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Reviews For Through the Looking Glass by GhostWriter

Wednesday 10th January 2018 23:21
Through the Looking Glass
I've been going through my favorites list here on PS and rediscovered your delightful story. Even after all these years, it's still a fresh look into an aspect of canon that not too many people consider, especially since the characters you're working with are so despicable.

The fact that you believe Dudley is still worth saving has influenced several of my own fics. I've been asked countless times over the years why I think he's redeemable and it all comes down to the fact that others think he is, too. I've answered that the time he spends away from Petunia and Vernon influences him not to hate, not to bully and to consider who he wants to be as an adult... and he comes to the conclusion that he doesn't want to be as narrow-minded as his parents. You've done just that here in your story because he finds and acknowledges the remorse within himself that his parents probably never will because they're such bitter people. Your story ends hopefully for Dudley and I'm positive that it influenced my writing of the character in Summer Story and Saving Dudley. Thank you for that.
Saturday 29th December 2007 22:31
Through the Looking Glass
I wish i could have seen Petunia see her parents, and their disapointment in her, and I want to see Vernon left behind to do his pennance. Would you consider doing a sequel?
Sunday 2nd September 2007 19:32
Through the Looking Glass
Bloody brilliant! I especially loved that Dudley decided to close the door. The Curse of the Damned was one of those fics that I had to read obsessively. I was addicted. So to find this is a real treasure. Thanks for writing it!
Sunday 2nd September 2007 20:10Through the Looking Glass (Author Response)
You're too kind! I was just fortunate in this case that I had good source material from two fine authors to build on - JKR and Melindaleo.

If you haven't done so, I highly recommend that you also read Melinda's "The Seventh Horcrux," her take on Book 7, written after the release of "The Half Blood Prince." Melinda had an erie talent for channeling JKR and even predicting some of her plot twists.

Anyway, thanks very much for reading and reviewing.
Friday 10th August 2007 16:40
Through the Looking Glass
This was quite a well-written piece. I admit - I'd been curious as to what the Dursleys would see in an afterlife (especially as they were portrayed in PoE and CotD). I think this is a wonderful portrayal of what they might see, and how they might react. And I absolutely love that Dudley is finally seeing that there are other, more open views of the world than just those his parents hold. Well done.
Monday 13th August 2007 09:11Through the Looking Glass (Author Response)
Thanks for your kind review!
I'm especially pleased, given what JKR showed us in "Deathly Hallows." I went much further than she did in terms of Dudley's evolution, but then again, she didn't kill him off!
Thanks again for reading and reviewing!
Saturday 4th August 2007 18:01
Through the Looking Glass
A great story, and one I looked forward too. Thanks so much.
Tuesday 7th August 2007 14:59Through the Looking Glass (Author Response)
Thank you! Writing this has been a wonderful experience, in no small part because of kind folks like you!
Wednesday 18th July 2007 12:56
Through the Looking Glass
This was very well done. Thank you so much for writing. I am so glad that Dudley is starting to see the truth. He is starting to see that his parents were so wrong in so many ways. Thank you for a new perspective on the afterlife. p
Thursday 19th July 2007 02:08Through the Looking Glass (Author Response)
Thank you for your kind review.

I don't claim to be a theologian, and I doubt the real afterlife will look anything like this. But it did allow me to play with the theme of people being able to change for the better.

Thanks again for reading and reviewing.
Lily Flower
Wednesday 18th July 2007 12:55
Through the Looking Glass
Just in time for the book too! A lovely ending, and I love the change in Dudley, especially when he snubbed his parents. Great story.
Thursday 19th July 2007 02:06Through the Looking Glass (Author Response)
Well your kind words really make me !

I figured the worst prank of all - especially for Vernon - would be to have hsi own son look kindly on the wizarding world.
Wednesday 18th July 2007 09:28
Through the Looking Glass
I loved it.
I think the pranks are fun and all but the Dursleys need something more deep and hard than pranks if they are ever going to start to feel regret, that's way I think this end was perfect. Is the beginning of a new journey for Dudley, and what better companions than books. I wish heaven has a lot of books for me too
Great job, look forward to read more from you. We will need some good fan fiction so the post-potter depression don't hit too hard.
Wednesday 18th July 2007 19:16Through the Looking Glass (Author Response)
You are too kind!

I wanted the story to have some humorous moments, but overall to have a serious tone. True, James and Sirius could have pranked Vernon all day, but at some poitn in the development, I decided that the worst punishment for him would be to see his son adopt a friendlier attitude toward the wizarding world.

I'm with you - I hope there are plenty of books in heaven.

As for future plans, I'm not going to commit yet.
Let's see how things are left after DH arrives on Saturday. Still, a novel-length post-Hogwarts fic would be fun. And you're right about one thing, the will crash down hard on me once I finish reading this last book.
Wednesday 18th July 2007 07:43
Through the Looking Glass
Excellent. Really enjoyed it.
Wednesday 18th July 2007 19:10Through the Looking Glass (Author Response)
Wow! That's enough to put me on . Thanks for taking the time to read and review.
Tuesday 17th July 2007 21:24
Through the Looking Glass
I really enjoyed this.
Wednesday 18th July 2007 19:09Through the Looking Glass (Author Response)
I'm glad you found it worth a read. I was initially quite nervous about posting it because I know so much less than most of you about the intricate details of the Potterverse. You've all been so kind in your reviews. It's enough to make me !
Tuesday 17th July 2007 15:36
Through the Looking Glass
Really loved this story line I believe I said it before but this perspective to a story is wonderful to read. Also it more plausible for kids to change the adults.
thanks for this serries.
Wednesday 18th July 2007 19:07Through the Looking Glass (Author Response)
Thank you for your kind words.

Knowing that folks like you enjoyed the story makes the chore of writing even more worthwhile.
Tuesday 17th July 2007 08:35
Through the Looking Glass
Really nice job. I enjoyed seeing Dudley's redemption and his realization of how wrong he'd been about Harry. You made me feel a bit bad for him, but that's a good thing!
Tuesday 17th July 2007 11:09Through the Looking Glass (Author Response)
Heady praise! Thanks much!

I am merely a poor, ink-stained wretch not worthy to at the feet of such a phoenomenal writer!

Anyway, thanks for supplying the backgroud material to make possible my little flight of fancy.
Monday 16th July 2007 21:15
Through the Looking Glass
You know, I was expecting some sort of prank or something to happen to Vernon, but I can't think of anything better than watching your only son walk away from you due to your own choices. It was brilliant!

I agree with Arnel, you should write more, you are quite talented. I have loved this story and the journey you have taken us on. Great job! I hope to see something else from you in the future.
Tuesday 17th July 2007 06:16Through the Looking Glass (Author Response)
You are too kind! Thanks for reading and reviewing.

As I was plotting this out, I had considered some massive pranking on Vernon, but then decided it would be far better to have Dudley simply walk away from his parents. Will the two of them ever find redemption? Who knows?

Anyway, thanks for reading. If I can make the time, this won't be my last forray into fan fic.