draw readers in after all.

Knowing that Ginny is so well liked and cared for by her coworkers and the patients (especially the children) alludes to her being very charismatic. The warmth that she must extend to those whose lives she touches can only come from a big heart. Unfortunately, one that’s been tampered with. She obviously made great strides to shut the hurt in a tiny little place in it and let her true beauty shine for those who need her. Now, she’s confronted with not only a warning of dire proportions, but the source of her deep pain has rudely interjected himself back into her life.

I suppose it goes against ‘her’ morals as a healer but, I would have liked her to cast a tripping hex on his crutches.

Oh, I almost ended with commenting on the closing. (*blushes) I love the way you close each chapter. The description of the rose reaching for the sunshine as the little blossom in the bed is reaching for consciousness was Fan… tas… tic!

Thursday 14th December 2006 12:42The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
You know I should be packing for this trip but how could I not respond to this!! Jeez Louise, you know how to flatter a girl.

LOL at you sipping your Mocha Hazelnut torte blend and giving the finger to the monitor. I expect you were muttering, too -- am I right??

I always tell you that you are too smart for your own good. I'm glad you understood the uneveness of this chapter -- our girl is starting to seriously fray and the edges as is our poor hero. And then Areids -- he's got his own fires to attend to -- makes for a rather strong brew.

If you liked Ginny's background here you should be pleased with Ch. 10 and 11 (I know that's a ways off, but...) The next few chapters deal with our troop at Hogwarts and some intrigue there.

And bravo yourself for drawing the allusions between how Ginny truly is (with her patients) and how we find her now. Passionate is a fine word for her, I think. Maturity has smoothed her edges a bit, but she's entering a situation where her edges are going to get put through their paces!!

LOL, no, she can't injure a patient -- as much as she would have wanted to. But do you think he was originally going to launch into Ginny before she launched into him??

Blushes -- thank you for admiring the ending. It was actually inspired by a piece Annie Lamont wrote in Salon a few months back. She was having a fight with her teenage son (sound familiar??) but after they made up she watched him lounge on a sofa, the dust motes dancing about him. I'll send you the link if I can find it. I always loved watching the dust dance in the sunshine when I was a kid (still do) -- probably more a testament to my housekeeping skills.

Pay attention though as I bookend this ending to next chapter's ending -- thudding doors. I've also been leaving lines from famous rock songs throughout each chapter -- but no one's picked up on it yet, so I'm going to have to switch to Shakespeare. Talking about songs and the band that plays them....

You know I won't be around when the next chapter is posted so have a fantastic Christmas.


P.S. Here's the link,

Wednesday 13th December 2006 19:29
The Coven of Echoes
Poor Ginny. And yes. Areids is a --. And cold-blooded one. Very good chapter. And she spoke. Hmm. Did she go back into a coma, or did she just merly fall asleep?
Wednesday 13th December 2006 23:12The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hello! Thanks for stopping by again and reviewing!

The girl went back into the coma, I'm afraid. A necessary evil.

Have a great holiday and thanks again,
Tuesday 12th December 2006 21:54
The Coven of Echoes
I started your story this morning and liked it so much that I read all five chapters today--even took too long for lunch break to finish the chapter I’d started at noon! The way you paint pictures with words is so incredible. Makes me a bit jealous that I have no writing talent, but that’s okay, I’ll savor the tales from good writers like you instead. Thanks for what is shaping up to be an excellent mystery.

Tamsyn--interesting, did you invent that name? Looking forward to her entrance into the story; it’s sure to stir up even more dregs from the bottom of the plot cup. Yes, I enjoy lots of layers with complex characters and situations. Quite sure that things aren’t exactly as Ginny perceived them....

I liked the textbook excerpt and discussion of trauma recovery at the beginning of this chapter. It’s not just describing the poor children Ginny works with, but also could apply to Harry and Ginny, the walking comatose who are lost in their own emotional darkness. Who’s going to do the hand-holding and light-leading for these two poor souls?
Wednesday 13th December 2006 23:10The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Thank you so very much for that lovely review, I'm touched. I'm sorry I ate into your lunch break!

Oh, please don't be jealous although I often feel the exact same way at times. I'll pick up a book and think, "My God, I cannot do THAT."

My friend, Tante, invented the name Tamsyn. I am blessed with some amazing research assistants on this piece. Tante and fritz42 have gone above the call of duty, but so far haven't asked for a pay increase!!

Incredibly astute of you with your insight into Harry and Ginny and the whole essense of trauma. Bravo! I love intelligent readers!!

Please stop by and let me know how you like the upcoming chapters.

Have a wonderful holiday,
girl from ipanema
Tuesday 12th December 2006 18:44
The Coven of Echoes
Oh, I do see where you are going with your twisted mind! On this side of the ring is Boy who lived, even more green eyed with jelousy! On the other side is equally passionate insuferable American! Who will get the truth and the girl in the end? Poor Ginny, I do not think she even imagines how much GRIEF you have in store for her. TWO jackasses trying to prove to milady who is worthier her love through their quest toward the truth! It is going to be one heck of a towel!
Wednesday 13th December 2006 23:00The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
I cannot laugh and type. Thank you for referencing my "twisted mind," it's one of the best compliments I could every receive!

You have a very good mind in that head of yours. I think I've told you that before.

And yes, (to quote Scarlett O'Hara) "As God as my witness, it's going to be one heck of a towel."

Have a wonderful holiday!!!


Tuesday 12th December 2006 17:03
The Coven of Echoes
Usually what makes me love fanfiction is the romantic elements - especially between Harry and Ginny - but in this case, it's the amazingly beautiful language that your weave your tale with. You have the most incredible voice for telling a story, and I find myself happily drowning in its depths. Thank you for writing this; I will most certainly continue to read it.
Wednesday 13th December 2006 22:54The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Oh my goodness, I'm blushing. Thank you so, that was lovely.

I'm glad you're enjoying this story for I am having a marvelous time writing it. I would be remiss if I didn't thank my grand beta, Iviolinist, who corrects some pretty heinous grammar and punctuation errors (I have a thing about semicolons....)

Please continue to stop by and let me know what you think.

Have a wonderful holiday and thanks again,

Tuesday 12th December 2006 16:36
The Coven of Echoes
You know, call me crazy, but I am actually getting to really like Areids (by the way--is his name pronounced with 2 syllables or 3?). Oh, I know he's arrogant and has a bad attitude, but his character is so useful and extremely interesting. I love Ginny just like everyone else and I sypathize with her for all the horrors and stress she's been through, but she loses control of her temper too easily and is far to proud for her own good--and I can say that non-judgementally because I am exactly the same way! It seemed to me when Areids came into the little girl's room to see Ginny that he was going to attempt a civilized conversation, and before she cut him off it sounded to me like he was actually about to say something nice (or at least not bitingly rude). I just love that here we have someone who doesn't know who Ginny is, and couldn't care less. Someone who will throw down with her and not be intimidated by her. I can't wait to see more on him.

And you know I can't review without telling you how brilliant I think your story is! You know what I think I like most about it? It's not ALL about Harry and Ginny getting back together. So many stories relly soley on that plot point and all the rest is just filler around it. Your story is deeper with so many layers and a larger scale. The relationship between Harry and Ginny is just a part of it and not the whole reason for the story.

Oh hey, I started reading that other story called "Cursed" that you recommended to someone else in a recent review. It is very good. Are you sure you're not actually writing both and just using different pen names?
Wednesday 13th December 2006 22:49The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hi meddymo!!! How are you?

I wouldn't call you crazy for feeling that way about Areids (2 syllables: like A-REEDS.) but he serves as a great foil to Ginny at times -- both are incredibly stubborn as is Harry. I, too, was intrigued with the idea of someone who is from the outside and doesn't know about what's been going on in the UK or frankly, doesn't care.

The next few chapters have Harry and company at Hogwarts. We will learn things about our American, but we won't see him again for a few chapters.

Thank you for the kindness of your words -- you really are so sweet. But those words keep me going, believe me, and I thank you. And yes, I like a mystery with romantic interuptions as DLS used to say.

I'm glad you like Cursed. And oh, my, I have to tell Myth what you said -- she'll love it. Thanks for the compliment -- I feel she's a far superior writer. But she lives in the UK and I'm all the way in San Francisco!!

If I don't get a chance (I'm leaving on a trip and not back till Christmas Eve) have a wonderful holiday.

Take good care of yourself, and Merry, Merry,

Tuesday 12th December 2006 16:17
The Coven of Echoes
Well I'm wondering if the little kid has any connections to the American or anything connected to what happened out on the street. Probably does. I can also see poor Ginny as potential bait to infiltrate the Coven of Echoes within the next few chapters.. Maybe prompted by Areids? Harry?

I never read Jenny. The was BFF before fan fiction for me.
Wednesday 13th December 2006 22:39The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hmmmm. Your instincts are good. But the poor Ginny is bait whether she knows it or not!

Have a wonderful holiday!
Tuesday 12th December 2006 14:15
The Coven of Echoes
I have to say this was a wonderfully touching chapter, and also, that I think The American likes Ginny, in his own way.

I read Jenny as well, and was heart broken when th author abandonned it, did you kmow she wrote 495 pages, and then on day just decides to stop. But it was a wonderful story, like yours, and I enjoyed your tribute to it.

Grrr! Where's the link to this 'Jenny', anyway?
Wednesday 13th December 2006 22:37The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
I wish I could tell you. I believe she pulled it from all the archived sites. You might try Checkmated -- that's my best guess. I've tried to find it, but to no avail.
Tuesday 12th December 2006 14:10
The Coven of Echoes
God it Ginny! I wanted to hear what he was goig to say!!!!!! And the ending was cool. Except that she has no family... GINNY WILL BE HER FAMILY, AND RAISE HER AND BE HER MOMMY!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!
Wednesday 13th December 2006 19:11The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
You are too funny. Thanks for the nice review. I don't know if Ginny is in the position to adopt a young girl right now! But something will have to be done with the child. MWAHAHAHAHHA, back at ya.

Have a great holiday,
Tuesday 12th December 2006 13:40
The Coven of Echoes
Oh! Also, I felt for some reason during the conflict between Ginny and Areids that Ginny's central description could be considered the classic 'sexy.'
They stood nose-to-nose, Ginny’s hands firmly on her hips. Her hair was slowly coming undone from its bun, forcing her to blow a crimson wisp off of her face.

I hope there is nothing significant about it, that its not foreshadowing a relationship between the two. Please oh please no. Poor Harry, that would kill. Areids and Tamsyn sound like a good couple though...hint. Please.
Wednesday 13th December 2006 19:08The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Oh my goodness!!

Hmmmmm. Do you think? Evil laugh.....

But Arieds and Tamsyn -- I think they might self destruct in each other's prescence.
Tuesday 12th December 2006 13:38
The Coven of Echoes
I really like this story so far! Keep up the good work!
Wednesday 13th December 2006 19:01The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Thank you Eris!!
I need to thank my fabulous beta, Iviolinist for her help with this story. Without her, I'm not sure it would be the same.

Have a great holiday!

Tuesday 12th December 2006 13:36
The Coven of Echoes
What a fantastic chapter. Poor Ginny my heart goes out to the poor dear. I love how you portray her. Perfect mix between Molly and her own independence. I thought particularly when Ginny says
Oh goodness, look at me. Crying like a silly loon
her Mollyness unconsciously came flittering out.

I love how Ginny is the center of the children's lives. I've always imagined Ginny as a healer, particularly as a children's healer, you do a wonderful job portraying that, love it. How when Ginny passed out the children refused to eat (poor dears) but I was glad Ginny was greatful she was 'somebody's' Ginny. Aw.

I thought for certain it was going to be Harry who was dropping in before he went to Hogwarts but of course it has to be that Areids. I agree that he does seem a little too into the case to be just the investigator, I had thought that the auror they sent in and was killed was his girlfriend but he seems to care a lot about the little girl, or maybe yet again he's frantic to know what happened to the other auror.

I'm so glad the girl is waking up! Hopefully Ginny will be able to hold off the interogation before the girl heals. Also I do hope Ginny chances to drop back into the girls room before her shift is over, I think the girl would find Ginny the more comforting between Ginny and Areids. I really can't understand why Areids is such a pompous , I mean no one has really done anything to him, except of course if he's just impatient to find out what happened to his missing girlfriend the auror.

Go Harry by the way, completely oblitereated Areid's leg, nice charms work dear.

Can't wait for the 22! Keep up the fantastic job!!
Wednesday 13th December 2006 18:59The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Oh, SG, you are wonderful! You're reviews are the best!

You are very astute about Ginny -- she is her mother's daughter. I thought about how she would talk to a child and tried to channel Molly.

Interesting that you should think that the Auror who was killed was Marc's girlfriend. He is personally involved in this case -- yes, but how????

The girl isn't waking up, unfortunately, she just spoke from the depths of her coma. She's going to need help coming to as we will see in a later chapter.

I don't know if Areids is pompous or just blunt. He definitely rubs people the wrong way though. I'm noticing he's gathering a little fan club though!

I'll be away on a trip from and not back till Christmas Eve. So I hope you enjoy the next chapter. Keep reviewing -- it keeps me going!

Have a wonderful holiday,
Tuesday 12th December 2006 13:07
The Coven of Echoes
Ohoh, this won't be easy. The American is a die-hard, isn't he? I'm tempted to draw comparisons to actual people who are so preoccupied with their mission that they lose perspective.
Wednesday 13th December 2006 18:48The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Critmo, you make me laugh, you do.

Yes, our American is a bull in a china shop at times. And yes, it is an trait that I do not admire either in Aurors or politicians.

Have a wonderful holiday,

Connor Landon
Tuesday 12th December 2006 10:35
The Coven of Echoes
So, so tragic. Yet this was a beautifully woven story. The language was so heartbreaking. It should be a novel. An that American Auror...what a horrible person. Though I don't think that he was going to give Ginny a lecture about American procedures. I think that he was actually going to say something of worth, but Ginny got a little hasty...Yes, I can find the romance in everything. And it sounded as if Harry kind of cheated on Ginny and was just using her to get to a friend of hers. But I don't think that Harry did anything of the sort. I bet it was just a huge misunderstanding and nothing happened between Harry and the other girl. Ginny just assumed that something happened (or maybe the other girl made a move on Harry and Ginny thought it was the other way around), and she couldn't, wouldn't, forgive Harry. Anyway, can't wait to read the next chapter.
Wednesday 13th December 2006 18:29The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Your reviews always make me blush. Thank you so.

I'm very glad you like the story -- it has been a great enjoyment to write.

I think you were right about our American Auror -- I don't think he was going to say something of worth -- perhaps even about but we'll never know now!

And yes, I do believe there are multiple versions of the truth out there. Unfortunately, we're not sure the true one....

Thanks again for the lovely review. I would be remiss if I didn't thank my beta Iviolinist for her fabulous work. It is a communal effort.

Have a wonderful holiday!!

Tuesday 12th December 2006 09:44
The Coven of Echoes
You do a wonderful job portraying Areids as a horribly twisted sot who doesn't deserve to stand in Ginny's presence, let alone speak to her as he does .
And it seems Ginny's therapy seems to have done better than he estimated.
I see Ginny still loves Harry a lot. Why didn't she have more faith in the Harry she knew rather than what she supposedly saw? Why didn't she give Harry a chance to tell her the truth? Let me guess -- that lovely roommate of hers convinced her not to.
Wednesday 13th December 2006 17:58The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)

Thank you for the insightful review - as always. But I'm not sure if Areids is as twisted as we think, maybe -- maybe not???

As far as what transpired, we will learn more in a future chapter, promise.

I know I told you before, but have a great holiday!!

Tuesday 12th December 2006 09:40
The Coven of Echoes
I have to say this was a wonderfully touching chapter, and also, that I think The American likes Ginny, in his own way.

I read Jenny as well, and was heart broken when th author abandonned it, did you kmow she wrote 495 pages, and then on day just decides to stop. But it was a wonderful story, like yours, and I enjoyed your tribute to it.
Wednesday 13th December 2006 17:54The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hello padfoot!!

Thank you for your kind review. Means a lot.

Yes, I think Marc is not a complete monster, he is driven, by what, we'll see...

Oh can you believe she stopped writing it? Just before Harry was going to take the potion. Arrrgghhh! I don't even think it's in any archive anymore. It's a shame, I think people would enjoy it.

Have a wonderful holiday,
Tuesday 12th December 2006 09:00
The Coven of Echoes
That poor girl, I hope this means she's on the mend. I don't like that Mark guy, he gives me the creeps. Another wonderful chapter down, very good work! Keep it up, I can't wait to hear what happens next.
Wednesday 13th December 2006 17:50The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Thank you for that wonderful review!

Poor Marc, he can't catch a break, can he?? Next ch. should be up around the 22nd but I'll be out of town on a trip from

In the meantime, have a great holiday,

Tuesday 12th December 2006 07:56
The Coven of Echoes
My heart breaks for Ginny. She's so sad and seems so alone. I'm highly anticipating the moment she and Harry come face to face and talk.

I don't like this American Auror. He's quite rude! I see a little bit of a Ron/Hermione thing between he and Ginny though. You know, the passion comes out in the fighting. Hopefully it won't keep her away from Harry though.

Fantastically written as always!
Wednesday 13th December 2006 17:48The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Thank you so for the lovely review.

Yes, & are going to have a lot to talk to once they get the opportunity.

Poor Areids, he is a bit of a bull in a china shop, isn't he? Interesting observations about the passion between the two of them. Hmmmmm.

Thanks again, for the review and have a wonderful holiday!!

Grandma Kate
Tuesday 12th December 2006 06:11
The Coven of Echoes
Sigh! This is such a densely packed chapter with so much information and yet if flows as thought you were telling us a story. Your Ginny is wonderful- strong yet vulnerable. And the American is loathsome.

Have a good holiday.
Wednesday 13th December 2006 17:44The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hello!! And thanks for reviewing again! I'm glad you like my portrayal of Ginny. I struggled with her a bit -- she's been through a lot but she hasn't lost her spunk, especially when she's hard pressed.

Poor Areids -- he doesn't have a way with words, does he??

Have a wonderful holiday yourself -- and thanks again for the review.

Tuesday 12th December 2006 02:11
The Coven of Echoes
Hello you. The more clues that are revealed about what happened to H/G, the more I'm cringing at what horrible thing it was that Ginny saw - or thought she saw. Please don't let it be as bad as I imagine it is. I was getting really emotional with Ginny's speech and then that Areids guy had to go and get sarcastic on her. She should have kicked his crutches out from under him - that would show him!

I was kind of hoping that it had been Harry who had heard Ginny's speech, but I know you're saving a confrontation for later, right? Can it be sooner rather than later?

Looking forward to the next chappie.
Wednesday 13th December 2006 17:38The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
Hi cwarbeck! Thanks for the review!! I love to hear your ideas about the story.

Yes, the H/G thing is not a pleasant site. But we won't get a clearer picture of it until a few more chapters.

It would have been interesting if Harry were standing there -- but that confrontation is coming. I wish I could tell you but....

Have a lovely holiday!!!

Monday 11th December 2006 23:23
The Coven of Echoes
ACK! Another cliffie! Right after Areids (in all his pomposity) and Ginny square off!

Which way is up again? Cause this is just confusing! I'm getting the vibe that Areids and the little girl have some sort of aquaintance with each other... but not sure. You may want us to believe there's a father/daughter relationship... but I'm not so sure... But definitely "interested" in more than a police/witness way.

The emotions Ginny's going through... wow. Girl can't catch a break, can she? Sadness, hatred (for Harry), anger at Areids... it's a miracle she hasn't just flown the coop altogether! ;-) Although it sounds like she will at any minute.

The more you reveal to us, the more I'm convinced that not everyone's operating on the full story (WRT Harry/Ginny), and we've got a lot of being shovelled on the truth... a double mystery! Do we have to pay extra for the double feature? When, and if, Harry/Ginny ever get a chance to air grievances, this could be interesting... you may have to drag it out over several chapters, as there's a lot of hurt feelings (at least on Ginny's side). She's gonna need to punch, kick, and scream before Harry's forgiven...

Ah well... I hope that you give us a nice Christmas present with a BIG clue to either one of these mysteries. Take care, and catch ya on the next one!
Wednesday 13th December 2006 14:31The Coven of Echoes (Author Response)
You make me laugh!! Where to start. Oh, yes. Thank you for the review -- they keep me writing, you know.

Hmmm. Arieds and the girl -- something is there. What, I can't say.

Yes, poor Ginny. Harry has definitely "rocked her world" showing up again. Both of them are nearing a boiling point, that's for sure.

Ah, is everyone operating on the truth? Probably not. And yes, these feelings are going to carry us over several more chapters. And as far as forgiven --- hmmmm, you're hypothisizing ahead of your data, young man!

I have to think about Christmas presents -- it may have to be a New Year's one with the trip I'm taking!

Since I won't be here on the next posting -- Merry Christmas and thanks for keeping my writing spirits up!!
