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Reviews For Meeting the Weasleys by girlyswot

Thursday 6th December 2007 07:32
Meeting the Weasleys
I love that you've made the Ron/Hermione relationship grow. A lot of HP fans have never understood that Ron just had a bit of growing up to do, and did so in the last book - and that Hermione saw that. This is how I pictured them when they were more mature - in a [beneficial] symbiotic relationship.
Friday 7th December 2007 16:16Meeting the Weasleys (Author Response)
Monday 19th November 2007 19:06
Meeting the Weasleys
o, poor christy. love how ron turned o ut. cat calling in brain right now.but lovve how hermione turned out too. so brave and like she always is, hard working
Monday 19th November 2007 21:23Meeting the Weasleys (Author Response)
Thanks. It was fun to imagine how Ron and Hermione will be in a few years time.
Sunday 21st October 2007 00:04
Meeting the Weasleys
Ron really surprised Christy! He is really a mixed bag of tricks. Hermione is what looks like a good friend in the making. Really interesting people she has found. I can see why someone who just left an unsatisfactory relationship would be jealous of the relationship between Ron and Hermione. Thanks for writing. I look forward to more of this story. p
Monday 22nd October 2007 06:48Meeting the Weasleys (Author Response)
He did indeed surprise her. I'm glad you're enjoying it. There'll be a chapter for each surviving Weasley brother.
Monday 1st October 2007 06:16
Meeting the Weasleys
I'm intrigued and am looking forward to reading more.
Sunday 30th September 2007 20:32
Meeting the Weasleys
What a Great start!.I love That Ron the builder still exists,looking forward to more.
Friday 28th September 2007 01:23
Meeting the Weasleys
Ron the Builder rides again! In a new Rosfic - at least I haven't seen it before. I think I saw a mention of it on your journal, but I didn't have time. Not then. Now I do - or, I'm not so squeezed for time as tha family party's over and I have a few more months to finish off some more. ANd this one I'll follow from the beginning, instead of imagining that I'll be able to catch up later. Catching up is something for late winter and whe're not quite there yet.

I loved Christy's reactions to Ron - he's just a builder. But he isn't, as we all know. And her analyzis of the R/H relationship is spot on - they love, respect and support each other and are wonderfully comfortable in each other's company.

Thanks! (And now I'll read the prologue)

Hugs, Berte
Friday 28th September 2007 11:02Meeting the Weasleys (Author Response)
Yes, quite right - this isn't actually new, just revised. I hope you enjoy the rest of the story as it comes. Those Weasley boys are hawt!
Thursday 27th September 2007 14:32
Meeting the Weasleys
Great, great, great story! Oh, please update soon! I really just can't wait to see what happens next. You've really caught Hermione and Ron's characters well! And I really like Christy's personality. PLEASE UPDATE!! Haha. I am so excited for the next chapter!
Thursday 27th September 2007 16:25Meeting the Weasleys (Author Response)
I'm glad you like Christy - I do too, but she takes a bit of getting used to!
Lady Whizbee
Wednesday 26th September 2007 14:28
Meeting the Weasleys

You\'re writing a new story! You\'re writing a new story!

How did I miss the posting of the prologue? Well nevermind, I\'m intrigued. You could have started the whole story with chapter one (which is what I read before realizing there was a prologue) it all made perfect sense from word one.

I love the instant flow of it and the amount of levity throughout is perfect. You also make great use of the aside without breaking up the flow of the whole thing. Perfect. And I must say, I\'m really enjoying Christy--and I usually have a hard time with OCs. Her views as an outsider are great and I love her thoughts on Ron, and the whole R/Hr relationship in general. I dare ask...will Charlie be making an appearance anytime soon? Hmm? *taps fingers while pondering the possibilities*
Wednesday 26th September 2007 14:39Meeting the Weasleys (Author Response)
Not actually new - it was on my LJ earlier this year for 'Project Crumpet'. Though this will be an updated, DH-friendly version. I.e., no Fred. *sniff*

The prologue and Ch 1 were posted together, which means that it was very easy to miss the prologue! There'll be one chapter dedicated to each Weasley brother. You can guess who comes last...
Wednesday 26th September 2007 09:28
Meeting the Weasleys
That was great.
I loved seeing Ron and Hermione's older relationship from an outsider's perspective- you portrayed them perfectly. Ron's description was funny, too:

she hadn't expected him to be quite so tall or so strong or just so ridiculously big.
and… and… all those freckles.

hahaha. She sounds so shocked!
Wednesday 26th September 2007 14:02Meeting the Weasleys (Author Response)
Hee hee. Thanks!
Wednesday 26th September 2007 07:02
Meeting the Weasleys
This should be fun! I'm really excited to see where you take this. Great two chapters, I can't wait for the next.
Wednesday 26th September 2007 07:46Meeting the Weasleys (Author Response)
Thanks - it is lots of fun! I'm glad you read both chapters. The story was written pre-DH so I'm just doing some tweaks to make it more compliant. Though the twins' chapter needs more than just tweaks. *sniff*

My beta's pretty swamped with RL at the moment (as am I actually) so I don't know when the next will be up.
Wednesday 26th September 2007 05:47
Meeting the Weasleys
Very interesting start. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
Wednesday 26th September 2007 06:01Meeting the Weasleys (Author Response)
Thank you! There's a chapter for each Weasley boy. Yum!!

Now I'm being a little paranoid - the prologue went up at the same time as Ch1, but the link takes you to Ch1 so I'm worried that no one's noticed the prologue! Anyway if you didn't, please do read it too.