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Reviews For Second Chances by The F00l2

Friday 23rd July 2004 00:27
Second Chances
I think I'd rather be the guinea pig for all future testing of the twins' jokes rather than tell Ginny I've been hiding something like this from her, she scares me more than Tom ever did.
This is an example of why I like your story. The funny little touches that you put into it. Here's another:
Since this was the Weasley twins' final year, it is up to you to carry on the Marauder Tradition: Honor, Loyalty, and Pranking the Heck outta all the Slytherins, especially those named Snape or Malfoy.
Yay, Sirius! I'm surprised that didn't blush when reading the romance part of the letter. Padfoot, you dog!

P.S. The house-elf's name is spelled "Kreacher", FYI.
Spark Soliton
Wednesday 2nd June 2004 17:39
Second Chances

Really liked this story - good characterisation and a nice continuation of Ootp, flowed well into the end of that book! Looking forward to the next chapter!
Best Regards