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Reviews For Discovering Lily by Lady Chi

Thursday 17th January 2008 03:09
Discovering Lily
Oooo the plot thickens! There is definitely something more sinister going on here than I first thought! Bring on the next chapter!
Tuesday 30th October 2007 07:47
Discovering Lily
OOh, creepy. So I guess my Remus theory was wrong. :\
Sunday 14th October 2007 19:27
Discovering Lily
wow! I cant believe that she was murdered!!! and in a muggle way!!!
That dream would be disturbing! and then lily telling ginny to run... that's so odd....
Friday 25th May 2007 20:59
Discovering Lily
That dream of Ginny's was downright creepy. I got chills when Lily looked at her and told her to run. Now I want to know what she should run from. Also, the suspense of the murder has me on the edge of my seat. Wonderful chapter!
Sunday 13th May 2007 11:40
Discovering Lily
What a mess. Ginny has a dream about Harry being born and Lily's last friend is murdered in St. Mungos. The tension is deffinitely building for Ginny. Thanks for writing. This is very good. p
Wednesday 4th April 2007 07:41
Discovering Lily
Remarkable. I'm really enjoying this story so far. The scenes are vivid and full of suspense; the story is fast paced and not too quick.

Thank you for the great read! I can't wait for the next chapter! Literally...
Wolf's Scream
Tuesday 3rd April 2007 22:52
Discovering Lily
Hmmm.... so much for easy answers to Ginny's questions, then. At least Kathleen isn't suffering any more. But what killed her? Perhaps the rest of the story will tell....
Tuesday 3rd April 2007 18:57
Discovering Lily
my gosh! this is getting scary....waiting for more
Tuesday 3rd April 2007 14:39
Discovering Lily
Oh, the plot thickens! This is getting really good, update soon! I want to know what Lily is warning Ginny about!

Tuesday 3rd April 2007 10:01
Discovering Lily
I was wondering how in the world you were going to finish this in 5 chapters. You are doing a wonderful job. What is Ginny having a boy or a girl?