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Reviews For Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts by Grandma Kate

Tuesday 19th June 2007 16:18
Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts
Nice chapter, Kate! I like how all kids report different parts of the story. Nice job.

Hugs, Berte
Tuesday 19th June 2007 16:55Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Oh Berte, Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Ginny's First Year is difficult to do justice to because Arthur and Molly must have some information but not enough to figure out what is really happening. The scene at the end of the year must ring true.

Next month is the famous or infamous Valentine.
Tuesday 19th June 2007 13:16
Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts
Ah! The story advances. That was a good clue for Arthur about the secret storage room under the Malfoy's drawing room. I hope Arthur has a chance to take advantage of it. Arthur is right, all the students see a different part of the picture. If they got together they might see more of what is really going on. Thanks for writing. I look forward to more of this story. p
Tuesday 19th June 2007 15:01Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
I'm glad you had a chance to read this. January's a month in which Ginny's back to feeling like herself since she's dumped the diary. Arthur would really like to catch Malfoy doing something serious enough to put him in Azkaban. He's a good judge of character.

Next month is the Valentine mix-up.
Monday 18th June 2007 12:25
Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts
Percy really is quite pompous isn't he? Another great chapter. Ginny though, pretty soon she's going to not be herself again. I really feel bad for her. Anyway good job, I can't wait for the next.
Monday 18th June 2007 11:12
Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts
Percy really is quite pompous isn't he? Another great chapter. Ginny though, pretty soon she's going to not be herself again. I really feel bad for her. Anyway good job, I can't wait for the next.
Monday 18th June 2007 11:21Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Hey Kristy! Thanks for reading and writing a review. This is a hard year for Ginny and Molly and Arthur do not get quite enough information to be as worried as they should be.

The diary has some built in 'Attraction Charms', so poor Ginny has to get it back from Harry when she discovers that he has it during the Valentine fiasco.
Monday 18th June 2007 09:44
Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts
I thought you did extremely well with this chapter. I remember the book not really talking too much about how everyone else felt about Hermione going into hospital after the polyjuice mishap, so it's interesting to see the Weasleys' perception of things.

I still think the language is a little too formal for all except Percy (e.x. Harry saying that he's excited Molly and Arthur got to visit their older son...he's more likely to say Bill), but there's definitely been strides since the first story. Keep it up!
Monday 18th June 2007 09:56Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Thank you for your perceptive review. Ginny's First Year presents a challenge since she is possessed on and off and all of Arthur's and Molly's information is second hand.

My Beta and I keep working on more natural dialog. Unfortunately, I sound like Percy in real life. Everyone writes about the Valentine Day misadventures next month. The twins don't do 'formal' language.
Felix Felicis
Sunday 17th June 2007 19:27
Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts
It may be summer here but I could really see Molly and Arthur settling in to their winter routine, staying indoors and enjoying letters from their children. It seems they were blessed with letters from almost all of them this time! The small emotions you inject here and there help to set the tone and show the feelings of the couple with their children all grown up and gone. Molly saying something with a sigh and Arthur speaking with remorse about the flying car are just a couple of examples.

The letters, as usual, were enjoyable in each of the childrens' style. You did a good job of showing Ginny feeling more like her old self. Her fun and vivacious energy really shows through in this letter! At the end, the reference to the blind men and the elephant was very insightful, although I think you should have used the blind men and the hippogriff!
Sunday 17th June 2007 22:32Ginny's First Year at Hogwarts (Author Response)
Hey Ryan!

Thanks for your thoughtful review. January was a very short chapter but was needed to set the stage for February, when Ginny realizes that Harry has the diary. Everything goes downhill from there.

I vacillated between using the elephant and a magical animal but decided that Arthur would use the Muggle version. Molly might have understood the hippogriff analogy.