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Reviews For One Year by deenas

Wednesday 30th December 2009 08:03
One Year
love this story and a lot of almost sex scenes are cool to
Monday 25th August 2008 23:18
One Year
aww!!! nice chapter!
i cant wait to re read this!
Friday 14th December 2007 17:43
One Year
awarding him her heart, and he, hers.
should be
awarding him her heart, and her, his.
and she, his.
Wednesday 22nd August 2007 20:32
One Year
Excellent story - great use of descriptive language that tells just enough and leaves the rest to the imagination...
Grandma Kate
Saturday 16th June 2007 10:21
One Year

This is very cute with just a hit of hot! Long ago, I had a fiance' who phoned every morning to wake me up at five AM. Harry's letters remind me of that.

Charlie's impending fatherhood has made it difficult for the rest of the Weasley offspring to 'step out of line'.
Monday 30th April 2007 15:58
One Year
Wow! Who would have thought that Harry and Ginny could be together 4 days and behave themselves. I look forward to more of this story. Thanks for writing. p
Monday 30th April 2007 07:25
One Year
Yippee! I'm so glad this fabulous story has made it to PS! It's twice as good the second time around since I found lots of things I missed the first time through. I love how happy H/G and R/H are. I love the beach birthday party, but I think my favorite scene is the four days Harry and Ginny spend together at his flat...I really had to smile at how well Harry was behaving! There's nothing like a parent's guilt-trip to make someone as conscienious as Harry "do the right thing!" I'm off to read chapter 2...