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Reviews For Rebellion by Thorny Rose

Thursday 31st May 2007 01:40
Again, great story! I like the sardonic humor that you wrote with. It is very similar to how I think Sirius thought about his life in general.

Once again, you've created something that I'm sure not a lot of people would have even thought about, let alone done well, because it really was a great story to read. You should keep writing!
Friday 25th May 2007 00:48
Great work again! I love your Regulus (and your Sirius, of course)... and was that a hint of a Malfoy, what with the cane and everything?

Great stuff. Sneaking out is exactly what Sirius would do, you've really captured him well.
Wednesday 23rd May 2007 15:00
That was a great story, I loved your views of Sirius's life as a child. it certainly was awful!
Wednesday 23rd May 2007 10:58
You might have struck near to the truth there. I do hope you've exaggerated a little, however, if you haven't it's no wonder he made through Azkaban in one piece.