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Reviews For Surrogate by Sovran

Friday 9th April 2010 14:16
Wonderful fic. I almost cried (and no longer being pregnant-that's a feat) Your characters were well spoken and their feelings evident. A beautiful work. Thanks for sharing.
Monday 26th May 2008 18:22
Great, wonderful, amazing job! You were so right when you wrote that we needed to know (since DH didn't tell us) that George would be okay. The grief that Angelina, George, and his family was feeling was so real and well-written. Then, everything that happened after Angelina walked through the door was so well-done . . . . Oh, I can't express myself any better than this. Suffice it to say that I'm yet again impressed by your writing and depth of understanding and feeling.
Tuesday 27th May 2008 07:38Surrogate (Author Response)
Thanks very much! I admit that I'm very pleased that I was right, in a way, about what happened with Angelina and George. As far as I know, JKR hasn't told us how they got together or when, so I'm going to claim that this story is the start of that relationship.
Tuesday 4th March 2008 21:30
Thank you for this story. I've read it before but just remembered to review. I don't know how two close twins like them could survive without each other. Mrs. Weasley will forever be grateful for Angelina's gift (as will the others, of course).
Friday 7th March 2008 15:12Surrogate (Author Response)
I think that George really needed something to start his own healing process, and of course it helped the others, too. It's lucky that my vision turned out to be basically similar to JKR's. Thanks for reading.
Sunday 2nd March 2008 22:41
Since we know that George really does wind up marrying Angelina this story is very fitting. I'm very glad that he found a reason to pull himself together and that ultimately he will help himself as he helps Angelina. Fred's child is definitely a wonderful way to keep Fred front and center in everyone's minds. I really enjoyed reading this story.
Friday 7th March 2008 15:10Surrogate (Author Response)
The irony is that I wrote this long before JKR told us about George and Angelina. I'm very glad that it turned out that way, though... now it's much more like a missing moment or something thoroughly canon-compliant.

Thanks, as always, for reading and reviewing so perceptively.
Saturday 1st March 2008 20:56
Wow, nice little fic that gives closure to George, and maybe a few Weasleys.

Thanks for sharing it.
Friday 7th March 2008 15:08Surrogate (Author Response)
Yes, closure for lots of folks, I hope. Including me. Thanks for reading.
The Boss
Tuesday 19th February 2008 01:09
This is a great piece of fanfic continuing on from the end of book 7. You have done a great job in picking up all the characters - and I particuarly like how you included Percy into that scene.A job well done

The Boss
Monday 25th February 2008 13:56Surrogate (Author Response)
Thanks very much! I was quite pleased to see that this story became even more 'canon' than I intended . . . JKR said George and Angelina ended up together.
Wednesday 9th January 2008 09:35
Thank you. I wanted to see George manage to go on with life, too. This was a good story, even if I did have to shed a few tears.
Monday 25th February 2008 13:54Surrogate (Author Response)
Hopefully a few tears are necessary to get through to the good feelings. Poor George. I found it really funny (and pleasing) that JKR said George and Angelina got together.
Sunday 9th December 2007 19:32
I loved this. I, too, have wanted that hope that George would find a reason to go on. And I've found some great stories showing him doing that, but this is one of my favorites. Not just for the agreeable plot, but for the fact that it is so well written. Thank you.
Monday 10th December 2007 10:16Surrogate (Author Response)
Thanks very much! This story came to me all at once, and if life had permitted, I probably would have written the whole thing in one sitting. Cursed job!
Sunday 2nd December 2007 21:31
i love this! I knew that she was pregnant too :p that was really sweet too
Monday 10th December 2007 10:05Surrogate (Author Response)
Yes, I suppose the pregnancy was a bit obvious, but I decided that was okay. Angelina being pregnant at 20 is more plausible than Ginny at 15 or 16, right? Thanks for reading!
Saturday 1st December 2007 17:28
I loved this story!!! I liked how angelina just kind of showed up out of nowhere. You made it seem like she cheered george up when he really neede it. keep writing.
Monday 10th December 2007 10:04Surrogate (Author Response)
Saturday 1st December 2007 17:27
I loved this story!!! I liked how angelina just kind of showed up out of nowhere. You made it seem like she cheered george up when he really neede it. keep writing.
Monday 10th December 2007 10:04Surrogate (Author Response)
She cheered George up, and I think he cheered her up, and they cheered just about everybody up. It's pretty cheerful, for a depressing story. At least, I hope so. Thanks!
Wednesday 17th October 2007 21:13
I'll answer your private query in a little bit, but I thought I'd give you a proper review first.

I recognize myself in this story. That's not to say I'd've written a story like this, but rather that you're paying attention to a lot of things to which I like to pay attention when I write. Your moment-to-moment concrete details, coupled with half-completed thoughts and suggested connections, reach me exactly in the core of my literary sense. It's great.

The title strikes me as having at least two meanings, maybe three. But in any case the term "Surrogate" is beautiful in the context of a lost loved one. In a sense, the survivors always act "surrogates" for the departed, trying to fill the gap that can't be filled.

George's interiority is, of course, the best part of it. At the very start you've demonstrated perfectly the sort of aimless, pointless detachment a very depressed person feels.

The use of H & G as the catalyst -- the act of seeing them becomes the first step in George & Angelina's mutual healing -- is something I also recognize, since I did something similar in Minding the Baby. I wonder at how naturally this comes to us, thinking of Harry & Ginny's love as a balm for the hurt of the world. Speaking for myself, seeing H & G together has sometimes "done my heart good" when I needed it, and perhaps we instinctively feel that they can have that effect on others. I dunno.

The grief & healing theme seems to be coming out in a lot of fanfic right now, which makes perfect sense to me. There was a lot of death in DH, a lot of pain, but some beautiful sweetness as well, with the promise of still more happiness later on. I think we're all wondering about how they got from point A to point B, from the pain to the joy. You've given us one more piece of the puzzle. Thank you.
Tuesday 13th November 2007 08:51Surrogate (Author Response)
I did say that I was behind on review responses, didn't I?

This story did feel you-ish. I didn't set out to do that, but when I'd finished I realised that you were a perfect exemplar of my target audience.

If you look closely, there are about 5 surrogates in the story. Some are more clear and influential than others. The baby is a surrogate for Fred to George and Angelina (and the others to a lesser extent). George is a surrogate Fred to Angelina (and the baby, later). Angelina is a surrogate Ginny for the Weasleys, in some ways. Harry and Ginny, together, are a surrogate of sorts in that they're a new and different source of hope. And, hiding in the background and tone, the Weasleys (incl. Angelina) are a surrogate family for Harry. There might even be a few more.

I'm glad to say that I don't remember the interiority stage very well, but it wasn't hard to reconstruct from what I do remember.

I think the symbol of Harry and Ginny's love is fairly universal, because it's lurking around the edges in canon. We don't see the true aftermath of the battle, but all along we're given the idea that Harry views Ginny and their relationship as goals. That's what he wants to get back to when it's all over. I don't think it's too much of a stretch to think that the same sort of thinking would carry over after the battle, when Harry and Ginny being reunited would serve as a symbol of the same future.

Thanks, as always, for reading, thinking, reviewing, and helping me to improve my writing.
Monday 8th October 2007 10:25
This is really good, although its a though subject to write about, the story doesn't get to heavy but has an end that leaves me with a good feeling.
Tuesday 13th November 2007 07:57Surrogate (Author Response)
Great! That's precisely what I was going for. Thanks for reading.
Tuesday 2nd October 2007 16:08
I would love to believe it happened that way. Excellent one shot with a good dose of hope. Thanks for sharing.
Tuesday 13th November 2007 07:55Surrogate (Author Response)
I certainly hope that something happened to get to the emotional end result I depicted. Perhaps JKR will fill in that information someday. Thanks for reading.
Monday 1st October 2007 03:45
This is excellent. Thank you so much for writing it. I too feel their are a lot of unanswered questions in the seventh book. I am so thankful for the fanfiction writers that have taken it upon themselves to try to fill those gaps. This is an excellent addition to the collection of DH spoilers I am collecting. Thank you again for writing. p
Tuesday 13th November 2007 07:54Surrogate (Author Response)
I'm very glad you liked this addition to DH. I really needed it. Thanks for reading.
Monday 1st October 2007 01:51
That's just great. I was totally surprised by the twist, and I like the glimpse of HG through the door. But especially I like the way that both Angelina and George stare at George to see Fred's face...I had a similar experience with my best friend's brother after my friend died.

Tuesday 13th November 2007 07:53Surrogate (Author Response)
The glimpse of H/G was really important to the story, as I designed it. I'm glad you liked that.
I'm fortunate enough not to have had this experience exactly, but I did lose a friend and often wish that he had a brother or twin or something.
Thanks for reading!
Sunday 30th September 2007 02:04
That was so beautiful, really really touching.

I agree, I want to know that George was ok

Tuesday 13th November 2007 07:43Surrogate (Author Response)
Thanks very much!
Saturday 29th September 2007 22:24
omg this was great!! i love the should keep this going!! i just love the idea of Fred leaving something behind and hopefully helping the family get through the worst of times... more please!!
Tuesday 13th November 2007 07:42Surrogate (Author Response)
I liked that idea, too, but I don't think I'll continue it. This bit was pretty much all it needed for me. Thanks for reading!
Saturday 29th September 2007 16:30
Wow! That made me cry, but in a good way. Here's hoping for a sequel.
Tuesday 23rd October 2007 13:58Surrogate (Author Response)
I don't think I'll do a sequel, but you never know. Thanks very much for reading.
Friday 28th September 2007 05:01
You couldn,t have written a better offshoot of the final days, weeks and months of the final battle. For Fred unknowingly to leave a bit of himself behind, was great.
Tuesday 23rd October 2007 13:57Surrogate (Author Response)
Ah yes, Fred's last unconscious prank on his friends and family. I thought it fit. Thanks for reading.
Thursday 27th September 2007 22:01
Aw, sadness, but neat, too.
Tuesday 23rd October 2007 13:56Surrogate (Author Response)
Thanks very much.
Thursday 27th September 2007 21:38
Awesome! I loved it.
Tuesday 23rd October 2007 13:55Surrogate (Author Response)
Thanks very much.
Thursday 27th September 2007 21:20
Oh this was lovely, you made me cry. I'm a twin, so I can't really understand or comprehend the idea of not having my sister, knowing she's there, even though we don't live in the same city, but I know she's always there. Thanks for the tears, they're good to clean the soul.
Tuesday 23rd October 2007 13:45Surrogate (Author Response)
I'm not sure I could capture that feeling either, but I felt compelled to try. I'm very glad that you liked the story.
Thursday 27th September 2007 21:12
Well you went and made me cry. Awesome work. *sniff*
Tuesday 23rd October 2007 13:43Surrogate (Author Response)
Sorry, but thanks.
blue artemis
Thursday 27th September 2007 20:28
That was sweetly sad. I really did enjoy it, though.
Tuesday 23rd October 2007 13:43Surrogate (Author Response)
That's about what I was going for. Thanks!
Thursday 27th September 2007 19:34
I love this story! It's so tragic but completely beautiful at the same time I have been wondering though, if George were to get married, who do you think he would marry? Angelina was obviously in love with Fred, but she would need to move on with her own life too. I think they could possibly end up together, what do you think?

Great story!
Tuesday 23rd October 2007 13:02Surrogate (Author Response)
What a great question! That's actually just the question I was hoping you'd be thinking about at the end of the story. Honestly, I'm not sure who George would marry, but I wanted to at least admit the idea that he and Angelina could eventually reconcile themselves to each other. Thanks for reading!
Thursday 27th September 2007 17:51
this totally made me cry. this was excellent.
Tuesday 23rd October 2007 13:01Surrogate (Author Response)
Thursday 27th September 2007 15:19
oh wow that was amazing! i m gonna have to show it to all my friends.... great job!
Tuesday 23rd October 2007 11:19Surrogate (Author Response)
And thanks again!
Thursday 27th September 2007 15:19
oh wow that was amazing! i m gonna have to show it to all my friends.... great job!
Tuesday 23rd October 2007 11:14Surrogate (Author Response)
Thanks very much!
Thursday 27th September 2007 14:54
So sad! But I really, really enjoyed this. I felt like there was hardly any closure on the whole Fred/George situation in DH and was disappointed. This was extremely satisfying

Thanks so much for writing this! It was absolutely amazing.
Tuesday 23rd October 2007 11:14Surrogate (Author Response)
I'm glad this was satisfying, and I hope that it was also a tiny bit hopeful. Thanks for reading!
Thursday 27th September 2007 14:41



Great idea. You have to carry this on. Oh my god. that's all i can think right now! eeeeee!
Tuesday 23rd October 2007 11:11Surrogate (Author Response)
Hmm, I'll take that as a compliment. Thanks!
Thursday 27th September 2007 14:25
I absolutely loved this story.
Tuesday 23rd October 2007 11:09Surrogate (Author Response)
I'm glad. I'm quite fond of it myself.
Thursday 27th September 2007 11:08
re your A/N: And you wrote well. This is beautiful.
Tuesday 23rd October 2007 11:09Surrogate (Author Response)
Thank you!
Thursday 27th September 2007 09:13
Loved it! I'm glad to see George will cope. Wonderful job!
Tuesday 23rd October 2007 11:08Surrogate (Author Response)
Thanks very much. As I said, I really needed some hope for George.
Thursday 27th September 2007 04:26
Tuesday 23rd October 2007 11:07Surrogate (Author Response)
Thursday 27th September 2007 02:31
I agree the epilog in DH is lacking a lot of detail. I almost wonder if JKR plans to fill in the blanks at some point or if she is just leaving fertile ground for fan fiction. Its not like anybody would have complained if the book was 50 pages longer. Anyway I enjoyed your story. Thanks for filling in one of the blanks, yourself. W.
Tuesday 23rd October 2007 11:05Surrogate (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked this potential missing moment. I can understand why JKR made the epilogue as short as she did, but I do wish she had written more. Oh well. More room for fanfic, right?
Thursday 27th September 2007 00:35
O wow, that was brilliant.
Tuesday 23rd October 2007 11:03Surrogate (Author Response)
Cassandra\\\'s Cross
Wednesday 26th September 2007 22:06
I really, really liked this. Canon it may not be, but it really touched me and matched what I am quite sure would have been every Weasley's unspoken wish. Of course it's quite perfect just as it is, but have you considered continuing with this, perhaps taking it through to the birth? The whole thing was superbly and beautifully written. Well done!
Tuesday 23rd October 2007 09:59Surrogate (Author Response)
I briefly considered a continuation, but the whole point of the story was this one brief interlude. The rest is pretty open-ended, and I like it that way. If I started writing more events, I'd be much more likely to come into conflict with canon. Right now, I don't know of anything that makes this non-compliant, though there may be some details from JKR that I haven't remembered. Thanks for reading!
Comet Moon
Wednesday 26th September 2007 22:04
Ok, tears in eyes

Well done

Ja ne

Tuesday 23rd October 2007 09:32Surrogate (Author Response)
Wednesday 26th September 2007 21:29
Wow. This was incredible! You actually had me tearing up there at the end. I'm not kidding. This was a beautiful story. Bravo.
Tuesday 23rd October 2007 09:31Surrogate (Author Response)
Thanks very much for the kind words.
Wednesday 26th September 2007 20:58
I'm so glad you wrote about George. Too many stories tiptoe around him. Almost as if it was too awkward and fragile to write about him. Its tough to write about something like this, but you delivered, A story about giving George a reason to live. again.

Thanks for writing this.
Tuesday 23rd October 2007 09:30Surrogate (Author Response)
George is a tough subject, indeed, and I'm glad you thought I pulled it off. Thanks for reading!