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Reviews For A Real Superiority of Mind by Bella

Friday 4th January 2008 13:39
A Real Superiority of Mind
Great story. Funny and interesting. I love the way everyone seems to have matured, but are still themselves.

One of my favorite lines:
"Is this the part where we have mad sex in my parents' house?" Ron asked as Hermione pulled him into his old bedroom at the top of the house and closed the door firmly behind them. He came up close to her and lowered his mouth to hers, only to be rather rudely pushed away.

Such a perfect Ron/Hermione moment.

I'd love to know the backstory of why Ginny has had a long string of boyfriends since she & Harry broke up and how come they never got back together. I'm sure it's full of Harry angst and also his inability to talk to or understand the female of the species. And Ginny being too proud to make the first move.

Can't wait to see where this goes.
Monday 22nd October 2007 14:53
A Real Superiority of Mind
HILARIOUS! I loved how justified Molly felt in her manipulative matchmaking. Ginny also cracked me up with all of her dark thoughts (e.g., matricide, "I live to serve you, Mother," etc.) Great job!
Wednesday 28th March 2007 08:22
A Real Superiority of Mind
Interesting dynamic. Ginny's a bit hostile toward Harry -- makes me curious as to why; wouldn't she be over the breakup at Dumbledore's funeral by now (4 years later)? I'm sure there has to be a story there -- maybe in a later chapter.
I like Molly's hinting at Ginny about Harry , and even her subtle sabotaging of other relationships , but would she really be so deceptive as to outright lie?
Poor Bryan, he doesn't seem to have a chance of getting much of Ginny's attention with Harry around (maybe that's why Ginny's so upset).
Friday 16th March 2007 02:58
A Real Superiority of Mind
Was leaving a comment on Chapter 2 and realised I forgot to for chapter one.
Hee I really liked this. Oh the interfering and schemeing mother! It's brilliant! So funny when it's not my own *giggle*
Enjoying this and looking forward to more
Thursday 15th March 2007 12:20
A Real Superiority of Mind
Oh, VERY good start! I like it. And I agree with Ginny that matricide would probably be extremely tempting at about that point.
Ardie Bea
Wednesday 14th March 2007 00:44
A Real Superiority of Mind
"It was always difficult to put those plates away." Now that was hard. Brilliant writing. A very poignant and realistic piece of grief.
"she realized she was dangerously close to revisiting her inner petulant child. " And this was laugh-out-loud wonderful - and much more indicative of the overall tone of the piece. Fantastic. Loved the constant tension and the fact that there hasn't been any quick resolution, but you've kept her on the boil through the whole chapter.
Fascinating seeing Harry from the outside, from Ginny's perspective, and having to speculate with her what's going on for him.
Also like the fact that Bryan is not some total dweeb, and actually seems to stand some chance here - except for Harry of course.
Wednesday 14th March 2007 18:42A Real Superiority of Mind (Author Response)
Oh, wow, thank you so much! (It's always great when I get my words quoted back at me!!)
I hope to be continuing the tension (and the humor) for the rest of the story. I'm also glad that you like the Ginny POV - it's sort of hard to write something without looking into Harry or Ron's thoughts, but I decided that this would be a girls-only thing, which has definitely been interesting to write. And yes, I think it makes things much more interesting to have Bryan as a likeable guy - and realistic, too, because Ginny wouldn't date a loser. (Or at least, I hope not.)
Thank you again for your kind words!
Tuesday 13th March 2007 16:59
A Real Superiority of Mind
I really like this so far! Everyone's characters are so perfect, they've gotten older, but are still the same people. And the humor doesn't take away from the serious aspects, or at least what might become more serious. ...I hope that makes some sense. It's like, sometimes stories get too light and it's hard to take it as seriously or get as deeply into it, but this... isn't like that...
I hope that makes sense. Anyway, I was trying to give some sort of comment other than "That was great! Can't wait fot the next chapter!" Because it was, and I can't, but I think authors deserve a little more. So, anyway, I eagerly await the next installment.
Wednesday 14th March 2007 18:38A Real Superiority of Mind (Author Response)
Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a detailed review - authors certainly do appreciate it! I'm very happy that you like the story so far, and I do understand what you mean - it's difficult to balance comedy and drama, and I'm so happy that you think I've done a reasonably good job with it.
Thank you again!
Tuesday 13th March 2007 14:19
A Real Superiority of Mind
Hey, it's great to see you writing again!

Man. You sure do know how to write an interfering mother. Got any experience with that? You hit it head on.

Can't wait to see where you're going with this one. Should be interesting. Yay for more writing.
Wednesday 14th March 2007 18:36A Real Superiority of Mind (Author Response)
Thank you, I love to write!(!!)
And fortunately, I don't have a problem with an interfering mother, but Molly is my channeling of Mrs. Bennet (Pride and Prejudice) and I've always loved (and been annoyed by, of course) her brand of love for her children.
I hope the story lives up to your expectations, and I'm so glad you're enjoying the story!
Sunday 11th March 2007 13:14
A Real Superiority of Mind
I very much enjoyed the chapter and the emotional byplays. Do hope you will be continuing on the fine start you have made. I look forward to the Ron, Hermione and the mothers resolution as well as Ginny, Molly and Harry resolution.
Wednesday 14th March 2007 18:34A Real Superiority of Mind (Author Response)
Thank you very much! Yes, there will be a resolution, somewhere along the line. I'm glad you're enjoying the story!
Sunday 11th March 2007 10:44
A Real Superiority of Mind
I love it! What a fantastic idea and first chapter, I hope there are many many more to follow. Ginny is excellent, as are Molly, Hermione and Ron. I can't wait to delve further into this story, what a brilliant idea. I love how you've managed to include so much in this chapter, the Hungarian Horntail is hilarious. I wonder which of George's mates has the tatoo in the first place. Really nice, I loved to see the Weasley family grow, poor Percy and Charlie! I can't believe they didn't make it, so sad. Your characterization is brilliant, everyone is spot on! Wonderful!
Sunday 11th March 2007 11:31A Real Superiority of Mind (Author Response)
Thank you so much, SillyGillie! I'm so glad you're enjoying the story so far. Look for four more chapters and a possible epilogue! Thank you for your kind words, especially on my characterizations - it's always my first priority to make everyone as IC as I possibly can!
Thank you!
Friday 9th March 2007 22:38
A Real Superiority of Mind
I really enjoyed that, you have Molly perfect. I'll look out for updates to see how this 'train wreck' ends
Saturday 10th March 2007 15:39A Real Superiority of Mind (Author Response)
Thank you very much, I'm so glad you're enjoying the story so far!
Friday 9th March 2007 20:41
A Real Superiority of Mind
Bloody brilliant! I can't wait for your next chapter!

Saturday 10th March 2007 15:39A Real Superiority of Mind (Author Response)
Thank you so much - and for the record, ibelieveintruelove too!
Friday 9th March 2007 16:20
A Real Superiority of Mind
This was great. Please update soon.^^
Saturday 10th March 2007 15:38A Real Superiority of Mind (Author Response)
Thank you, and look for an update around this time next week!
Friday 9th March 2007 13:36
A Real Superiority of Mind
Molly as the heiress of Slytherin, Ron and Hermione totally uncomplicated, Ginny deceiving herself most of all, her boyfriend (Ryan?) a nice guy (which makes it awkward), Harry a bit of a git at some point, loads of questions ...

I could berate you for quite a number of things, but I won't, because I've seriously enjoyed the ride. It's all so very well placed, working together etc. In short: brilliant story so far.
Saturday 10th March 2007 15:38A Real Superiority of Mind (Author Response)
Thank you very much, critmo - and might I add, I love your "Moods" series! I'm glad that you're enjoying the story - I hope it continues to be brilliant!
Friday 9th March 2007 10:01
A Real Superiority of Mind
I enjoyed this sooo much! I especially got a kick out of Molly-what a schemer (sp?)! I can't wait to see how she takes the news of Ron and Hermione's muggle wedding.
Saturday 10th March 2007 15:36A Real Superiority of Mind (Author Response)
Oohh, that will not be fun news for Molly to recieve.
Thank you very much for your kind words!
Friday 9th March 2007 08:47
A Real Superiority of Mind
*Squee!* I loved that chapter! The story was so very funny! I loved it, I really loved it. Molly and Ginny's heavy debates of Harry were so funny, and not to Ginny's denial of the whole Harry/Ginny thing. George getting a tattoo, a Hungarian Horntail, was hilarious. HBP is my favorite book of the series and that scene was one of my most favorite of all, so I really enjoyed that little interaction in the last little bit! Great job! ~HiJane_2
Saturday 10th March 2007 15:35A Real Superiority of Mind (Author Response)
Thank you so much, HiJane_2! I really appreciate you taking the time to review, and I'm even happier that it's a really positive review! I loved writing the part about the tattoo, that was fun. I hope you keep reading!
Friday 9th March 2007 04:51
A Real Superiority of Mind
oh yeah! that was fun. And the ending.. priceless. Like a true inside joke it took a moment for me to get it! I was like "what's so funny about that" and a minute later I was laughing with them.. great!

And someone please HEX MOLLY!!

I have a feeling that this story is going to be one of the good ones
Saturday 10th March 2007 15:31A Real Superiority of Mind (Author Response)
Yay, I'm so glad you had fun reading it - it was super fun to write! I love inside jokes.
I hope my story lives up to your expectations! Thank you for reviewing!
Grandma Kate
Friday 9th March 2007 04:48
A Real Superiority of Mind
Oh, very good. I could just picture the family dinner.

This is a classic-
She gained control with difficulty, all the while imagining a Hungarian Horntail tattooed on Harry's chest, which she had been able to picture easily when they had been together, but today she wondered. What did his chest look like now that they were older? More defined, unless she missed her guess. Broader, probably.

Her heart rate was accelerating. She concentrated instead on thoughts of matricide.

Saturday 10th March 2007 14:08A Real Superiority of Mind (Author Response)
Hahaha, thank you, that's one of my favorite parts in the story. I'm so glad you like my story! Thank you for your review!
Friday 9th March 2007 03:33
A Real Superiority of Mind
I've read the other chapters of this story over at another site, but I'm glad you've posted it here. This is such a hilarious story. I can't get over the way Molly has oh-so-subtly insulted all of Ginny's previous boyfriends. Ginny doesn't stand a chance against Harry though. It's so obvious that she still has feelings for him; if she didn't, then why is she reacting so strongly whenever she's anywhere near him?

I do love that part where she looks over at Harry and finds him looking at her as if he owns her. Well, of course he does! Anyone with a brain knows that.

I like your characterizations of Hermione and Ron too (that 'mad sex in my parents' house' line was great :lol, and I like the fact that Hermione isn't as controlled as she's usually portrayed.

Great job, and I hope you post the next chapters soon!
Saturday 10th March 2007 14:07A Real Superiority of Mind (Author Response)
Aaaah! It's not very often that someone reads, doesn't review, then reads AGAIN and leaves a review! Thank you, you've made my day.