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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Book of Ages by Rosina Ferguson

Thursday 26th July 2012 03:30
Harry Potter and the Book of Ages
This is a great story. You are doing a great job. I really like the way that Harry escaped from Malfoy's and then found his way to people that would help him. I would really like to see Sam saved. The connection with Ginny is great. I look forward to more of this story. p
Wednesday 31st March 2010 10:39
Harry Potter and the Book of Ages
So sad this story seems to be dead. It was really enjoyable and a unique story line. Hope springs eternal!
Thursday 6th March 2008 16:10
Harry Potter and the Book of Ages
Please don't stop writing iw ant tosee if Harry is free and if everyone will believe that he did not kill the Dursleys please don't stop

This stroy is excellent and i hope you continue tow rite on it.
Tuesday 12th June 2007 19:22
Harry Potter and the Book of Ages
You just torment us with more and more questions! When will we get the answers? When , I say? What a great chapter - Snape is portrayed wonderfully, and it was a great relief for Harry finally to see Ginny, even if it was a bit too brief! Can you tell you're making me frustrated? I look forward to the next chapter - keep up the fabulous work.
Tuesday 15th May 2007 14:08
Harry Potter and the Book of Ages
I like how Harry blocks Snape.
So what is Harry's ancestry? You've got me very curious.
And the 'she' must be Ginny , and the 'within arm's reach, but untouchable' refers to the dream sharing?
Monday 7th May 2007 15:16
Harry Potter and the Book of Ages
Umm... Je ne comprends pas?
Help? Please? (I'm a little slow)
Grandma Kate
Monday 7th May 2007 10:27
Harry Potter and the Book of Ages
Very interesting twist at the end.

"She’ll be always at his side."????
Monday 7th May 2007 07:14
Harry Potter and the Book of Ages
Another fantastic chapter! I had to chuckle at Snape's comment about Harry being a lovesick puppy with all his cheery thoughts about Ginny that were blocking the Potion Master's entry into Harry's mind. I had a lump in my throught the size of a Bludger at Ginny and Harry's reunion. I'm really glad they were allowed to see each other. I also love your've got her protective mother tiger personality just right and it melts my heart when she defends Harry the way she does in this chapter. Finally, the Moody/Eleanor scene definitely leaves us wanting to know more. I'm looking forward to your next chapter and hope it appears soon on the update list.