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Reviews For In the Rubble of Her Girlhood by DreamcoatMom

Sunday 7th December 2008 20:48
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
this os beautiful i love it!!!!!!!
Monday 19th May 2008 19:25
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
What a lovely story. Will there be more Ginny and Harry post-DH, or a little Ron and Hermione? Thanks for this insightful look into Ginny during the Battle.
Zula Bean
Saturday 12th January 2008 14:18
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
Thank you for this complex and loving look at the Weasley women.
Monday 8th October 2007 09:48
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
A real good alternate perspective of the final battle thanks for sharing it. I loved all the emotion in the story, it was just right.
Tuesday 2nd October 2007 19:40
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
I completely adore this story – I’m at a bit of a loss for how to let you know how great I think it is. The emotion and the depth of feeling you portray is wonderful, and your action scenes are great. So many favourite lines, I love Ron and McGonagall especially, and it’s made me think for the first time about how other characters experienced that whole episode. But most of all I love the comparison between how Molly and Ginny have always seen Harry – that’s the sort of thing that has never occurred to me, but once I read it in your story it seems just so right and now I will always think of it that way. It’s a beautiful piece, thanks for sharing it with us.
Monday 1st October 2007 20:14
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
I am absolutely thrilled with your story. I have already read it three times, and I plan to return to it more in the future. Ginny and Molly are by far my favorite characters and I think that you captured Ginny exeptionally well. (Although, I must say that I was a little taken aback by her "So why the hell... comment to her mother. I doubt that Molly would have accepted that sort of language while folding socks (; ) So many fanfic writers drop back into a sterotypical teenage angst and insecurity when writing Ginny, instead of capturing her spirit and maturity. Nicely done and I hope to see more.

Lily Flower
Saturday 29th September 2007 00:35
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
Oh my goodness, a very touching piece of work. It was very nicely written and I really loved it. I hope you write more, because you have a talent for it.
Friday 28th September 2007 15:08
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
That was beautiful - filled with laughter, sorrow, contemplation, all the emotions that make life worth living and growing. Thank you
Tuesday 25th September 2007 18:35
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
That was wonderful, I'm so glad you wrote it. I'm glad that you gave us Ginny's point of view. The final battle was literary genius and you've just added to it and made it even better. Thank you!
krypa dakay
Monday 24th September 2007 14:28
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
That was fantastic! You have just renewed my interest in fan fiction! Excellent job, keep up the writing!
Monday 24th September 2007 12:04
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
THAT WAS *SO* EXCELLENT! You added everything to that scene that it needed to make it complete.

I loved reading her memories of all these important moments: their kiss on Harry's birthday, the moment in the Chamber of Secrets, and her mother telling her about being a dueling champ at Hogwarts and having wanted to be an auror. You added just the right amount of detail and description to those moments of the final battle. I loved reading exactly what Ginny saw and felt when she saw Hagrid carrying Harry's body and when she, Hermione, and Ginny were dueling Bellatrix. Also, you added more to Mrs. Weasley's duel with Bellatrix and the "group hug"-type moment after the battle was finally over. Those moments as well as Ginny's talk with her mother while they observed Harry added so much to my enjoyment of DH. You really completed DH, with this story. I'd never felt completely happy with the way Harry walked past Ginny in DH as he left the Great Hall in his Invisibility Cloak while she had her head on mother's shoulder. It seemed so "little girl"-ish for her to be doing so, as well as not romantic enough for him to not want to go be close to her then, after all their time apart. But, your story made it all make sense; it completed DH. It made me understand that Ginny knew not to go throw her arms around Harry, that he needed his space right then, after all he'd been through. So, she stayed with her mother and was a comfort to her. She knew that she and Harry had plenty of time together later. In their future together, that was now free of all the worry and fear about Voldemort. They'd have the rest of their lives to love one another. . . .

Sorry I got a bit carried away there. Your wonderful story did that to me. Thank you for writing it. Please write more!
Monday 24th September 2007 05:25
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
Wonderful story! This was incredibly well written and attacked so many different angles and relationships in one chapter - very good indeed!
Sunday 23rd September 2007 10:33
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
Well this was a beutifully written fanfic if I do say so myself
Sunday 23rd September 2007 09:49
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
Excellent story! I loved your characterization of Molly and her advice to Ginny.
Sunday 23rd September 2007 03:54
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
this was very good, are you writing any more?
Saturday 22nd September 2007 20:46
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
Excellent story!
I really enjoyed your style, and the word choice was particularly wonderful. It was descriptive and elegant without being too pretentious. I loved the brief but telling insights into the characters as well- Mrs. Weasley was magnificent!
Overall, a great read. Maybe we will see some more updates in the future...?
Saturday 22nd September 2007 16:04
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
I really loved this! Awesome story! I'm looking forward to more of your writing
Saturday 22nd September 2007 13:45
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
Oh there's not much to say but Iloved it!
Saturday 22nd September 2007 12:41
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
I really enjoyes this story. It made me cry and I hardley cry when reading. If this is you rusty I would love to read something once you are warmd up again.
Saturday 22nd September 2007 08:15
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
Saturday 22nd September 2007 08:00
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood

this was beatifully written ..... I enjoyed it so much that it actually brought renewed fresh tears to my eyes ..... maybe more so than when i read JKR's ..... but I was in shock when I read her part .... and I was more relaxed and loving this recount of this part of the story...

Thank you
Saturday 22nd September 2007 07:11
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
I have pondered what Ginny was going through, the thought of Harry dead had to have been as devastating to her as her death to Harry. And she lived her worst nightmare. You give us a small window into what her thoughts might have been. And your portrayal of Molly! I am so surprised that some HP fans think it OOC for Molly to duel Bellatrix. It is nice to read something that assumes Molly was always a power to be reckoned with. Is this going to be in the "Missing Moment" contest? It ought to be!.
Saturday 22nd September 2007 06:39
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
WOW! Absolutely, completely perfect! And you say you're rusty???? Then that was a comeback for the record books. It was beautiful, thank you! Can't wait to read more of your writings!
Saturday 22nd September 2007 06:21
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
Excellent story! Loved Ginny's POV of the end battle.
Grandma Kate
Saturday 22nd September 2007 06:00
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
Your Molly is so close to the way I picture her that I literally cheered when I read-

Her mother had told her once, as they’d discussed Ginny’s fifth year career advice over a basket of socks to be sorted, that she herself had considered becoming an Auror, then chuckled at Ginny’s gobsmacked stare.

“I did have a life before you kids, you know!” Her eyes sparkled as she laughed her full, rich laugh, while Ginny continued to stare at her, mouth open. “Didn’t I ever tell you that I was the Hogwarts dueling champion in both my sixth and seventh years?”
Saturday 22nd September 2007 05:12
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
absolutley brilliant.
Saturday 22nd September 2007 03:56
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood

Brilliant-absolutely perfect. If I had imagined Ginny's point of view in that battle, it would have been exactly as you have just described it. One of the best pieces of fanfiction that i've ever read, and i've read at least 2000 pages of it......

please keep up the fantastic work!

Saturday 22nd September 2007 03:15
In the Rubble of Her Girlhood
fantastic story!!! well done !whens part 2 coming up?