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Reviews For Discovering Lily by Lady Chi

Thursday 17th January 2008 04:36
Discovering Lily
Another great chapter! I'm really enjoying this story so far, great writing!!
The Plaid Slytherin
Monday 19th November 2007 21:21
Discovering Lily
Ooh, the plot thickens! You're crafting a very interesting mystery here, as well as touching upon some aspects of the canon I'd always wanted to see extrapolated upon (the Gryffindor girls in Lily's year, what Lily was doing for the Order). I look forward to reading more!
Tuesday 30th October 2007 07:58
Discovering Lily
Ooh, the plot thickens! Can't wait. Must. Read. More.
Sunday 14th October 2007 19:38
Discovering Lily
huh this is interesting, someone after ginny and/or harry eh? curious, i wonder... lol
Sunday 13th May 2007 14:09
Discovering Lily
Harry and Ginny are having a really tough time, especially Ginny. I hope Harry and Ron can come up with the solution soon. The dreams are getting scarier all the time. Thanks for writing. p
Wolf's Scream
Tuesday 1st May 2007 18:30
Discovering Lily
Uh huh; Giny's just going to love being guarded all the time.

So Kathleen's murderer employed a fair amount of misdirection, eh? Curious, that; it does rather point to planning... but why botch the Reparo spell, then? Hmm..

Well done!
Tuesday 1st May 2007 18:16
Discovering Lily
And the plot thickens! I'm really hooked on this story, I'm anxious to see what you have planned. Keep updating!
Monday 30th April 2007 18:46
Discovering Lily
i love it!!!!! please update soon!!!!!
Monday 30th April 2007 18:19
Discovering Lily
loved it! can t wait till ur next update