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Reviews For Requiem of the Phoenix by Jonathan-Avery

Friday 17th July 2009 12:02
Requiem of the Phoenix
did I miss a story prior to this one? I start reading it to find out that Gin has had Harry's kid not that I am complaining. Why would I since I am on this site. So far I like the story
Friday 3rd August 2007 21:02
Requiem of the Phoenix
I really liked this chapter. You are getting right into the meat of various characters, particularly Hermione, and I like your exploration of people's thoughts and priorities just prior to a death defying event. I also liked the last moments of intense friendship between the trio and Ginny. The will is interesting, but more so because of the orphan law for the last of a bloodline and how this has motivated the Ministry to provoke Harry resulting in his distancing himself from them.
Thursday 9th August 2007 19:37Requiem of the Phoenix (Author Response)
I always wanted more of an explanation for why Harry went to the Dursleys simply on Dumbledore's orders. It seemed strange that Albus would have that power.

This entire chapter was really playing homage to Les Miserables and the friendship among the students who put up the barricades. That even in the face of death the ties of friendship are stronger than even the might of the French Army. It is rather inspirational.


Saturday 28th July 2007 10:21
Requiem of the Phoenix
Now that is determination! I thought I was disciplined drawing out my reading of DH over 3 days!
Saturday 28th July 2007 12:01Requiem of the Phoenix (Author Response)
Well, one I haven't had any time to read the book. I was in Boston on business when it came out, and I was in the middle of another book at the time (bad planning on my part). And now that I am home, I am catching up on yardwork and catching up on fires at my job, plus a few other projects I have going, so it hasn't bothered me yet.

Also, I only have chapter 3 to finish and 4 to write before I can pick it up. The last chapters of RoP have been written since the fall right after HBP came out. And really, I do not want to be tempted to change anything by reading what actually happens in DH.

well back to work. Only two more pages to go on chapter 3.
Friday 27th July 2007 18:10
Requiem of the Phoenix
This is a great start. Clever plotting and the characters remain true. I hope you keep it up!
Friday 27th July 2007 20:50Requiem of the Phoenix (Author Response)
Thanks. Its a bit difficult to wrap an entire back story into a few pages without it sounding like a laundry list. So I appreciate the fact that it is working.

Chapter 3 will becoming soon. I was mostly finished with it and then went back and started rewriting from the midpoint. But I have motivation to finish, as I'm not allowing myself to read DH until this little project is done.