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Reviews For Prelude to the Hunt by Sssith

Tuesday 15th May 2007 17:00
Prelude to the Hunt
I enjoyed this chapter - particularly the Weasley dinner conversations. It's nice to see them acting like family. I like seeing Harry insisting Remus use some of Sirius' money, too. I will admit to being leery of the Occulmency idea. Harry seemed to give up on it in HBP, and JKR did say he couldn't do it, but I'm ready to go for the ride.

Oh, and I just love your !
Tuesday 15th May 2007 19:34Prelude to the Hunt (Author Response)
I will admit to being leery of the Occulmency idea. Harry seemed to give up on it in HBP, and JKR did say he couldn't do it, but I'm ready to go for the ride.

Ah yes...the Melissa and Emerson interview of 2005. But that was before JKR realized that Snape was an enormous git who placed a 'Teacher's Hook' in poor Harry's noggin. Harry's goal is not really to become an accomplished occlumens but rather better defend himself if he runs across . [That nasty greasy git.] And who knows, his meditation might just open up new avenues and skills....

Glad you had fun at the Weasley dinner. That actually took a lot of work to get to a point where I was happy with it. Both RinnaMarie and Tante helped a lot with that one.

I like Ron, and I like to imagine the more playful banter between best mates.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Tuesday 15th May 2007 05:46
Prelude to the Hunt
I'm trying to figure out if you think it is a good thing that Harry seems to know what he wants to do, or if you find it OoC for him.

That's what I'm trying to figure out myself. At the moment, I lean slightly towards ooc to be honest. No offence.
Tuesday 15th May 2007 08:26Prelude to the Hunt (Author Response)
No offense taken. It's a legitimate point. The way I would look at it is that Harry knows he needs to prepare for what is coming as he is no longer just responsible for himself.

When the next books comes out and Harry does everything by the seat of his patns we will be able to sit back and just consider this story AU.
Monday 14th May 2007 15:29
Prelude to the Hunt
Goodness gracious! How come I've never seen this before!

It's wonderful. And a sizable chapter at that! Bravo! I liked the interplay between characters and you write dialogue very well.

I'm intrigued with the story and like any fan I have to say -- more! more!

Thank you so much for writing -- you tremendous.

Monday 14th May 2007 22:02Prelude to the Hunt (Author Response)
Well there was this little matter of an unfortunate delay. I'm glad you found the story and that you enjoyed it.

I have fun with most of the dialog. Harry, Remus, and Tonks seem to come easily. Ginny and McGonagall I struggle with. So I am glad you are enjoying how they turn out. haven't seem McGonagall in this story yet. Well you'll just have to wait a bit.

Thanks so much for the kind words.
Monday 14th May 2007 15:29
Prelude to the Hunt
You ARE tremendous -- lord, I'm sunk without my beta.....
Monday 14th May 2007 09:00
Prelude to the Hunt
Harry seems to know exactly what he's doing.
Monday 14th May 2007 11:34Prelude to the Hunt (Author Response)
Interesting review. I'm trying to figure out if you think it is a good thing that Harry seems to know what he wants to do, or if you find it OoC for him. I'll grant you that a fifth and sixth year Harry wasn't one to do much planning. However things are different now. He's taking responsibility for what two other people do with their lives. He can no longer afford to do everything by the seat of his pants. If he is going to take charge of his life he is also going to have to think before he acts.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Friday 11th May 2007 21:16
Prelude to the Hunt
This is very good. I like the directions you are going with this. I am glad Ron wound Harry up a little over Ginny. It will make him think more about what he did to her when he broke up with her. I think Arthur is right. Harry fell for the little fireball! She needs to be true to herself. That is the true person Harry loves. Of course Harry would go the extra mile in learning to apparate. He apparrated Dumbledore the first time he apparrated. That tells him he has the ability. I am so glad he has a good relationship with Remus. That is so important. Of course Remus would complain but I think Harry has him convinced. That and Remus is very happy to help Harry with anything he needs. I am so glad he has Hedwig too. She is an important ally in Harry's life. I am looking forward to learning how Hermione reacts to the name of her new broom. Thanks for writing. I look forward to your next update. p
Monday 14th May 2007 08:52Prelude to the Hunt (Author Response)
Good ole Ron. He's an interesting character that gets short changed a lot in fan fictions. I prefer to focus on his positive side.

Thanks for reading and reviewing all the chapters. It is appreciated!
Thursday 10th May 2007 21:41
Prelude to the Hunt
YAY. Long chapter, for long delay. That works (:
Friday 11th May 2007 08:51Prelude to the Hunt (Author Response)
Glad that lenght of the chapter made up a little for the awful delay. Thanks for coming back and reading the story.
J.R. Lewis
Thursday 10th May 2007 21:07
Prelude to the Hunt
I do hope that you get some more reviews on this update. It's been a while and I had to go back and start from the beginning again.

I do understand that life gets in the way. I hope it stays out of your way for a while now.

Nice chapter. I look forward to the next one.

Friday 11th May 2007 08:50Prelude to the Hunt (Author Response)
Sorry that you had to reread to get back into the story. Unfortunately 80% of the delay was out of my hands. Hopefully things have been ironed out and it won't happen again.

Glad you like the new chapter.