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Reviews For Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire by Sovran

Wednesday 23rd April 2014 07:32
Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire
Good on Daffydd! Someone needs to tell Bumbles he's not all powerful. I like where you've gone with this. Thanks!
Monday 1st March 2010 20:52
Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire
good chapter
Friday 17th July 2009 23:44
Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire
McGonagall getting a tummy rub? It is a very unique idea which is funny
Waywren Truesong
Saturday 7th February 2009 11:09
Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire

The large tear in the Hat opened once again as Daffydd spoke for everyone to hear. “Albus! Am I, or am I not, in charge of Sorting?”

Harry could not see him, but Dumbledore sounded startled as he replied, “Yes, you are indeed in charge of Sorting.”

“So I get to decide how to do the Sorting, and who gets Sorted where? I get to say who’s allowed to go where, and nobody here can argue with me?” the Hat pressed.

--Daffydd, I love you. Though I admit I'd always seen you as an Aloysius.

“Hush, Minerva, I’m Sorting,” Daffydd said for everyone to hear. “You can wait your turn, too, Albus.”

Again, love. Great squishy gobs of it.

*giggles madlY* Love for the gyroscope. Much love.

Wednesday 1st August 2007 14:16
Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire
so on the other story this is a soul bond but at first sight?
Tuesday 3rd July 2007 13:17
Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire
I did notice the two houses for two, but one for 'One' too. Whew, follow that sentence, if you can. I'm guessing Harry was the Slytherin. He is of high purpose after all. That one characteristic seems to be the largest drivng force behind that House.
Tuesday 3rd July 2007 13:13
Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire
Ok, maybe in your world Dumbledore won't do this, but for someone who has spent the last umpteen years speaking in riddles, the man's got no right complaining about them. Quite fun to see him on the recieving end for once.

And poor Hermione, already her books are failing her. Eh, what'er ya gonna do? Rules and regulations are meant to be broken.

I suppose I shouldn't really complain, as I did it in my own fics, but for 10 and 11 years old, Harry and Ginny are a bit too mature for my liking right now.

You're story is really well done. I'm not noticing any errors in spelling or grammar that occur in even the best written fan fics. Congratulations on that.
Sunday 18th February 2007 23:15
Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire
That was something. I think it is incredibly amazing the world you created. Very differant.
Monday 19th February 2007 21:10Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire (Author Response)
Thank you.
Friday 26th January 2007 21:52
Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire
... One question though ... who's the Slytherin?

Obviously, the hat is.
Saturday 27th January 2007 12:33Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire (Author Response)
mmm . . . bunny
Thursday 25th January 2007 08:32
Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire
'concentrating on Harry so that she could experience their first day at Hogwarts' -- that's a switch from having to concentrate to not experience the other person; I take it they've gained some control, or maybe its the distance
'Perhaps later, old boy' -- so the hat's a bit cheeky, eh?
'That’s impossible!” she cried. “Hogwarts, A History, clearly states that…' -- that does indeed sound like something Hermione would say
So Ginny had to come to Hogwarts, and she has increased in power (not merely taking power from Harry as his stayed the same); so shouldn't Harry have increased in 'insight"? He should now have no trouble doing his own schoolwork and doing as well as Ginny with no help from her.
Thursday 25th January 2007 10:07Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire (Author Response)
Concentration can be deliberate focus, or it can be deliberate non-focus on something else. See?

And then there's perspective again.
Thursday 25th January 2007 01:13
Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire
I've been reading this on SIYE, but this chapter is still once of my favourites. I love the fact that you give the hat a name, and a relationship with Dumbledore, and the way that Harry and Ginny together are Gryffindors, but apart have separate houses. One question though ... who's the Slytherin?
Thursday 25th January 2007 10:06Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire (Author Response)
You know, I think you might be the first reviewer to ask that question. It's a great question. But I'm not going to answer it outright.
Sunday 21st January 2007 21:22
Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire
Absolutely amazing! A unique plot device But how will Tom Riddle infiltrate Ginny's mind, with this link to Harry in place? Canon problems abound.... But it's fascinating to read and very enjoyable!
Monday 22nd January 2007 07:47Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire (Author Response)
It's the canon problems that make this so much fun for me. I'm really looking forward to CoS. Thanks!
Grandma Kate
Saturday 20th January 2007 10:25
Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire
This is very interesting. Ginny and Harry are already bonded. I look forward to more chapters.
Saturday 20th January 2007 13:48Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire (Author Response)
I'm glad you're enjoying it. There are plenty more chapters to come.
Saturday 20th January 2007 10:17
Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire
It's not a Daffydd-ill, whereupon Two became One for the world to witness, but that four hands became three hands as twenty became fifteen.

They like the One that they are, but their like is by force of design, for One did intend it that way. The reality is that as they grow, they may realize they were One all along, but would they resent the old One that made the new One for taking away their own One choice?

The new one may find comfort in the duality of singularity, but the comfort is in the Eye of the Beholder. Four eyes are clearly more open than Two, but the owner of the Two will be more important than either of the Four. Comfort indeed.

"Ginny, is it?" And yet, the implication is that One always takes the change from another One. Why not One and One combining both into One that is both new and old? What fun Riddles can be had when letters are shuffled so.

Saturday 20th January 2007 13:48Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire (Author Response)
"It's just one singular sensation,
Every little step s/he takes.
One thrilling combination,
Every move that s/he makes."
Spark Soliton
Saturday 20th January 2007 04:39
Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire
Another excellent chapter - and the feeling I had of them getting comfortable with being "one" together too quickly has gone, it is obviously meant to be that way and finally the world is right again. There are wonderful little quirks that show that they still have a lot to learn though, the beef-flavoured pumpkin-juice is one.

The one character that probably has been terribly overlooked in the past is the sorting hat but you have a brought a change to that with Daffydd - I think you got him (it?) spot on with his droll character, more or less as I would have expected of someone about a millenia old.

The dialogue, both spoken and "non-verbal" (pardon the pun), is flowing well and most importantly it feels natural and "in character", I think that you have managed to creep insode the skin of these characters a lot better than many others.

I am greatly looking forward to the next chapter of this "Story Moste Excellente" - even if it a retelling of canon it is a refreshingly new and different take on it and with a pleasurable focus on the characterisation!

Thank you very much for livening up an otherwise dull Saturday morning that should have been spent cleaning - now I was pleasurably distracted from my duties by this brilliant chapter. Thank you for writing and sharing this.
Saturday 20th January 2007 13:46Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire (Author Response)
"A lot to learn" is probably a very good summary of this first story. I'm glad you're enjoying it. I enjoyed writing Daffydd quite a bit. The next chapter should be posted soon, and I'm happy to have livened up your day. Stay tuned!