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Reviews For A Wish Fulfilled by guruvee

Thursday 29th October 2009 12:40
A Wish Fulfilled
Sunday 16th December 2007 22:26
A Wish Fulfilled
So Draco is resenting Harry and the fact that People all over the wizarding world are happy. He has noone and blames Harry for that. I look forward to the next chapter. Does Pansy answer his letter? Does he find a way to spy on Harry and Ginny at the Burrow? This is very interesting. Thanks for writing. I look forward to more of this story. p
Monday 12th March 2007 02:18
A Wish Fulfilled
I am glad Harry and Ginny are happy with each other. At least they are concerned about Draco's threats but they still have each other. Draco reaching out to Pansy in desperation! That is interesting. Especially when he has such a low opinion of her. If she finds that out he will have next to noone interested in his opinions! I look forward to more of this story. Thanks for writing. p
Saturday 24th February 2007 19:54
A Wish Fulfilled
Another good chapter. It always brightens my day when I receive an email saying you've updated the story.
Thursday 21st December 2006 19:41
A Wish Fulfilled
Nice chapter. Lots of who did Draco bump into? I hope you get the next chapter out soon.
Thursday 21st December 2006 19:45A Wish Fulfilled (Author Response)
Who did Draco bump into? So ironic that this is your it was one of the topics that Ladybug and I were going over a few times. It will be revealed. I assure you. I just haven't decided how important it really is.
Grandma Kate
Thursday 21st December 2006 14:18
A Wish Fulfilled
All the elements of a good story, suspense, fluff, and beloved (and not so beloved} characters.
Thursday 21st December 2006 19:44A Wish Fulfilled (Author Response)
Thanks so much for your review! I look forward to moving the story along!