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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Curse's Legacy by Frelling

Sunday 9th December 2007 07:11
Harry Potter and the Curse's Legacy
Great start! Keep on writing!

Friday 12th October 2007 21:14
Harry Potter and the Curse's Legacy
Are you gonna finish this story??
Please do, the start is great!!
Monday 27th August 2007 02:34
Harry Potter and the Curse's Legacy
This is excellent. I really hope you continue with this story. What a powerful beginning. Thanks for writing. I learned about your story from
Rhetor. Please continue. p
Tuesday 15th May 2007 18:31
Harry Potter and the Curse's Legacy
Good beginning. I look forward to seeing where you go with this.

On a side note, does your chosen handle indicate you are perhaps a fellow Farscape fan?
Sunday 13th May 2007 13:03
Harry Potter and the Curse's Legacy
that was great!! please update soon!! harry knows how he feels about ginny, but he just doesnt want to deal with that.....right?
Saturday 12th May 2007 16:54
Harry Potter and the Curse's Legacy
Smart little Harry, great job!
You set up an excellent beginning (as it is a prologue) for an amazing fiction.

Lily Flower
Friday 11th May 2007 12:12
Harry Potter and the Curse's Legacy
A great beginning so far. I am totally excited for a new story. Is this one going to be long?

Friday 11th May 2007 07:23
Harry Potter and the Curse's Legacy
Oh...I want more, more , MORE of this story! I hope it's forthcoming soon. You've captured Hermione at her best, most analytical self as she tries to convince Harry to follow his heart. I like how your Ron has matured so much, too. This is a terrific beginning.
Friday 11th May 2007 02:22
Harry Potter and the Curse's Legacy
Ah, Harry is tormented by his feelings for Ginny. His friends know what he is going through. They are doing a great job of helping him see the light. He loves Ginny more than anyone else in the world and he needs her. He is stronger, better and thinks better when she is there. I hope he just apparated to Ginny. That is where he really needs to be. Thanks for writing. I really like your approach to this story. I look forward to more of this story.