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Reviews For The Wisest Course by Antosha

Wednesday 7th April 2010 21:51
The Wisest Course
woh... this is very different then any other fanfic that ive heard lol
Monday 18th February 2008 17:05
The Wisest Course
this is an interesting chapter... is this mainly from luna's POV?
Monday 14th January 2008 19:24
The Wisest Course
The Felix Felicis potion impelled Hermione and Luna to send Professor Snape up to the Astronomy Tower so that he would be the one to cast the curse

Oh, that's brilliant! Never thought about it...
Monday 14th January 2008 19:53The Wisest Course (Author Response)
The Felix Felicis potion impelled Hermione and Luna to send Professor Snape up to the Astronomy Tower so that he would be the one to cast the curse

Oh, that's brilliant! Never thought about it...

Smart girl that Luna!


Friday 30th November 2007 10:16
The Wisest Course
Another great chapter. Although I must say - smelling Weasley on Pansy's skirt!?!?! Wow, I so didn't catch that the first time around. Err... I'll be interested to see where you go with that!
Tuesday 4th December 2007 21:19The Wisest Course (Author Response)
Another great chapter. Although I must say - smelling Weasley on Pansy's skirt!?!?! Wow, I so didn't catch that the first time around. Err... I'll be interested to see where you go with that!

I'm not telling.
Friday 26th October 2007 13:10
The Wisest Course
I love the Fudge-Felix Felicis story. It makes so much sense! I'm really enjoying this story so far. I'm so curious about Pansy now- I've never read a fic that focused on her at all.
Friday 26th October 2007 11:37
The Wisest Course
A lot of interesting mothers. Pansy's mother is a lost soul. Not a good mother. Ginny's mother is strong and really cares about her. She knows something is wrong but isn't sure what it is. Poor Draco, to find his mother is dead is such a horrible way. He and Snape are now trapped by the Dark Lord. Luna's mother was Dumbledore and McGonalgal's daughter. She was a different kind of lady. She was a good mother but now she is gone. At least Luna talks to her picture. It is too bad she didn't have a painting done. Luna has a real grasp on what happened on the tower but as she said, noon would believe her. Thanks for writing. I look forward to more! p
Thursday 15th November 2007 10:53The Wisest Course (Author Response)
A lot of interesting mothers. Pansy's mother is a lost soul. Not a good mother. Ginny's mother is strong and really cares about her. She knows something is wrong but isn't sure what it is. Poor Draco, to find his mother is dead is such a horrible way. He and Snape are now trapped by the Dark Lord. Luna's mother was Dumbledore and McGonalgal's daughter. She was a different kind of lady. She was a good mother but now she is gone. At least Luna talks to her picture. It is too bad she didn't have a painting done. Luna has a real grasp on what happened on the tower but as she said, noon would believe her. Thanks for writing. I look forward to more! p

Thanks so much! As I was starting to write this fic, it occurred to me that all of these characters were of age—or close to it—and that their relationship with their parents would be in flux. Coming home at the end of fifth or sixth year would be a bit of a rough transition even under normal circumstances, which these weren't. We didn't get that view from Harry, since of course he never had much of a relationship with his surrogate parents, but the others...

In any case, I'm glad that you enjoyed this, and hope that you continue to enjoy this story!
Friday 26th October 2007 03:18
The Wisest Course
Poor Draco... I think

Kiss kiss

