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Reviews For Recovery by nerd2006

Monday 24th March 2008 12:38
nice chapter!
Thursday 10th May 2007 02:46
eh.. how can you have nonpoisonous venom?
Thursday 10th May 2007 22:16Recovery (Author Response)
Are you talking about the bronzeback snake venom? Did I say it was nonpoisonous? Well, anyway, in my head, the venom in the potion will cancel out the poison that's got Harry all messed up. I hope that... kind of makes sense?
Saturday 28th April 2007 23:57
This chapter is just as creepy as the first time I read it! The lengths to which Hermione will go to help her friends is admirable, especially when she puts her own well-being on the line. You weave a well-written tale that keeps me wanting more.
Thursday 26th April 2007 06:08
Nasty encounter. Can't help being afraid that more problems will come of it.
Grandma Kate
Wednesday 25th April 2007 21:55
Eeww! Nasty witch. Poor Hermione will have to hurry to save Harry.
Friday 4th June 2010 01:53Recovery (Author Response)
Hello! fkaegdd interesting fkaegdd site!
Megan SQ
Wednesday 25th April 2007 11:00
I like that you move your story quickly, and the alternative points of view come across very canon-like. But I don't get it: why would Ron and Hermione not take Harry to St. Mungo's when they realize they can't heal his wounds immediately?
Wednesday 25th April 2007 13:41Recovery (Author Response)
Mmmmm, I think that I address that either in the third chapter or the sequel... but to answer you anyway, just in case I didn't mention it at all, the trio doesn't want to bring attention to themselves, from Voldy nor the ministry. They've been almost completely incommunicado and hidden for months. I hope that (kind of) answers your question. But I'm glad you're enjoying the story, and thanks for reviewing!
Tuesday 24th April 2007 23:11
Wow! Can't wait to read more.
Wednesday 25th April 2007 13:42Recovery (Author Response)
Tuesday 24th April 2007 19:53
I like this introductory chapter - loads of intrigue, and you leave us worried about Harry's condition and mental state. Can't wait to read more!
Tuesday 24th April 2007 19:55Recovery (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.