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Reviews For Since Feeling is First by St Margarets

Sunday 27th May 2012 16:55
Since Feeling is First
I know that I read the first two chapters of this when it first came out--not least because I, uh, reviewed them. But I am fairly sure that I would remember the Epic Epicurean!

What a wonderful, sweet bringing-together. I wrote a couple of versions of H & G's reunion... but none that were quite so satisfying.
Wednesday 7th April 2010 10:53
Since Feeling is First
As always, great story St. Margarets. I love it!
Saturday 4th October 2008 17:28
Since Feeling is First
Another well crafted and written chapter! I especially like the talk Ginny & George had that was sweet!

As for the pregnacy, my theory's 'creative license'!!!
Wednesday 9th July 2008 17:08
Since Feeling is First
Ooh, here's a theory.
Bill and Fleur couldn't decide where Vic was going to go to school, and after a bit of arguing, let Vic herself decide. She picked Beauxbatons, but after a year or so of listening to Teddy's stories of Hogwarts, decided she didn't like it anymore. She transferred, but because credits NEVER transfer very well, was put back a grade.
Based on her birthday, she may have been a day or so shy of making Hogwarts for her 11th. (You know, like if her birthday was Sept 2nd or something.) I'm don't remember when the books said her birthday was, but that could do it.

Anyway, I'm liking the story very much. George sounds right to me. I don;t know how else to explain it. He's believable.
Thursday 10th July 2008 07:40Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
Oh, good theories! I like them. I'm glad you liked George. I like to think that he ended up having a happy life. He does seem the type to be able to endure and move on. Thanks for reading.
Friday 25th April 2008 21:47
Since Feeling is First
hahah! I loved the theories that you had about fleur adn her pregnancy so it will co-insede(?) with jk's plot
Wednesday 7th November 2007 20:03
Since Feeling is First
So beautiful.
Wednesday 5th September 2007 10:11
Since Feeling is First
This was great! I was a little dissappointed by Part 1, mostly because it seems like everyone has written the 'first talk since the battle', but obviously it's an important part and you had to write it too. But this part felt so much more like your style, it was really cute. And as for explanations- I think the extended Veela gestation sounds about right!
Wednesday 5th September 2007 11:33Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I think there are a lot of talk-after-the-battle fics. and this one was just late in coming. But like you said, I had to start with where canon left them off. It was a relief to move them forward, however. Thanks for reading!
Sunday 2nd September 2007 17:15
Since Feeling is First
This is one of the first realistic longer fics after DH was published. I really enjoy reading it! Keep going!
Monday 3rd September 2007 05:20Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
The last chapter is written and it should be up soon. Thanks for reading!
Thursday 30th August 2007 18:59
Since Feeling is First
Ohhh, I'm so glad this was pointed out to me! Excellent work as always Mary!

I'm looking forward to the next part--the actual date! Will you be writing out the match at all?

You've done a great job dealing with some of the aftermath with the characters, specifically Harry, Ginny, and George, as well as touching on the other Weasleys. You've got such a strong grasp of the characterization.

I was surprised about the Trio not going back to school, but I guess it makes sense. I can understand Ron not wanting to go back, but Hermione and Harry would I think (the latter because...well...duh! And the former because he'd want his normal school year and the opportunity to snog Ginny in the broomclosets!).

Can't wait for the next chapter. Thanks again so much for this!
Thursday 30th August 2007 19:11Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
Oh, thanks for reading. I'm glad you liked the characterization - that's always tricky. I don't *know* if the trio will go back to school - to me it seems anticlimatic - and JKR didn't say either way in her interview. I think you could make a case for either scenario - the separation just has more drama. The next and final part should be up soon. I had a heck of a time getting it right.
Thursday 30th August 2007 02:05
Since Feeling is First
Hi Mary!

Brilliant job with this, I think it does a really good job of extrapolating what things would be like for the Weasleys and Harry after everything. Of course, for me, Fred isn't dead at all, because it happened at the very end, and is easy to ignore--but I'm not most people, so it has to be dealt with. lol Really looking forward to the third part. Poor Harry and Ginny, separated again, but really house points and detentions are so insignificant compared to everything he's had to do, it would just be so weird to him to go back.

The conversation between Ginny and George about broke my heart, you know. I congratulate you.
Thursday 30th August 2007 19:09Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
Well, I don' t like to break hearts (or write angst) but it needed to be done for the healing to begin. I think separations are bearable if they're for a purpose - it's almost like they need to be able to do it in a good way, so they're not afraid of being apart. And yes, school isn't Harry's happy place anymore. Thanks for reading! It was so good to see your name on a review! I'm all warm and fuzzy inside!
Penny Lane
Wednesday 29th August 2007 16:42
Since Feeling is First
I just went with the 'Oh dear, maths' explanation. Hey, it works for me in JKR's books, so why not here? (Btw, I personally think they named her Victoire simply because... liked the name. The simplest explanation is often the best.)

I cried at the conversation between Ginny and George. And I love the idea of Fred's King's Cross being a dance club. Perfect.

Also loved Ginny getting annoyed when she said that we shouldn't underestimate youth and surprise, and then looking up to find her family smiling indulgently at her. Hee. That moment really rang true. I could totally relate; I was the youngest in a large family, and I often got that same indulgent look whenever I ventured an opinion; it's easy to become hypersensitive about it and feel like you're being patronized!

Wednesday 29th August 2007 18:44Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I love to write the Weasleys all together - they just make me happy - especially when they're annoying one another inadvertantly and then sticking up for one another the next. Good to know I still have Ginny's youngest sibling vibe going.

I too like "oh, dear maths." JKR never got the ages right for the kids, so I wouldn't expect precision for the next generation. Thanks for reading! It's been too long since we "talked," now that you're an old married lady.
Penny Lane
Wednesday 29th August 2007 16:40
Since Feeling is First
I just went with the 'Oh dear, maths' explanation. Hey, it works for me in JKR's books, so why not here? (Btw, I personally think they named her Victoire simply because... liked the name. The simplest explanation is often the best.)

I cried at the conversation between Ginny and George. And I love the idea of Fred's King's Cross being a dance club. Perfect.

Also loved Ginny getting annoyed when she said that we shouldn't underestimate youth and surprise, and then looking up to find her family smiling indulgently at her. Hee. That moment really rang true. I could totally relate; I was the youngest in a large family, and I often got that same indulgent look whenever I ventured an opinion; it's easy to become hypersensitive about it and feel like you're being patronized!

Tuesday 28th August 2007 19:18
Since Feeling is First

Good, let have and ending soon.
Wednesday 29th August 2007 04:51Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
glad you like it. The last part soon.
Tuesday 28th August 2007 04:42
Since Feeling is First
Even thought I've told you how much I love this fic, I thought I'd review in the right place

I loved the early surprise party so Harry could take Ginny out, it's so sweet - I loved the interaction with the family and her chat with George

I can't wait for part 3

Tuesday 28th August 2007 05:23Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
You didn't have to read it again! Thanks!
Lily Flower
Monday 27th August 2007 02:13
Since Feeling is First
Brilliant!!!! *dances*

And I will take theory Ya, that sounds about right to me. Of course two is very tempting also...

Anyway, either it's late, or I'm an emotional mess, but your scene between Ginny and George was very nice. I actually cried! (I seem to do that in your stories!)

Anyway, kudos to you!!! Keep it up.

Monday 27th August 2007 10:19Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked this and didn't mind the discrepancy with Fleur. I was happy to write that scene for Ginny and George - poor guy - he needed his sister. Thanks for reading!
Saturday 25th August 2007 17:42
Since Feeling is First
I love your writing. You always manage to make the characters seem so believable and like real people. Even George's reactions to the loss of his twin ring true.

Thanks, Helen
Sunday 26th August 2007 13:21Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I'm glad this felt true. I needed to work through Fred's death and this story was my way of doing just that. Thanks for reading!
Saturday 25th August 2007 09:54
Since Feeling is First
another part I trully enjoyed, I think it will be good for george to be near ginny in a way. He has a fresh start without his brother and still have family not to far away.
Saturday 25th August 2007 16:48Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
Fred and George were looking into a Hogsmeade location when they visited Ron on his birthday in HBP, so I could see George doing something like that for a few years. Thanks for reading!
ardie bea
Friday 24th August 2007 02:59
Since Feeling is First
I loved it. All of it. I want to read it again. NOW!
See u soon.
Friday 24th August 2007 10:11Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I hope to have the next part up next week. See you then. Thanks for reading!
Thursday 23rd August 2007 16:52
Since Feeling is First
I like this version of the aftermath for Harry and Ginny of the defeat of LV. Harry and Ginny are well in character; even the early tension between Arthur and Molly ring true as does the Weasley sense of humour to cope with tragedy. Nice job.
Friday 24th August 2007 10:11Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
Yes, the Weasleys would eventually turn to their humor and common sense to deal with Fred's death. They're a great family and I love to write them. Thanks for reading!
Thursday 23rd August 2007 10:51
Since Feeling is First
Aww...when it got to the part when Ginny was talking to George about Fred....I nearly started sobbing. Good job with that part!

Have a good time on vacation - but get the next part up quick. Looking forward to more!
Friday 24th August 2007 10:10Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I was happy to write a little solace for poor George. Part III should be up next week sometime. Thanks for reading!
Thursday 23rd August 2007 08:24
Since Feeling is First
Yay!!!! This is SO FANTASTIC!!!! Thank you
Friday 24th August 2007 10:09Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for reading!
Thursday 23rd August 2007 06:56
Since Feeling is First
Very sweet! I love Ginny in your story since we havn`t seen her so much in DH- strong and always ready for a joke! I love her like that! And everything in your storry is so beautifully sad! I think when JKR would have wirtten something it would go in the direction of your story! Just amazing!
Friday 24th August 2007 10:09Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked Ginny here - she is a strong character and what she wants most of all is for everyone to be happy - so this story is a step in the direction - which is why I had to include the Weasleys, too. Thanks for reading!
Thursday 23rd August 2007 02:13
Since Feeling is First
Oh once again... wonderful chapter!

I loved Harry teasing Ginny... not telling what her present was, then slipping up at dinner and telling anyway. LOL.

Loved Molly using her "basilisk vision" to figure out that Fleur is pregnant. I choose: Victoire is Bill and Fleur's second child. The option about Veela gestation is hilarious though.

George: You aren't supposed to know anything about the mechanics of the cabbage patch.

LOL!!! Oh that hurt me. LOL!!!

Ron: Your seventeenth will be better than mine since I doubt you'll be poisoned.


Wonderful chapter. I don't want this story to end.

Friday 24th August 2007 10:08Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
Poor Harry - he's not very good with secrets is he? Especially since this wasn't life and death - just Quidditch. I had fun writing all the Weasley humor lines - they're such great characters and I still can't believe JKR killed off Fred. *sigh* Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 22nd August 2007 19:58
Since Feeling is First
So, you should know that I almost never straight up cry when reading fanfiction. I might have tears prick at my eyes, but not enough to mess up my vision or drop. But when I got to the part with George and Ginny talking, tears started welling up and a few actually streamed down my face.

Anyway, amazing chapter. I love your H/G, always. I'm hoping that more than a three part story will be written in this universe. It's just so good.
Friday 24th August 2007 10:06Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
Oh, I'm not glad that you cried, but I am gratified that you had the same emotion toward these characters that I feel. The next part is lots fluffier as you can imagine. I do love my H/G and I'm glad that others feel that way, too. Thanks.
B. Nonymous
Wednesday 22nd August 2007 19:26
Since Feeling is First
You missed two possibilities:

"Fleur's first pregnancy miscarried." Yes it's sad, and yes we all know and love
your work for its high fluff content, but that would certainly explain things.

"Victoire started school late." Maybe she had health problems? Maybe she spent a year travelling (with Cursebreaker Bill for a Dad, it's possible).

Friday 24th August 2007 10:04Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
Yes, those are all possibilities to cover my mistake. LOL. I love this fandom who will work with me on this. Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 22nd August 2007 18:58
Since Feeling is First
I like all of those theories, and couldn't care less which turns out to be the case.

And I love this story...

It's funny; I'm writing a similar sequence, and you've poked at some of the same thoughts that I was playing with... Though your basic themes are different.

Not that it matters. There are no new stories, only new tellings. And this one is turning out to be quite lovely.

I'm looking forward to that Quidditch match (not to mention the other surprise)! Are we going to know any of the "young" Harpies?
Friday 24th August 2007 10:03Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
Yes, you will know some young Harpies. You're so good at anticipating. I look forward to seeing what you have up your sleeve, although I'm amazed you have so many fics. in you after your complicated "Wisest Course" and the stories you wrote immediately after DH came out. I don't have the energy!
Wednesday 22nd August 2007 17:20
Since Feeling is First
Aw, this was cute. Mmm, I think Victoire is Bill and Fleur's second kid.
Friday 24th August 2007 10:01Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I'm finding that everyone has a favorite theory. Mine is the "Oh, dear maths."
Wednesday 22nd August 2007 16:36
Since Feeling is First
This is a piece of joy. All the small things are perfect - George, Ginny's dancing, builder!Ron (as usual ), Fred's 'King's Cross' ... my favourite art was probably Kinglsey's comment about his PA.

And Victoire is so the snack lady.

Friday 24th August 2007 10:00Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
LOL - that would be funny to have a part-Veela as a snack lady. Think how many treats they would sell. Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 22nd August 2007 14:51
Since Feeling is First
I think she was named Victoire not because they beat old Voldy but because they thought they wouldn't be able to concieve a child. See...its a little known fact...that veelas have difficulty conceiving when their mate is a mere human. So the name of the child is an indication of their happiness at having a child at all. Sadly this will be their only child.


That is the best I can do at a moments notice.

Harry's insecurity is very touching and I like Ginny's response to it.
Friday 24th August 2007 09:59Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
That could be an explanation! And I would think Harry would have bouts of insecurity every now and again - they simply haven't spent time together and they need to talk about everything - even the silly, fleeting feelings. Thanks for reading!
Lady Whizbee
Wednesday 22nd August 2007 14:42
Since Feeling is First
Oh! Perfect, perfect, perfect...!

I adored the Weasley banter. The flow of it, the humor of it--the *realness* of it--it was as if these children had grown up together or something. LOL. Beautifully done...

And you know what, if your beta hadn't said anything about one would have known. It just makes perfect sense that they would be pregnant this soon--well, at least to me. Of course, that *may* be because my WIP has them pregnant this early and I'm biased about the whole matter myself. LOL., hmmm, I choose...

"oh dear, maths."

You've done such a wonderful job with this story. Harry and Ginny are spot on and you've left us all wanting more.
Friday 24th August 2007 09:58Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
LOL - yes, I think those kids grew up together. Thank you for your delightful review! I would think Fleur and Bill would get pregnant right away - after the celebration and the grief, etc there's nothing like a baby to point to the future. So "Oh, dear maths" works for me.
Lorelei Lynn
Wednesday 22nd August 2007 14:25
Since Feeling is First
Excellent story. You've done a good job of showing everyone's conflicting emotions & how it affects their relations with each other. Looking forward to part 3.
Friday 24th August 2007 09:15Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
Part 3 is much happier! I hope to have it posted next week sometime. Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 22nd August 2007 14:14
Since Feeling is First
If Ginny is a NEWT level student too, couldn't she just apply to have classes there? But she did have to leave in the middle of her sixth year, so maybe she'll have to do her sixth over again? But then there would be two years she is there without Harry. Arrgh! This is too confusing.

Great chapter by the way. Ginny's and George's talk about Fred nearly put me in tears, but I restrained myself since I am at work. I don't know how I'd explain THAT!
Friday 24th August 2007 09:14Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
LOL - it's hard to explain the power JKR's characters have over on us. I felt so bad for the Weasleys that I had to write this story. Explain that one! Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 22nd August 2007 09:50
Since Feeling is First
Wonderful! I love how all the Weasley's were there for Ginny's birthday; it was so special. And Harry ruining the surprise was funny, hehe. I wonder what his other present is?? I really liked the conversation between Ginny and George; so beautiful. And of course the talks between H/G are always wonderful!
Haha! Is Percy interested in muggle things now?
Great chapter and I'm looking forward to the next one!
Friday 24th August 2007 09:13Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I do love the Weasleys and I love to get them together. This was my way of reassuring myself that they're all okay after Fred's death. I think Percy is trying to build bridges with his father - but I would like to think he would write more protective legislation for Muggles in the years to come. Thanks for reading!
Mystical Rose
Wednesday 22nd August 2007 09:13
Since Feeling is First
Lol, I was trying to work out the maths of Victoire's conception too. I'd never considered that was why she was called Victoire, though, just figured it was a French name JKR liked. However, in light of that, I'd say either the answer is Maths or the victory was still fresh in Bill and Fleur's mind when Victoire was born... I think September 1999 is the earliest she can be born, so that puts conception around December/January.

Anyway, really nice chapter again. It's so sweet that Harry forgets that he can have a normal life. I'm glad Fleur's pregnant, keep it that way and either don't mention the maths error or just fail to mention it in the story! Looking forward to part 3

Also, if Harry gets a new owl, it'd be nice if she were called Hedwig
Friday 24th August 2007 09:10Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
LOL - I'm guessing that at least one reviewer would have noticed the discrepency, so I felt I had to confess my error up front. I would have been one of the readers who never noticed.

I think it will take Harry a little while to get used to the idea that he doesn't have a mission any more. He's been defined by it his whole life. Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 22nd August 2007 07:48
Since Feeling is First
"Oh dear, maths." That one works for me! I think the name Victoire would still work a year after the war - and she is a Victory as she represents the start of a new generation of Weasleys.

I really enjoyed this chapter. The scenes between Ginny and George and the ones between Harry and Ginny were particularly nice. I was under the impression that Harry did return to Hogwarts for his final year of school, but this works so nicely, and I like Harry seeing things from Ginny's POV.

I loved Harry blowing the birthday surprise. I could so see the expression on his face when he did that. Again, I'm so pleased with the honest working out of things between Harry and Ginny rather than screaming fits of anger that I've seen in so many other stories. These emotions seem real, and very in-character. Thanks for writing this one.
Friday 24th August 2007 09:08Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
LOL - Harry might be the hero of the series, but he still messes up now and again - that's why we love him. I was very happy to write that scene with George and Ginny - poor guy I needed to know he was okay. And poor Harry needs a good cry now that he's had a sandwich and bed.

Thanks for reading. Being an English major, "Oh dear, maths" works for me.
Wednesday 22nd August 2007 04:51
Since Feeling is First
Great chapter as always

I like the way you are trying to fill in the gapbetween voldermorts defeat and every1s offspring

As for bill & fleurs child, i think JKR said that victoire is the first born, but i like the 14 month gestation period for veelas. so i really dont know, then again maths was never really 1 of my best subjects in school

So i say go with what you think suits your storyline.

looking forward to more from you.
Friday 24th August 2007 09:06Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it. And I think the longer gestation works for me. Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 22nd August 2007 04:24
Since Feeling is First
Great!! I really like it. After DH there is a gap and I'm happy you're trying to fill it. And it's good fill!!

I prefer to think that Victoire was visiting the station. It makes more sence. Although Weasley's normaly have boys...

Good luck, and see you next chapter!!

Kiss Kiss

Friday 24th August 2007 09:02Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I thought there was a "Healing gap" and this story tries to feel it ina samll way.

I know - I thought Weasleys always had boys - but I guess JKR already used "Victor" as a name. Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 22nd August 2007 01:44
Since Feeling is First
Great Chapter, I really enjoyed the interaction between all the characters but especially Ginny and George, very nicely done.

Looking forward to the next chapter.
Friday 24th August 2007 09:01Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I was happy to write a comforting scene for poor George - and for Ginny who has been worried about him. Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 22nd August 2007 00:57
Since Feeling is First
Another fabulous tale Mary.

As for the Victoire theory - I don't have my copy of DH handy (on loan to a friend) so I can't check but did it actually say that Victoire was travelling on the train? She could have just been kissing Teddy goodbye. But I like your idea of of a longer gestation for Veela's and extra couple of months to develop irresistable magnetic sexual attraction!
Friday 24th August 2007 09:00Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
Yes - it takes longer to create that sexual attraction. *nods* (My mother told me I was overdue - LOL)
Wednesday 22nd August 2007 00:01
Since Feeling is First
Excellent chapter!
Friday 24th August 2007 08:59Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it!
Tuesday 21st August 2007 23:47
Since Feeling is First
Haha, it certainly seems like part of Fred's soul collided with Percy after he died, huh? I like the new Percy. He's definitely putting in an effort to get everybody to act like a family again.

Also, I'm in favor of the 14-month time period, just for the sake of being particularly evil. >:]
Friday 24th August 2007 08:58Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I like that idea of a little bit of Fred lodged in Percy. Very nice. And yes - we mortals like the idea of a 14 month gestation. Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 21st August 2007 23:39
Since Feeling is First
The trouble is that Queen Victoria was almost certainly named after her mother, Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saafield (whose full name was Marie Luise Victoria, and may have been named for a war, or maybe not...)

Plus, Victoria's real name--first name, anyway--was Alexandrina.

Upon reflection, I like your fourteen-month gestation. Fleur should have to suffer a little for her beauty, don't you think? (I don't mean that. Really.)

Friday 24th August 2007 08:57Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
LOL - yes - suffer for beauty! We mere mortals feel better already! I didn't know that about Queen Victoria's first name.
Tuesday 21st August 2007 23:34
Since Feeling is First
it, you made me CRY.

Then again, if you made me cry, it's b/c I needed to. *hugs*

As for Victoire...yeah, she would need to be born in September (like Hermione) and thus conceived around December in order for her to be in her 7th year.

But maybe she's a slow learner and had to be held back. Or maybe Victoire was Fleur's grandmother's name, and has nothing to do with the victory in the war.
Friday 24th August 2007 08:56Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
*hugs* This is big stuff - all this death and love. You'd have to be heartless not to cry.

LOL - I wonder how Head Boy Bill would handle a slow learner - he's probably would be great about it and tell he to take the time she needed. I also like the idea of Victoire taking a year off to go to Beauxbatons - so many possibilities to cover my mistake.
Tuesday 21st August 2007 23:33
Since Feeling is First
The second child theory sinks...JKR said in an interview she's their eldest

Never mind...I don't think it how will I wait to see what Ginny's second surprise is??????
Friday 24th August 2007 08:53Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
Doh! At least I have a whole bunch of other theories!

Harry's next surprise is very sweet. Part III should be up next week sometime. Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 21st August 2007 22:32
Since Feeling is First
Another wonderful chapter! I loved the free play of emotions in it, especially how honest George and Harry were in their scenes with Ginny. I'm glad they both felt comfortable enough around her to finally let go. I look forward to Part 3 very much.
Friday 24th August 2007 08:51Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I think Ginny brings that out in people - she seems a very trustworthy and sympathetic kind of person. (For ex: the chocolate in the library scene) Part III is much fluffier! Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 21st August 2007 22:26
Since Feeling is First
Hoo boy. Ginny's taking Harry's decision much better than I would have, or am right now. I think I'm still irritated about Ginny's lack of page-time in DH, because every time I read a story that involves Ginny forgiving and understanding Harry I get angry. I think it's because even though I'm a full grown adult, I'm still a youngest child from a large family, and I can't stand being left behind in any way.

As far as actual reviewing - you're writing, as always, is superb.
Friday 24th August 2007 08:49Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
Yes, I would have never let Harry break up with me in the first place if I were Ginny - so I get where you're coming from. It's one of the things I explored in NZ Chronicles - that idea of being left behind when they can't train together. In this story I've taken a different tack - and that's Ginny being the one who leaves Harry behind. He will wait for her while she goes off and hones her Quidditch skills. Thanks for reading! And let me know what you think about this issue at the end of Part III.
Tuesday 21st August 2007 22:10
Since Feeling is First
Thanks for this chapter, it was what I needed after a very long day of work in the office and then teaching 2 college classes at night. I'm beat up, but I couldn't go to sleep without reading it. I specially like the scene between Ginny and George.
Friday 24th August 2007 08:44Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
Oh, you have a busy schedule! I'm glad this story helped you to relax. I was happy to write that scene for George - poor guy.
Tuesday 21st August 2007 21:37
Since Feeling is First
Great chapter! I can't wait for part 3.
Friday 24th August 2007 08:43Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
It should be up next week sometime. I'm a little behind after this trip. Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 21st August 2007 21:01
Since Feeling is First
This really is a nice story!

I'm really enjoying the interaction between and . I think a lot of the things they discuss and feelings they show really hit the right notes.

Great job!
Friday 24th August 2007 08:43Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I love H/G together - and we didn't get enough in DH! So it's been fun to write all of their scenes - and Part III Is all H/G having a fun day. Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 21st August 2007 20:03
Since Feeling is First
Great chapter.

I have my own theory about the timeline discrepancy, but it really isn't a great one. Actually it's kind of sad. She could've been pregnant, and lost the baby. (sorry if this hurts anyone) She could've lost another one before Victoire was born, naming the third try what it is. A great victory. I've actually been thinking about this for a while.

Traveling Grace to you.

Friday 24th August 2007 08:42Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I'm back from our trip. Thank you for your good wishes. One needs Grace on airplanes and in traffic!

Yes, that could be - there's nothing like finally having a child after so much heartbreak. Thanks for the thought.
Tuesday 21st August 2007 19:40
Since Feeling is First
very nice.


JKR said that victoire is Bill and Fleurs 1st child

Friday 24th August 2007 08:40Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
Well, I have a few other theories for Victoire left. Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 21st August 2007 19:24
Since Feeling is First
ahh! i love it....great job and can t wait for more
Friday 24th August 2007 08:39Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I'm glad you like it. Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 21st August 2007 19:15
Since Feeling is First
If I interpreted the final chapters of DH correctly, Ginny/Luna/Neville all had a bit of a rough time at Hogwarts while H/R/H were gone. One that included torture through the "Crucio" curse simply for getting a dentention. One can only imagine what else went on, so I don't think that Ginny is at all unfamiliar with suffering at the hands of others. She is probably right up there with Hermione, Luna and Dean.
Friday 24th August 2007 08:39Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
You're right. I don't think she's unfamiliar with torture, which is why she doen't want to hear more or think about someone she knows and cares about suffering. I can't imagine that she would want to hear the grisly details - especially at dinner time when she's fighting to be happy again.
Tuesday 21st August 2007 18:38
Since Feeling is First
Ha! I like the gestation theory best
Friday 24th August 2007 08:37Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
LOL - that's why Veelas are so pretty!
Tuesday 21st August 2007 18:24
Since Feeling is First
I love this story. Beautiful, fun, funny, sweet...every good thing all rolled into one.

This was my favorite line:

"Don't worry, Fleur, Ginny'll do all the talking and Harry will stare at her." Too true. Loved it!

I think you accidentally left a beta note in the story near the end of the exchange with George in parentheses.

Ginny and George are great together. Harry's vulnerability at the end is poignant.

I confess to being mathematically challenged, but I think Fleur's pregnancy could work if Victoire is in her seventh year at Hogwarts nineteen years later. Or...maybe she was just saying goodbye to a younger sibling?

Friday 24th August 2007 08:35Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
Yes, Sherry removed the beta note. Thank you.

I think Harry would be perfectly happy to stare at Ginny for an entire evening, bless him. I was happy to write that scene for George - I'm still upset by that hole in the Weasley family.

Like all good English majors, I'm mathematically challenged, so I think the "oh dear maths" is my favorite excuse for this discrepency in my story. Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 21st August 2007 18:22
Since Feeling is First
Lovely, lovely! I'm sure I'll find something serious and substantive and analytical to say about it later (maybe I'll just tell you in Mystic tomorrow), but I grinned through the whole thing.

About Victoire: I think the custom of naming a child "Victoria" or "Victoire" after a victory at war is not limited to those conceived during the war, or even in its immediate aftermath. A child born in the new peace, basking in its protection, could easily be named that.

...I was going to use the example of Queen Victoria of England, who was born in 1819, even though the War against Napoleon ended with the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 ("surely the victory for which she was named," I was going to say.). The trouble is that Queen Victoria was almost certainly named after her mother, Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saafield (whose full name was Marie Luise Victoria, and may have been named for a war, or maybe not...) Oh, well...

Tuesday 21st August 2007 18:07
Since Feeling is First
Please keep this up--I love all your stories. Re: Victoire, maybe like Hermione she was born in the fall and would've been close to 18 in the epilogue . . . does that work out right? Hmm . . . maybe not . . .
Friday 24th August 2007 08:32Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
LOL - I'm like JKR with math. Thanks for reading!
megan sq
Tuesday 21st August 2007 18:04
Since Feeling is First
Amazingly, you managed to find an explanation for the way DH ended. It rings true, at least in your universe, b/c I much doubt that JK thought about it in hers. So Harry avoided - more like dismissed! - Ginny after the battle b/c he wanted to feel numb, not b/c he had More Important Things to do, as the book says. But I am so willing to overlook JK's line in favor of your version. Thanks!

There's been some discussion about whether or not Harry & co. finished their Hogwarts education, b/c there was some confusion with the transcript of the webchat in which the question was asked. As the final transcript looks, it seems that JK never really answered that question. But I agree with the view that for Harry to go back to Hogwarts would be completely anticlimactic. However, I don't think he'd take NEWTS classes either - that would also be kind of anticlimactic. He's carved his road outside normal bureaucratic channels. (I saw an interview once with Sergey Brin, one of the co-founders of Google, in which he said that perhaps he should go back and finish his Ph.D. - he interrupted it to start the company. Everybody laughed, b/c that would be so.... strange!) People who change the world don't play by typical rules and don't follow typical paths.

Re: Victoire: I think JK said in some interview that she is Bill and Fleur's firstborn. But: You can have Fleur have a miscarriage. Not the nicest way to solve the problem, but the miscarriage would happen off-screen, and as we know, they do end up having children and everyone's happy. Otherwise, you can have Victoire pull a Flint and repeat one year at Hogwarts, b/c her head is too full of Teddy or she doesn't have either of her parents' brains. If all else fails - "oh dear, maths!" :-)
Friday 24th August 2007 08:32Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I thought emotionally that would be the best explanation - he couldn't deal with her feelings as well as his own, so he just shut down. Like I said to someone else - JKR just doesn't "do" healing. And at the end of DH, the entire wizarding world is in need of healing. So sandwich and bed - or maybe a bit more was needed (Like this story. ).

You already know my feelings about Harry-as-an-Auror - so I won't go there. I would hope Harry would take a few classes - Charms, Potions, DADA and play Midnight Quidditch just to have a transition year to a"normal," more adult life. He can't go back and be a kid again - but he doesn't have to sign on for the "ministry revolution" just yet.

I like "Oh dear maths"

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday 21st August 2007 17:48
Since Feeling is First
Lovely, lovely! I'm sure I'll find something serious and substantive and analytical to say about it later (maybe I'll just tell you in Mystic tomorrow), but I grinned through the whole thing.

About Victoire: I think the custom of naming a child "Victoria" or "Victoire" after a victory at war is not limited to those conceived during the war, or even in its immediate aftermath. A child born in the new peace, basking in its protection, could easily be named that.

...I was going to use the example of Queen Victoria of England, who was born in 1819, even though the War against Napoleon ended with the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 ("surely the victory for which she was named," I was going to say.). The trouble is that Queen Victoria was almost certainly named after her mother, Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saafield (whose full name was Marie Luise Victoria, and may have been named for a war, or maybe not...) Oh, well...

Friday 24th August 2007 08:24Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I don't know how substantive and analytical our conversation was in Mystic, because I seem to be too tongue-tied when it comes to discussing my own writing. Anyway, I enjoyed what we did manage to talk about in that too short visit. Ah, Queen Victoria - she just a force unto herself.
Tuesday 21st August 2007 17:19
Since Feeling is First
Awesome work!
Friday 24th August 2007 08:24Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it!
Tuesday 21st August 2007 16:37
Since Feeling is First
Almost forgot...

...thanks for letting Percy have a sense of humor.

....and I'll vote for '14 months of gestation for Veelas''s only fair, when they end up so gorgeous and irresistable.
Friday 24th August 2007 08:20Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
LOL - yes - you should suffer for your beauty. *nods* And I do love the idea of Percy having a dry wit that Harry never got to see much of. Fred certainly enjoyed seeing Percy in a lighthearted moment. *sniff*
Tuesday 21st August 2007 16:32
Since Feeling is First good to have you back in charge of H/ do so much better by them than JKR!

'Basalisk vision'! Brilliant! LOL A truly Fred-like turn of phrase.

Nice job on clarifiying George's grief/anger/feelings....very realistic and believable.

Finally, having Harry contemplate the implications of being "normal people" good, so right, so well done......left me in tears. Reminds me of the t-shirt advocating book 8: Harry Potter and the Year Nothing Happened...or The Year Fate and JKR Gave Our Boy a Break.

Looking forward to the date at the Quidditch match...
Friday 24th August 2007 08:19Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I *do* like being "in charge" of H/G. Ah, the joys of fan fiction. I like the idea of book 8 - that poor kid had a miserable year and JKR left him with a grieving girlfriend (and best friend) and a godson with a tragic past. The least I could do is write him some fluff (coming up in part III) Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 21st August 2007 16:30
Since Feeling is First
Oh, I do love your stories! You have such a knack for characterization & continuity. Thank you for posting this before you leave--and the promise of more when you return!
Friday 24th August 2007 08:16Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I'm back and I'm up to my eyeballs in laundry! LOL - but the last part should be up next week sometime. Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 21st August 2007 16:17
Since Feeling is First
Well I hope that your travels went well. This was another thoughtful story with perfectly described emotions, each and every one. I loved the fact that you gave Percy some humour and Molly some good news. There should be an outtake of the conversation that Fleur and Bill will be having upon arrival home after Bill let the beans spill.

George is wonderful. I am still sad and angry about Fred yet your writing about his need to talk about him voiced something that I have been feeling too.

Thank you again for sharing your terrific gift of story telling. I love each and every word.
Friday 24th August 2007 08:15Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I am back after a lovely trip! Thank you for your good wishes. I'm with you on Fred's death. In fact, I still have a sense of bewilderment about it - like a real death - so senseless and so unexplained. It was good "therapy" to write that scene with George.

LOL - Bill is courageous enough to deal with a hormonal quarter veela wife - but it would be a funny scene. Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 21st August 2007 16:06
Since Feeling is First
Yay! That was such a cute chapter, I really enjoyed it. Harry ruining the surprise on accident was so cute, and I laughed hysterically at George's mention of "the cabbage patch" lol. I think it's really sweet that George and Ginny are so close too, as well as the tender Harry and Ginny moments that you've added in.

I can't wait for part three, it's been an awesome ride so far!
Friday 24th August 2007 07:17Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I don't think George would have lost his sense of humor just because he lost an ear and a brother. When someone can joke around that's a sign of healing, I think. I wanted to show the Weaslesys are their way to happiness. Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 21st August 2007 16:01
Since Feeling is First
Another great chapter, no surprise there. The surprise was finding a note between you and the beta, in the middle of this:

"Me, neither," George said, turning toward her (That sounds more natural to me but change it back if you want.). "Let's argue instead."

I do love the way you deal with all these tricky emotions, how it's easier not to feel anything than to risk being hurt again.

As for Fleur's pregnancy - I'll go with "Oh, dear - maths." Or the sadder version, that this baby miscarried. As did the next. So when the third finally made it, it was a wonderful victory. (We've got friends who went through that, maybe the human-Vella combination is a bit tricky?)

Welcome back - I hope you had a nice holiday.

Friday 24th August 2007 07:15Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I'll have to see if Sherry got that out of there. On this site the formatting is done by the beta, so that's why you rarely see mistakes.

Thanks for the welcome back - I had a nice holiday, but now I'm feeling overwhelmed by what I have to do! LOL - it's so easy to forget how to be relaxed.
Gabriella Du Sult
Tuesday 21st August 2007 15:47
Since Feeling is First
There are two possibilities wrt Victoire (and don't think I haven't charted it all out! LOL).

1) Under the "Oh dear, maths" department -- the epilogue was 19 years after the beginning of the book as opposed to the end of it -- since Voldie was defeated before Harry's birthday, Harry is 19 years older, but it was actually not 19 years after the Battle of Hogwarts.

2) Victoire was conceived on the one year anniversary of the defeat of Voldemort.

Oh, George (huggles George) - I'm helping, I swear.

Welcom back (when you finally read this!)
Friday 24th August 2007 07:13Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
I like the "Oh dear maths one" the best. There had to be a reason JKR went with 19 years. Maybe 19 years from the prophecy? I don't know. Yes, dear George - he has many characters to help him through (and one you'll provide) Thanks - I'm glad to be home - but I have so much to do!
Tuesday 21st August 2007 15:44
Since Feeling is First
What a great chapter! I like that you're not tip-toeing around Fred's death...I can't imagine George would be able to not mention him, and he shouldn't be hushed up just because he died. *sniff!*

I really enjoyed this and I can hardly wait to read what comes next. Great job!
Friday 24th August 2007 07:11Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
Oh, you can't tip-toe around the huge hole that's in the Weasley family now. *shakes fist at JKR* And the Weasleys certainly wouldn't since they're not a tip-toeing kind of a family. Lots of fluff in Part III (we've earned it!) Thanks for reaidng!
Tuesday 21st August 2007 15:07
Since Feeling is First
I personally like the snack cart idea, after all the witch that ran that must be positively ancient by now. Although the Gestation bit has its merits as well... Another fabulous chapter. I've always liked Ginny, though I think Harry's turn to listen is coming. Update soon, I can't wait!
Friday 24th August 2007 07:09Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
Yes, it is Harry's turn for a lot of things in that relationship. You'll see a bit of that in Part III. Thanks for reading!
Grandma Kate
Tuesday 21st August 2007 15:06
Since Feeling is First
My guess is that Fleur is like Scarlet O'Hara in Gone with the Wind. Southern Belles and Veela have their own gestation timeline.
Friday 24th August 2007 07:07Since Feeling is First (Author Response)
LOL - the timelines don't line up in Gone with the Wind? Scarlett had lots of kids in the book she kind of forgot about, didn't she? I like Fleur as Scarlett - that works for me. Thanks for reading!