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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Final Flame by YelloWitchGrl

Sunday 15th July 2007 17:27
Harry Potter and the Final Flame
Ooo even more intriguing
Thursday 28th June 2007 09:58
Harry Potter and the Final Flame
FUNNY! i loved the slap. better so far than seventh horcrux.
The Boss
Wednesday 6th June 2007 06:15
Harry Potter and the Final Flame
Blimey I wasnt expecting that at all from this chapter! Not at all!
Excellent wedding
I have so far been captivated by the first few chapters and i shall continue to keep reading until i am up to date - keep up the good work

The Boss
Thursday 26th April 2007 13:02
Harry Potter and the Final Flame
Yeah, that's the question. She left a strong hint, though. Pity she ruined her brother's wedding. But I suppose you couldn't settle for anything less dramatic.
Thursday 26th April 2007 15:58Harry Potter and the Final Flame (Author Response)
Actually, I had Bill and Fleur gone before she runnoft. In my head no one told them until after the honeymoon. Am I being too dramatic?
Tuesday 27th March 2007 13:33
Harry Potter and the Final Flame
Areally good chapter! What is Ginny up to? Why is Tonks supporting her? Is it because Harry wouldn't let her come with them? Is she looking for Horcruces without them? Where could she go that is unplottable? I look forward to the rest of this story. Thanks for writing. p
Thursday 26th April 2007 11:24Harry Potter and the Final Flame (Author Response)
Those are all very excellent questions and I can't answer any of them so you know you're on the right track :-)
Friday 16th March 2007 11:36
Harry Potter and the Final Flame
Very interesting. I figured Ginny was going to run off -- just not yet.
Thursday 26th April 2007 11:21Harry Potter and the Final Flame (Author Response)
hehe, well I like to get those bits out of the way first.
Tuesday 13th March 2007 10:26
Harry Potter and the Final Flame
This is very interesting. What is Ginny up to? That is quite a deception. Make herself lose weight and then get Harry to work with her deception. I look forward to more of this story. Thanks for writing. p
Thursday 26th April 2007 11:18Harry Potter and the Final Flame (Author Response)
What is Ginny up to... now that is the question ;-)
Lily Flower
Wednesday 28th February 2007 17:14
Harry Potter and the Final Flame
Her cat? I'm sorry but if someone took my cat and claimed it as their own....we'd have a smack down! lol I like this story....update soon.
Monday 5th March 2007 09:50Harry Potter and the Final Flame (Author Response)
hehe... I would too except if it was a really, really close friend. Then I'd just wonder what they were up to... I think.
Tuesday 27th February 2007 16:21
Harry Potter and the Final Flame
Nice story. can't wait to see what happens next.
Monday 5th March 2007 09:50Harry Potter and the Final Flame (Author Response)
Thank you :-D Glad you're enjoying it.