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Reviews For The Victorious Horcrux by Aaran St Vines

Thursday 24th April 2008 15:08
The Victorious Horcrux
That was intense. I like how no one really died (although, I will admit that JKR made it realistic by getting rid of well loved characters) and how indepth everything was. I wish some of the things in your story actually happened.....that would have been cool.

Thursday 31st January 2008 09:56
The Victorious Horcrux
Beautifully and very believably written, as always. Thank you.
blue artemis
Friday 9th November 2007 22:48
The Victorious Horcrux
That was a lovely story.
Sunday 22nd July 2007 11:30
The Victorious Horcrux
Yet another, excellent story with a well thought out history behind it's plot. I do enjoy the glimpses into culture, history and polictics with which you spice your stories.

I would have read this story sooner but in the last few days before DH, I was avoiding anything that even smacked of the last book. Now, having read it, I wish I'd read it sooner. It would have been a soothing balm duing that somewhat apprehensive time.

I have one small quibble and it is one that I've noticed in some of your other otherwise excellent works. You normally use for your story's "narrative voice" the third person singular tense. But every once in a while you jolt the reader out of the story flow by using the first person plural 'our hero". And, I must admit, I find this a somewhat irritating affectation; especially when used as often as in this tale. I know that JKR used something similar in the opening stages of PS, but she's avoided it since.

But that is a small quibble amongst stories that I greatly enjoy. Now. I'll sit back and wait with what patience I can muster for the next chapter of Great Scott Potter, This is War! Salud!