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Reviews For Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts by Grandma Kate

Thursday 14th June 2007 18:30
Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts
You know, I think you need to do a series of stories about Days of Destiny. Seriously -- you could write the pants off of that. Or write it like a script -- please? I would be howling.

Great job with this chapter, my dear!

Thursday 14th June 2007 20:42Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Thank you for your encouraging words. St Maragrets is the Mother of Days of Destiny and has been kind enough to let me use her characters. The plots must come from listening to the radio while I was student teaching. My Master Teacher always sanitized the classroom between the morning and afternoon classes while listening to Stella Dallas, Backstage Wife and the one about the "girl from the mountains becoming the wife of and English Lord". My daughters followed All My Children when they were off at college and I would always think they were talking about real friends when they compared notes.

I've already written another year of Molly's letters and introduce a new soap called Bedside at St Brigid's . Molly begins to write fan letters to a character on the Healer show who used to be 'the Original Fiona" and meets her and her long lost love, 'the original Roderick" .

I am now writing a screenplay version of Molly and Arthur's wedding for a challenge. It may sound a bit like .Days of Destiny
Sunday 10th June 2007 20:07
Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts
Poor Ginny, even in a story about her first year at Hogwarts she is barely in the picture.

You are building the suspense nicely. A bit of trouble at Hogwarts, but everything is fine; nothing to see here, move along.

A rhetroical question: Why am I am beginning to think Molly is your favorite character?

I keep reminding myself that in your story Molly remembers James and Lily and Harry. With that in mind I look forward to seeing how you interpret the events from the Chamber.
Sunday 10th June 2007 23:12Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Thanks for taking the time to write about this story. You have really identified the difficulties of writing about Ginny during her first year at Hogwarts. She's possessed on and off but JK Rowling conceals this from everyone. It was almost a relief to be able to write the scene when Harry and Dumbledore reveal what has really been happening.

I do identify with Molly a lot with my three kids and three step-kids and troves of grandkids. My version of what happened in The Early Years has Molly Obliviated so she remembers knowing James and Lily but can't remember taking care of Harry after they died.
Sunday 10th June 2007 16:37
Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts
Another great chapter. I'm very excited for Bedside at St. Brigids. Should be most enlightening. Poor Ginny though. If Molly only knew...
Sunday 10th June 2007 18:13Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
You have expressed the essence of Ginny's First Year-
If Molly only knew...
Unfortunately, only Harry can help Ginny.

Bedside at St Brigid's has its roots in St Margarets' venerable Days of Destiny. It just has even more convoluted plots, mysterious maladies, and louder music. With no Lord Lyle!
Felix Felicis
Sunday 10th June 2007 13:11
Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts
Freshness charms on the vegetables, I love it! That has to be one of the best parts of writing fan fiction - getting to make up new uses for magic and new spells. The two letters from Percy and Ron were, as always, well-written to show their character through their words but also nice for the reader to know where we're at in the school year. You always do a nice job with the letters!

The trip to Egypt was nice and I enjoyed the mix of Molly's feelings on seeing her son but missing the rest of her family. That was very real. Visiting the Sphinx and the pyramids was fun, too, but I wish we could have seen more. It would be fun to make up all sorts of magic inside the pyramids! Will we get to find out why Bill wouldn't let his mother inside the one he's working in?

Poor Ginny. All those hints but no clue to what's happening! All Molly knows is that her daughter is having a rough year so far. Oh well, it'll all come out eventually. I'm anticipating a lot of letters in the next few months of the story since we don't know what Molly and Arthur did during that time.
Sunday 10th June 2007 13:48Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Thank you again for all your help and encouragement.

Yes, playing with JK Rowling's universe is certainly addictive for many of us.

Until I started writing Ginny's First Year, I had not remembered that Molly and Arthur spent the Christmas Holidays with Bill. The summer holiday will all seven Weasleys is something to look forward to.

Ginny goes 'into remission' for a couple of months after she dumps the diary in the toilet but Molly and Arthur have to be kept in the dark about what is really happening until Dumbledore reveals all at the end of the year.
Sunday 10th June 2007 00:18
Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts
That was excellent. what a nice change of pace. Of course The problems at Hogwarts will speed up after Christmas Holidays. I was nice to see a trip to Egypt for Molly and Arthur from a different point of view. Thanks for writing. p
Sunday 10th June 2007 09:25Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Hey Patches! This was a fun chapter to write, but there aren't too many of them in the year of Ginny's possession. She does get better for a while after she dumps the diary down the toilet, but then Harry finds it. Sigh!

Thanks for reading and reviewing.