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Reviews For The Red-Haired Trio by Ishi

Tuesday 9th October 2007 15:46
The Red-Haired Trio
awww its so cute. the twins are only 3 and already they are making plans :p
Sunday 2nd September 2007 17:19
The Red-Haired Trio
Hahaha. The last line was priceless. Fred and George are the cutest toddlers I've ever met.
Thursday 30th August 2007 21:55
The Red-Haired Trio
What a gorgeous scene. I adore the little Weasleys and the way poor Ron is treated by his brothers. The 'middle wife' was hilarious! And the little twins confronted with such a strange creature as a sister ... just lovely!
Wednesday 29th August 2007 11:41
The Red-Haired Trio
How cute!