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Reviews For Through the Looking Glass by GhostWriter

Tuesday 15th May 2007 16:45
Through the Looking Glass
Woo Hoo! Go, Lily! Oh, my heart just breaks thinking of Lily having to watch Harry being abused for all those years. I loved Sirius locking Vernon in the cupboard, too. Nice job!
Tuesday 15th May 2007 18:33Through the Looking Glass (Author Response)
Well thank you!

As I've pointed out many times, your portrayal of the Dursleys' treatment of Harry did cause a lot of rage to boil up inside me. I've always wanted to pay them back on Harry's behalf!

Thanks for all of your encouragement and coaching.

P.S. - When are you going to thrill us with another fan fic?
Friday 11th May 2007 10:38
Through the Looking Glass
That is exactly the way I imagine Lily to be. It must have been the most horrible feeling to see your son getting hurt and be able to do nothing about it.
I hope you show us a little of the other places in afterlife.
Friday 11th May 2007 11:13Through the Looking Glass (Author Response)
Thanks for reviewing!

As for your request to see something more of the afterlife, your wish is my command!
Friday 11th May 2007 02:08
Through the Looking Glass
You are doing so well with this story. I really like the way that Lily is handling Petunia and Dudley. Of course James and Sirius just want to punish them but Lily wants them to think about what they did and take responsiblility for their own actions. Lily knows she is not inocent either. I am sorry in a way that Dudley's life was cut so short but at least he knows Harry would have met him half-way if he had been given a chance. Vernon on the other hand will spend a long time in purgatory before he even begins to see the light. I look forward to your next update. Thaks for writing. p
Friday 11th May 2007 08:18Through the Looking Glass (Author Response)
Oops! I goofed on that first response!

Anyway, thanks for reviewing.

I've tried not to make the Dursleys - especially Dudley - complete charicatures. Of course, that's hard w/Vernon. As far as I can see in both the books and fan fiction, he's an utterly loathesome human being w/no redeeming features.

Dudley is a bully and a lout, but he's been raised to be so. One of my favorite lines from HBP comes when Dumbledore chastises Vernon and Petunia for their treatment of Harry.

"He has known nothing but neglect and often cruelty at your hands. The best that can be said is that he has managed to escape the appalling damage you have inflicted on that unfortunate boy sitting between you."

A piercing insight from a very wise wizard.

I think Petunia is the most complex of the characters. I refuse to believe she didn't love Lily at some point. What happened along the way, we can only guess at this point. I hope we learn that secret in "Deathly Hallows."
Thursday 10th May 2007 22:42
Through the Looking Glass
Once again excellent! I always when I see that a new chapter has gone up. Keep them coming!

--Your humble reader
Friday 11th May 2007 07:44Through the Looking Glass (Author Response)
Your humble hack says thanks!

We'll have another installment for you next week. I hope you continue to enjoy it.