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Reviews For Through the Looking Glass by GhostWriter

Wednesday 23rd May 2007 09:28
Through the Looking Glass
I finally got the time to read this update. I think this is the best chapter so far. The way you described Lily´s and Jame´s deaths fits perfectly with canon and even movies. I like the mirrors idea, also the way they can jump form one moment to another because where they are time isn't the same as on earth.
I really like the concept that as you improve your soul you go on a little more in afterlife, all those things are the way I would like it to be.
I think that by the time the Dursleys truly feel sorry for their acts, James and Lily also will be able to forgive them.
Thursday 24th May 2007 11:21Through the Looking Glass (Author Response)
Well thank you for the positive review!

The credit for creating this scenario should go to Melindaleo, since this is based on "Curse of the Damned."
James' and Lily's death scenes were based on a combination of descriptions from "Prisoner of Azkaban" and Melinda's work. Melinda came up with the mirror idea, and I just wanted to expand on it.
Incidentally, this isn't my view of how the actual afterlife works. But think this is an interesting concept to explore.

Thanks so much for reading... and reviewing.
Saturday 19th May 2007 10:09
Through the Looking Glass
I like this! I read Melinda's story and was very interested in knowing what happened to the Dursley's in the afterlife. I think you're doing a great job developing this and I look forward to reading more.
Saturday 19th May 2007 12:00Through the Looking Glass (Author Response)
You're too kind, and your words have put me on Cloud Nine.

Ever since I read Melinda's stories, I've thought fans deserved to have a look at what happened to the family we all love to hate.

Again, thanks for reviewing.
Saturday 19th May 2007 08:08
Through the Looking Glass
I still love the way you fleshed out what happened to James' and Lily at Godric's Hollow. It chills me to think how horrifying Lily's last moments would have been - hearing her husband struck down like that, and trying to hide a baby who is understandably upset. My heart just aches for her. Nice job.
Saturday 19th May 2007 11:59Through the Looking Glass (Author Response)
High praise from the High Priestess is a heady thing indeed.

Thanks always for the compliments. I really wanted to build off of the visions that Harry picked up from Snape in your story. Of course in the books we've gotten bits and pieces of that night during Harry's encounter with the Dementors. Here I wanted to expand it and make it as chilling and tragic as possible.
Saturday 19th May 2007 05:58
Through the Looking Glass
love this idea for a fic, you're doing great.

Would it be possible though to give titles to your chapters, it would help me to remember what happened last time.
Saturday 19th May 2007 11:57Through the Looking Glass (Author Response)
Thank you for your kind words!

I should have come up with chapter titles, but did the story in a bit of a rush. Next time I'll make sure I do titles.
Author by Night
Saturday 19th May 2007 04:55
Through the Looking Glass
I really like this - it's an interesting look at Heaven, as well as how James and Lily would approach the Dursleys. I like how Lily, although not particularly forgiving of any of them, was at least a little more merciful of Petunia and Dudley.
Saturday 19th May 2007 11:55Through the Looking Glass (Author Response)
I did want to put just a bit of nuance in the story. The easy thing would have been to simply have Lily and Petunia scream and fight the whole time. Thanks for the feedback!
Saturday 19th May 2007 01:20
Through the Looking Glass
I am glad that Lily feels bad about resenting Petunia so much. Lily knows that she and James won't be able to move on until they forgive the Durseley's. That is going to be so hard to do. I am glad that they get to see glimpses of Harry's life and that Lily won't let James intrude on Harry's privacy. This is well done. Thanks for writing. I look forward to more. p
Saturday 19th May 2007 11:53Through the Looking Glass (Author Response)
Thank you so much!

I did want to stress in the story that nobody's perfect, even the good guys that we know and love. Having children myself, I can tel you that I'd probably never forgive a guardian who treated them the way the Dursleys treated Harry.

The bit about Harry's privacy was something fun to break the tension of the story.
Friday 18th May 2007 18:23
Through the Looking Glass

Wow...the Voldemort scene was chilling and well portrayed, and I love how we get some introspect into Lilly and James during the next great adventure. I once again want to thank you for giving us this story, I really do enjoy it. It was fun to see James and Lilly's perspective on the events from Curse of the Damned...Keep up the great work, as I patiently await your next installment.

-Your Humble Reader

(P.S. -- I think I need a better tagline. )
Friday 18th May 2007 21:53Through the Looking Glass (Author Response)
Your Humble Hack once again thanks you for your kind words!

As this story unfolded, I simply decided it would be nice to see a bit more of James and Lily's final moments. I've always considered that one of the most heartbreaking aspects of these books. I also thought - thanks to Melinda's idea of the mirrors - that it would be nice to see how James and Lily reacted to events back on earth.

The mirrors will play an important role in upcoming chapters.