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Reviews For The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight by Lady Whizbee

Wednesday 16th January 2008 11:18
The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight
can't stop to review - must read next chapter NOW
Wednesday 16th January 2008 16:28The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight (Author Response)

Just as I wanted it to be, of course.
Monday 22nd October 2007 19:28
The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight
ouch. Somthing tells me wont be happy...

Tuesday 23rd October 2007 05:08The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight (Author Response)
Whatever gave you that idea?? Stay tuned...
Monday 22nd October 2007 09:41
The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight
write more. Please?
Monday 22nd October 2007 12:56The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight (Author Response)
Thanks for reading--and yes, I'm still writing. I hope to have more up soon.

Thanks for taking the time out to read my story and to review.
Monday 22nd October 2007 00:17
The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight
I thought there'd be more H/G action in this chapter rather than just this tiny bit at the end, so I'll be anxiously awaiting the next chapter!
Did you always plan for Tonks and Lupin's son to be Teddy or did you just do that b/c of DH? If you always intended it, you are a freaking genius... if not, it's still ok... I wouldn't have guessed either.
Monday 22nd October 2007 05:15The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight (Author Response)
*GRIN* Yes, sorry about that. The next chapter will have a lot more H/G. I ended up splitting the chapter into two for length.

Teddy was edited in afterwards. I've figured out how to make this story as cannon compliant as possible without altering my original tale. This is one of those elements that fit in nicely without throwing everything off course.

There will be other things that you'll see along the way as well, and by the end we'll be pretty much be where we should in terms of cannon.

Thanks so much for your review! And for hanging in there, too.
So yeah, not a genius--just a good post-editor!