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Reviews For Hunter and Maiden by Tarkas

Sunday 18th March 2007 10:45
Hunter and Maiden
nice prat fall by Harry when he sees Ginny. Obviously, she's Maiden .
Interesting how Harry's senses are more acute -- must be the effect of the Helmet; but why does it appear that Harry is unaware of it?
Sunday 18th March 2007 23:47Hunter and Maiden (Author Response)
He's still learning what's been done to him and what he can now do -- see Chapter 6 for more on this.
Monday 20th November 2006 08:48
Hunter and Maiden
Ahh, the heightened senses... It's a good thing I decided to reread this fic, as I just didn't remember the visual assault Harry's newfound abilities lead to. I love his ability to really see people though. Pretty neat.

Love it.
Monday 14th August 2006 20:50
Hunter and Maiden
Well then. I hope all of this new stuff works out for the best. Very good chapter.
Sunday 25th September 2005 07:15
Hunter and Maiden
Wonderful chapter.  I like the idea of Harry's new super senses.
Sunday 18th September 2005 15:11
Hunter and Maiden
Wonderful!  I'm at a loss for words, but the way you're building this story... the way Harry discovers his new abilities, how he discovers Ginny, how he discovers himself... it's just beautifully written.  And it all seems so organic, it flows with effortless ease.  I'm awed.

Thanks a lot!

Aaran St Vines
Thursday 31st March 2005 07:34
Hunter and Maiden
What an excellent story. I cannot believe I just discovered it. I have really enjoyed your other stories.

Finally someone wrote a story where Harry looked at Ginny and fell for her in short order for a good reason other then teenage hormones - which isn't love at all.

Thursday 24th March 2005 10:23
Hunter and Maiden
Super senses.
That's cool.
I'm also liking the portrayal of the Weasleys. I liked in particular the view of Mr. W. Curious, Intelligent and Responsible. Nice.

This keeps getting better and better. Keep it up. Good work.
Monday 13th September 2004 23:26
Hunter and Maiden

This was a very sweet chapter.  I enjoyed Harry’s reaction to seeing the burrow- and the doorbell.  Arthur is one of my favorite characters, and I enjoy when is hobbies are mentioned, even when he’s teased!   This new Harry actually called the Burrow home, and played on Molly’s sympathy to get his invitation- as if she’d ever turn him away. 

Wow.  I can’t believe how quickly you had Harry notice Ginny.  I absolutely LOVE that he fell over himself when he laid eyes on her for the first time.  His powers are amazing-allowing him to see into the hearts and minds of others.  One question- why didn’t he do this with the Dursleys?  Oh course, that may be pretty stomach turning. . . (Grin.)

If Harry’s amazement over Ginny thrilled me, I laughed at the reaction Ginny had to the new Harry.  Yum. Hee hee.  I wish she was more open to the idea of dating though.  Especially now that Harry sees her as the wonderful person she is.   

A believable, simple way for Harry to test out his new senses.  They are still new to him, and he has to integrate them into himself.  The testing scene, with Harry outside, was detailed and underscored how sensitive and in tune to his reality the helm has made him.

My favorite scene is, as a H/G ‘shipper’, his senses snapping to attention as Ginny approaches.   I can only hope that this bodes well for the couple.  I smiled at the idea of Harry speaking so honestly to Ginny, and his noticing his smiling at her in turn makes her breathless!  My favorite line in the story to date: “He just hoped that he could manage to bear the incredible joy of observing her.”  This capped off an incredibly moving installment.  I’m so glad that there doesn’t seem to be any major obstacles between this friendship or romance.  I can’t wait to read the next chapter.  I can’t wait to see what will happen at the birthday party.  Will the others notice a change in him?  I’m so glad I found this story. 

ellie-  a reviewer not a writer.

Monday 13th September 2004 23:26Hunter and Maiden (Author Response)

As I have said previously, Harry didn't have a lot of choice about noticing Ginny. She (and the other Weasleys, but Ginny more than the others) suddenly shone out like a searchlight in the dark -- eventually, in all his senses simultaneously, culminating in that new awareness of her that he has. The Dursleys didn't, either because (let's face it) they have little or nothing to shine with , or because Harry's senses had been developing steadily since he first donned the Helm and it wasn't until he got to the Burrow that they got to the point of seeing people like that. The Burriow and those living there may also have had something to do with it -- and, once again, Ginny probably more than the rest of her family.

Ginny has yet to realise that Harry sees her in a new light, and she's wary of the male of the species anyway at the moment -- as far as romance goes, anyway. Later chapters will develop this more, but it won't be quick. Why is something that is hinted at in Chapter 6.

And yes, Harry is quite drool-worthy now; the Helm has done that as its first step (along with something else you'll see in Chapter 5); its job is to prepare the Wearer for his work, and part of that is for he or she to be physically able and ready for whatever may be needed.