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Reviews For Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire by Sovran

Monday 1st March 2010 21:42
Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire
that coward snake face better be ready he's going to get his ugly beat up one day
Waywren Truesong
Saturday 7th February 2009 12:53
Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire
*grins happily* Ah, the delights of completely confounding known theory. Septima Vector is a darling geek of the obsessed kind, and it was lovely to see her.
Tuesday 3rd July 2007 13:53
Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire
Progressing very fast with Harry and Ginny. And Hermione is already noticing the strange eating habits.

The AMP levels. You do a great job of explaining them. And I love getting a basis in fictional fact like this. People always need something to measure things against, and now I have one. Any chance we get to see Ron or Hermione's AMP levels? based on your story so far, Ron must be on the high end of average, maybe a 5, but Hermione, we havn't gotten anything yet.

And Professor Vector will probably not take too long to start figuring out just which two people were responsible for those 8+ AMP ratings.

Sunday 18th February 2007 23:43
Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire
Wow. I understand but don't understand the spheres. If Dumbledore is a 7 and Ginny and Harry together is a 9 or 10, how are they 8 times stronger then Dumbledore? And with Harry and Ginny sharing a wand, when Ginny gets her own, will it be for the better or for the worst? And I think it is sweet that they sleep more comphterably[wow, I can't spell] together. And sharing nightmeres is pretty scary. And Hermione suspects something already. She is really too smart for her own good. Very good chapter. I love this story so far. very creative and different. good job,
Monday 19th February 2007 21:10Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire (Author Response)
The scale, as mentioned, grows geometrically. Glad you're enjoying the story.
Wednesday 14th February 2007 16:37
Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire
They say, whomever 'they' are, that confession is good for the soul. If so, here goes. I read the first chapter some time ago and stupidly allowed myself to be turned off. It was so far fetched and deep and thought provoking that I took it for granted that every chapter to follow would be along the same lines, so I ceased and desisted. I like reading a fic where I don,t have to fight to understand what I,m reading. Today I decided to try out the last two chapters, and was good and properly hooked. This is a fantastic fic, and I shall stay with it to the end. Thank you very much, Jeanne.
Thursday 15th February 2007 10:27Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire (Author Response)
A while after I first started posting, I went back and put a big warning on the prologue. I know that it's so far 'out there' that it can be a turn off, but I hope that the rest of the story works well even if you skip the prologue. In any case, I'm glad that you gave it another chance. The prologue for Part One is the only chapter of its kind in the entire series. Thanks!
Monday 29th January 2007 17:16
Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire
Squee! I am hooked! I *love* the whole Harry-Ginny mind connection thing - and you're having so much fun with it! Will we get weekly updates?

Great job and a fine few chapters here.
Monday 29th January 2007 18:49Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire (Author Response)
Well, right now, I'm posting chapters on PS as they get through the PS beta process. So you'll be getting updates pretty quickly up through chapter 21. If you want to read them in the meantime, they're posted on SIYE. Once PS catches up with the current chapter, updates will come every 2-3 weeks on average.

Thanks very much for all the kind words!
Monday 29th January 2007 13:18
Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire
'EMP of eight' -- 'AMP of eight'?
Nice thing with the sleep and dreams -- though is it really true that a sleeping person has no perception of him/herself or his/her surroundings? But it makes for a wonderful aspect of the story.
So is it a combined Ginny/Harry that is going to defeat Voldie?
Monday 29th January 2007 14:35Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire (Author Response)
Thanks for pointing out the typo. It's been fixed.
That's a very interesting question about sleep. How can we know for sure?
Spark Soliton
Saturday 27th January 2007 05:58
Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire
Hehe - Hermione certainly is a bit too clever for Harry and Ginny's good, considering she isn't a friend yet and the bonded pair knows so little of their own new situation as well. Loved the Ginny's reply to Hermione's question of how she got there:

“Magic,” Ginny replied out loud and winked.


The sleeping problem was unforseen, I can see that becoming a HUGE problem in the future, wonder how that is going to be overcome!

Also, wonderful scene with the Arithmancy teacher being "blown away" (figuratively) by their spheres. No explanation to the colours though - very intrigued to why that was omitted or is it going to be explained later on?

Lovely, superbly written story - totally addicted.

Thanks for writing and sharing this! And I'm late for the ruddy Saturday House Cleaning - AGAIN! Thanks!
Sunday 28th January 2007 23:10Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire (Author Response)
A huge problem? Perhaps.

I'm sorry for making you miss your cleaning. I wish I could miss mine!

Thanks for reading.
Grandma Kate
Friday 26th January 2007 21:30
Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire
Another excellent chapter in an intriguing story. Harry and Ginny have much to learn but are clearly bonded.
Sunday 28th January 2007 23:07Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire (Author Response)
Thanks very much. They do, indeed, have a lot to learn.