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Reviews For Hearts Afire by Sherylyn

Saturday 26th January 2008 20:58
Hearts Afire
nice chapter
i would be pretty mad too!!!! i love how it takes 3 wizards to take down harry
your doing a good job on the POV
Saturday 26th January 2008 23:38Hearts Afire (Author Response)
LOL I would, too. It's amazing Harry hasn't blown up more than he has And I still think it's likely that none of 'em (not just Harry) were exactly using every bit of power/ability they had -- it's not like any of them actually wanted to hurt each other! Thanks for reviewing!
Wednesday 31st October 2007 14:19
Hearts Afire
What a mess. The press just won't leave Harry alone. It is like they aren't happy unless they can make him and his friends and "family" unhappy. At least the twins and Ron kept him from making matters worse. They will get through this but it will help if they survive without further problems. I look forward to more of this story. p
Wednesday 31st October 2007 14:48Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Yeah, isn't that the truth? Mary did a great job of setting up how the press reacted to all this, and how Harry and company had to deal with it. Glad you're enjoying this!
Friday 31st August 2007 00:32
Hearts Afire
Sherylyn, would you please continue this story?? Please, please??
Saturday 1st September 2007 21:18Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Oh I'll definitely be continuing it! Thanks for asking! I'm a slow writer at the best of times, and things have just been too crazy-busy lately, but I will promise to finish this up, hopefully before too long!

Thanks again for asking!
Wednesday 14th March 2007 11:58
Hearts Afire
'"Magic," Ron smirked. "Ever heard of it?"' -- I loved that -- and Ron tying Harry's shoes for him .
Nice chapter.
After the pirate daydream, the twins should give him something like a Pirate's eyepatch or maybe slip something into his food that turns him into a parrot?
Wednesday 14th March 2007 19:54Hearts Afire (Author Response)
*grin* Glad you liked it. I enjoyed that part, myself

And LOL on the pirate tie-in... that might be quite a good idea!!

THANKS bunches!!
Friday 2nd March 2007 18:51
Hearts Afire
A trick speedo from the twins! Better yet, boxer swim trunks that turn into a speedo when you get out of the water! LOL!!!

You're doing a wonderful job with this parallel story!
Saturday 3rd March 2007 16:48Hearts Afire (Author Response)
ROFL! Oh that'd be hysterical!! I may have to use something like that on their honeymoon!

And thanks so much -- glad you're enjoying it!
Friday 2nd March 2007 16:49
Hearts Afire
That was a fun filled ride! Lots of energy and action and perspective of Harry's. We should all be so lucky to have someone love us that way!
Saturday 3rd March 2007 16:47Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Thanks so much! And yes, IMO, H&G have a perfect sort of love (esp. St. M's H&G!)... not that they always do everything perfectly, or that they're perfect people by any means.... but they complement each other perfectly, even when they don't necessarily see it all the time, either
Monday 26th February 2007 19:01
Hearts Afire
Great chapter, a really fitting accompaniment to St. Margaret's story, captures the same feel perfectly. I'm still a bit disappointed though that Harry was overcome so easily, even though you tried to make it out as being tougher than it seemed to be - "took three of us to do the full-body bind" (but only one 'low power' stunner was really necessary). The brothers' reaction to the photographs when the article was published - the contrast between listening to Harry's account versus the actual evidence seen by their own eyes - was excellent.
Monday 26th February 2007 20:49Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Well... it was only b/c Harry wasn't giving it his all, and neither were the brothers, I'd think. (That "low-power Stunner" was only to knock him back/off-kilter, they weren't trying to truly Stun him.) They're not any of them esp. angry at each other, they're just at cross-purposes. But their anger at the general situation was also to blame for why they may not have all been thinking at their clearest, either (Harry might've just Apparated away rather than keep trying to get past them, and esp. if he'd considered them an "enemy", obviously.) So yeah... a few kinks in things at times, I'm sure

And I can still visualize the faces around that table once each of them got a look at those pictures. I mean, even Harry -- he was *there* (obviously! *grin*) but I can only imagine how it'd feel to see yourself doing that in print!!

Thanks for reviewing! Glad you're enjoying things overall!
Lady Chi
Sunday 25th February 2007 16:37
Hearts Afire
Hi Sherry!

Real Life has slowed down a bit for me so I'm finally getting a chance to get caught up on fanfiction, and I was very happy to see you and St. Margarets working together. After I finished her "New Zealand Chronicles" she sent me over here and I was... not surprised, since you always do a wonderful job, but very pleased with what you're doing! It's nice to see, isn't it, what a difference point of view makes in a story?

I'm looking forward to more of this and I hope to see it soon!

An old friend
Sunday 25th February 2007 17:09Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Oh, it's so nice to see you reading again, regardless of whether or not it's my stuff! I'm having a blast, and this sort of writing fits so much better within what time I do have for writing, etc., than anything else I could do. (She has to do the big/hard stuff of making the whole plot work, I just get to play in her sandbox )

I've already started working on Ch. 6, and hope to get it finished w/in the next few weeks, if all goes well (Spring Break is coming, so that'll help for sure!). And yes, I think a POV switch on things is really interesting... but then, I'm a Harry-addict, so... maybe that's just me, too

THANKS bunches, and glad you're enjoying this!
Saturday 24th February 2007 17:07
Hearts Afire
Great fun to read. Thanks so much.
Saturday 24th February 2007 18:31Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Thanks for reviewing. Glad you enjoyed it!
Wednesday 21st February 2007 17:08
Hearts Afire
Sherylyn, you and StMargaret have the most passionate Harry and Ginny I've every read in fan fiction. I love how they interact with one another. The passion between them just jumped right off the paper as I read it. It's so tender and lovely. I've been waiting on this update for a while. I truly understand how real life could get in the way some times, but thank you so much for taking time out to update this. I love it. I always look forward to seeing what's instore for them next. I think my favorite part of the story was:

"No, you were most cooperative." He grinned up at her. It was a daydream, for Merlin's sake — why would she be fighting him in his own daydream? Women....

hehe, that was so funny and too cute. Ginny's view on his daydream got me to thinking. I think a great birthday present from the twins would be for them to create a joint daydream charm that both Harry and Ginny could share in. That would be most interesting to see how the out come would be. Of course George and Fred would tell Harry to make sure that this is done in private. No one else should be seeing what Harry and Ginny could come up with. With the passion that's between them now, I know it would get a little hot up in here. In fact, since Ginny's bday is right around the corner from Harry's, maybe that could be a bday present for the both of them. hmm, maybe they could take the charm on Ginny's birthday? That would be some day.

Sorry about the long review. I just really loved this chapter. Twenty-two pages of wonderful.

Wednesday 21st February 2007 19:26Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Aww... thanks for the high praise!! I'm glad you enjoy their interactions so much. Mary's created this wonderful relationship between them, and I'm just having fun playing in her sandbox

That's a great idea for a gift from the twins... maybe they could save it till after the wedding, since they won't be together on their b'days Or maybe the twins could send it to them for Christmas! LOL!!

THANKS so much for the idea and the great review -- and don't apologize for the length -- I enjoyed it very much!!
St Margarets
Wednesday 21st February 2007 15:44
Hearts Afire
Woot! I can't wait for the next chapter since I know what happened! LOL. Is it wrong of me to like your Harry so much? It's nice to see him interacting without Ginny with her brothers in this chapter. I do love his friendship with Ron and the twins. This is so good, Sherry. I'm sure we could all pitch in and buy you a house elf so you can keep going. LOL Sorry for writing such a ridiculously long story!
Wednesday 21st February 2007 19:22Hearts Afire (Author Response)
LOL don't you dare apologize for the length of NZC -- I love every page of it!! And if it's wrong for you to like Harry, then I'm probably in real trouble! LOL!! I enjoyed him interacting w/the other guys, too -- even when it was hard to get going on writing, at least it was still enjoyable to be getting there
Wednesday 21st February 2007 15:16
Hearts Afire
I love the Harry that you and St. Margaret have made in these stories, but I love the depth that your story gives to him. Seeing his anguish about the pictures and how much he worried about them gave us such insight into his feelings about Ginny and her family. It was true Harry for him to worry about what the Weasley family would think of him.

Harry's reaction to the pictures that were published was very well done. One could just picture and hear his responses to Ron and the Twins. What I would give to see the whole scene in the Twins' storeroom acted out...what a hoot! The three Weasleys must care about Harry to even attempt hexing him, let alone overcoming him. That had to be a scary situation going up against a mad and powerful Harry Potter. I loved how angry it made Harry that Ginny's brothers were able to do something to help protect her, but he couldn't.

The end scene between Ginny and Harry was very tender. His feelings for her just shown through his behavior and his words. These were my favorite lines:

"I couldn't do anything for you today," he admitted, his face buried against the side of her neck as he breathed in her scent. It was still so hard to be so helpless when he wanted to do something for her so badly, so desperately.

Thanks for taking the time to write this chapter, even though RL reared its ugly head. We truly do appreciate you! Can't wait for the next chapter.

Wednesday 21st February 2007 19:20Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Thanks so much! I'm glad that the different parts of Harry's thinking/feeling rang true for you. And yes, Mary's version of Harry's Daydream is hysterical -- too bad we can't hire the movie actors to do it for us when they're a bit older, hmm? LOL!! Thanks again for such a thoughtful review!
Wednesday 21st February 2007 14:56
Hearts Afire
Very nice. I really like you're style of writing. It mirrors Mary's quite nicely. Looking forward to reading more!
Wednesday 21st February 2007 19:17Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Thanks bunches. Glad you're enjoying it -- I have loads of fun with it, even when it does take me a good while to get it finished
Wednesday 21st February 2007 10:10
Hearts Afire
I think that that daydream charm should go down in history as being the funniest thing to ever grace the pages of Harry Potter fanfiction! No matter how many times I read about it, I die laughing!!

This chapter was absolutely wonderful and I loved it! Amazing work! And I really loved the anger you had Harry feeling- he was royally p*ssed off and you conveyed that brilliantly! Amazing work!
Wednesday 21st February 2007 10:41Hearts Afire (Author Response)
LOL I know, that Daydream Charm is pure *classic*, totally!! There's no way to improve on it, either -- so I just let y'all "fill in the blanks" with Mary's version

I'm glad you could see and feel Harry's anger. I kinda thought he had to be pretty furious to be getting in a spell battle of any sort w/Ron and the twins -- glad you think it worked ok!

Thanks for reviewing!
Wednesday 21st February 2007 09:29
Hearts Afire
Another terrific chapter. I feel so bad for Harry; his mental anguish and feelings of helplessness in this chapter are almost palpable and I didn't want to leave the computer until I'd finished reading. I'm so glad that Harry and Ginny finally had the chance to really talk about how they felt; they're building an excellent foundation for their marriage by being open and honest with each other.

Also, the part that made me choke up was when Ron insisted that Harry was "family." This mature, level-headed Ron is a nice change from the teenager who immediately jumps to conclusions and can't see all aspects of a situation. Harry needs a friend like Ron and, for that matter, Fred and George to keep him centered, to help him realize he's not alone but part of a large group of people who support each other.

I look forward to Chapter 6.
Wednesday 21st February 2007 10:39Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Awww...! Thanks, Arnel! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I think Mary's giving H&G a lot of good foundations for their marriage, and I just hope to build on that, more than anything else.

And Ron... well, I figure that, at some point, Ron's chess abilities -- being able to see more than just what's in front of his face -- will also play out in other relationships. He may have once had that "emotional range of a teaspoon" but I do think he'll get beyond that ultimately. And even if he doesn't quite see everything that Hermione sees at times, I also don't see her beating him in chess anytime soon, either! LOL!!

And I loved how Mary had the twins zeroing in on being "brothers" with Harry, too... so that bit really played out in my chapter a bit -- I'm glad you noticed!
Wednesday 21st February 2007 09:07
Hearts Afire
Aww, I loved this. I really do prefer Harry's POV, so it's wonderful to read this story from that side. I loved Ron in this chapter. He and Harry's friendship shone through so strongly, and I always appreciate that.
Wednesday 21st February 2007 10:29Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Thanks, Melinda. I think they've all grown up in lots of ways, and seeing that Ron's still the friend who'll always be there is definitely a Good Thing, IMO
Wednesday 21st February 2007 08:21
Hearts Afire
Poor Harry. So desperately wanting to take care of and protect Ginny. And feeling such a failure at it, that he doesn't see that the best ting he can do is just being there for Ginny. Seemed like he got the point in the end, though.

Thanks for sharing, it's always fun to see your pov.

Wednesday 21st February 2007 10:26Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Yup, Harry needs to figure out that sometimes, "protection" isn't always what's needed most. He's getting there, though

Thanks for the review -- glad you enjoyed it!
Wednesday 21st February 2007 02:32
Hearts Afire
Sweet. Very sweet.

Wednesday 21st February 2007 07:36Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Thank you!
Grandma Kate
Tuesday 20th February 2007 21:54
Hearts Afire
This is such fun to read. Having another POV makes it so interesting.
Wednesday 21st February 2007 07:36Hearts Afire (Author Response)
Thanks so much. I'm glad you like it. I have a lot of fun w/Harry's POV, even if I'm a lot slower writer than Mary is