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Reviews For Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts by Grandma Kate

Sunday 10th June 2007 15:44
Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts
Grandma Kate

I just like to tell you that you are the author of two of the most gentle fics in HP fandom.

Gentle is the word to describe your fics. Definitely!

May the Gods of Inspiration always protect you!

Your stories warm my heart...

Dome 36 (AKA Domain)
Sunday 10th June 2007 18:06Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
What a very complementary review. I write an interpretation of the JK Rowling books as a grandmother who wants her young grandsons to have something more that they can read about Harry Potter.

I believe that Arthur and Molly would have done more to protect Ginny and their other children if they knew what was happening.

Some friends who write Harry Potter fan fics describe mine as 'Homey" but I think I prefer your "Gentle". Thank you.

Sunday 3rd June 2007 11:27
Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts
Oh Lord Lyle, when are you going to learn that world domination just doesn't work. Did you learn nothing from Pinky and The Brain? Sorry I was just reminded of Animaniacs. I kinda miss that show. Anyway great chapter, I can't wait to hear all about their trip to Egypt. Keep em coming.
Sunday 3rd June 2007 11:39Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Thanks for reading and reviewing this rather short chapter.

I've embellished dear St Margarets' Days of Destiny so outrageously that I am emboldened to write my own Healer based soap opera, Bedside at St Brigid's. It has not so much world domination but lots of romance. You know those Healers!

Aside from all the horror that Ginny and Harry have to go through, this is a kind of fun year to write. Molly and Arthur are totally unaware of how bad things are at Hogwarts. They go to Egypt for Christmas and then again with the whole family in the summer.

Next year JK Rowling makes Ginny just fade into the background, so it is much harder to write.
The Boss
Saturday 2nd June 2007 18:58
Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts
Good old Days of Destiny, love how you worked that in to the story as it sort of gives the story another 'story line' - where will it lead to next?
keep up the good work

The Boss
Saturday 2nd June 2007 21:08Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Thanks for reading and reviewing. St Margarets has been so generous letting me use her soap opera while I am learning how to write fan fiction. Molly has listened to it since she was a girl so it has become a part of her life and a bond with Ginny.

In Ginny's second year, I introduce a new Healer based soap but Molly doesn't like it nearly as well. The music is too modern.
Saturday 2nd June 2007 13:16
Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts
My favorite, hands down favorite lines: As she listened to Days of Destiny every weekday, Molly rejoiced with Fiona and her family when Lord Lyle's attempt at world domination fell pitifully short of his ambition. He managed to subjugate only one small principality where they didn't even speak English so he couldn't tell whether they were mocking him by bowing low as he passed by.

That was brilliant!

Saturday 2nd June 2007 13:28Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Hey h! Thanks for reading and reviewing. St Margarets has been so generous in letting me use her Days of Destiny to help keep the bond between Molly and Ginny strong. I introduce another soap opera next year- Bedside at St Brigid's.

There is a story about the original Fiona and Molly on my Live Journal page. That Lord Lyle is bad to the bone.
Felix Felicis
Saturday 2nd June 2007 12:57
Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts
I've been enjoying this story and the previous one for a while now so I figured it was about time for a review.

We don't often get stories from Molly's point of view. You've picked a worthy plot. There shouldn't be any shortage of material, really, what with seven children all writing home now and then. It's fun to see how you've captured each of their personalities in the style of their letters. Percy is always so formal, Fred and George are always funny, Ron's always trying to keep things secret, and Ginny isn't quite sure what to make of everything. Molly, of course, tries to coddle them all just as a mother should do. Their family relationships are all shown well too, even if we don't get to see the minute details sometimes. I like to see how each child interprets events in their lives when writing home. We all know the truth, which makes it fun to see how they'll spin it for their mother! And then, sometimes she doesn't even see things for what they are and chooses her own interpretation!

I'm really looking forward to the rest of the story. As things progress at Hogwarts, it's fun to see Ginny's reaction, which we got very little of in the book. It's almost like seeing things through Harry's eyes again, where everything is new and different and there's so much to learn. It should also be entertaining to see how Molly and Arthur react when the truth finally comes out at the end.

One thing I really enjoy is Ginny's constant obsession with Harry. We know she was like that from a few comments in the books but you've shed a whole new light on it. She's constantly worried about him and what's going on in his life. She wants to do something to help him but for now she's too shy. If you keep this up, later on things could get quite interesting as their friendship starts to grow. This is one of my favorite parts of your story! Keep up the good work.

Oh, if I may, one small suggestion would be to use more contractions. Sometimes the dialogue is a bit formal, which is fine for Percy, but most of the children don't really speak like that. Sometimes I find that it helps to read it out loud to myself as I write. Just a suggestion!
Saturday 2nd June 2007 13:18Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
It was a delight to read your thoughtful and thorough review. Thank you for taking the time. You've really spotted both the fascination I have with reporting what Molly is allowed to know about what happens to her children when they are away and my natural tendency to sound like Percy when I write. I'd never done anything but technical writing until I fell in with some of the Harry Potter fan fiction writers. So, my early readers at Live Journal and my long suffering Beta here try and catch my overly formal dialog.

I am conscious that I need to 'loosen up', so to speak. I will attempt to root out overly formal utterances in successive chapters with increased vigor. See what my poor Beta has to put up with!

I'm now writing Christmas of 1993. JK Rowling has Ginny all but disappear in the Prisoner of Azkaban so much of what she does has to be inferred from the letters from the other children.