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Reviews For It's Yours to Claim It All by Diana Harrington-Winters

Saturday 20th October 2007 08:29
It's Yours to Claim It All
This was really good!
Friday 29th June 2007 15:45
It's Yours to Claim It All
I really like the story so far I hope you will continue this story I would love to read more.
Wednesday 24th January 2007 10:31
It's Yours to Claim It All
Ohhh great chappie! I'm really looking forward to more!
Monday 15th January 2007 15:15
It's Yours to Claim It All
Nice start. Probably a mistake on the Ministry's part to keep Voldie alive
Thursday 11th January 2007 15:38
It's Yours to Claim It All
That's a good start. I can't wait to see what Harry does to try and 'win' Ginny back.
Thursday 11th January 2007 15:06
It's Yours to Claim It All

buh-bye hagrid neville andmoody.
and hello ron andhermione!!!!YAY!!!
Thursday 11th January 2007 07:52
It's Yours to Claim It All
Ooh, loads of potential in the start of this one! Voldemort is still alive, though? Hmm, interesting. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of . I tend to avoid writing him at all because I find him hard, but I do think he means a lot to poor Harry. So much loss in such a short life.

Delighted to see his determined attitude regarding Ginny shining through though. She'll help him learn to cope better than anyone.
Thursday 11th January 2007 06:56
It's Yours to Claim It All
An excellent first chapter. You've really caught my attention. I sincerely hope the next chapter is forthcoming soon. You've an excellent grasp of the characters' personalities and an interesting premise about what the ministry is doing with Voldemort. However, I'm a little miffed by why you killed off Neville and are letting Tonks live. Hmmm. Until next chapter...
Thursday 11th January 2007 04:12
It's Yours to Claim It All
Interesting idea: defeated, but alive. Poor Harry, I do hope they can make that coma permament ... or is there another Horcrux lurking somewhere?