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Reviews For No Devil or Redeemer by Mullvaney

Thursday 11th October 2007 01:32
No Devil or Redeemer
Ooh... this is a very interesting concept!

I especially enjoyed the mud pies link - very subtle. Can't wait to read more - are we going the Jane Austen route, I wonder, with heartbreak before the happy ending? Only another chapter will tell...
Sunday 22nd April 2007 03:46
No Devil or Redeemer
I finally got round to reading this! There's so much in this story that's left unsaid - so far ... a picture of a whole world is building piece by piece. I'm still impressed by the way it fits in with the Potterverse we know and yet the contemporary London society setting is also beautifully drawn.

I loved the magic carpet conversation and Lucrezia unable to resist besting her peers. She's a piece of work all right! I also enjoyed the other magical touches like the mud pudding and the coal into diamonds - very clever. The conversation at the end with Mrs Black was filled with foreboding. I wonder how long Lucrezia will have to wait before she attains her goal?
Lily Flower
Friday 6th April 2007 13:07
No Devil or Redeemer
I like your's different which is nice and I've always been a fan of this time period. And it is very well written. Kudos to you.
Connor Landon
Thursday 5th April 2007 13:48
No Devil or Redeemer
And I agree, your story feels like something Jane Austen would have written. I love it!
Connor Landon
Thursday 5th April 2007 13:47
No Devil or Redeemer
Erg, it irks me when truly awesome stories end on such a note as that. I definitely do NOT trust Mrs. Black, nor Romanus, for that matter. I like Romanus so far, though, but there is just something dark and mysterious about him, something that makes me distrust yet love him. Mrs. Black is nice enough on the surface, but underneath...And it's a pity that Lucrezia won't have Mrs.B's aid. Romanus doesn't seem like he's in too big of a hurry to marry, though there was that kiss...Can't wait for the next chapter. Can I expect an update any time soon? Do you have a certain day that you update, maybe once a week?
Wednesday 4th April 2007 15:24
No Devil or Redeemer
Oh dear, it's all so intense! I don't know how much more I can take!! So who exactly is it that is exercising their guile? Is it Lucrezia? Or Mrs Black? Or, indeed, Romanus? Very intriguing, and of course beguiling!

I adored the opening paragraphs describing the park and spring and the young people out for a walk - the language and pictures you paint are gloriously done. Keep up the splendid writing - each chapter is a little treasure.
Wednesday 4th April 2007 13:15
No Devil or Redeemer
I am so glad this story is still breathing---I love your Jane Austen take on Slytherins.