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Reviews For The Transformation of Ducklings by MagnoliaMama

Friday 28th March 2008 10:14
The Transformation of Ducklings
Huh. I always thought Malfoy would marry Pansy, but Grazia is much better. I wonder if Rowling ever published something that listed every single Wizarding School in the world, then we'd know where Grazia went to school. This really is very interesting, pleasant & captivating never really seemed like Malfoy's cup of tea. Anyway, moving on!
Friday 28th March 2008 10:54The Transformation of Ducklings (Author Response)
Well, Rowling has since revealed that Draco actually married Daphne Greengrass' younger sister, but it was apparent from the epilogue that he hadn't married Pansy - if he had, she would have been acknowledged as such when Harry and Ron saw them at King's Cross. I'd already written too much of this when we learned the identity of Draco's wife and was too dependent on Grazia's character and personality to revise it. I have to admit, though, that I prefer Grazia to Rowling's choice.

Thanks for reviewing! I hope you continue to enjoy this.
Monday 26th November 2007 14:59
The Transformation of Ducklings
great! i love this story! intresting htat Al's in slytherin, wouldn't be my idea, but its all opinion.
Wednesday 21st November 2007 05:24
The Transformation of Ducklings
I absolutely adore this story! I hope you update really soon
Tuesday 20th November 2007 04:12
The Transformation of Ducklings
How Ron and How Draco! Leave it to the Mrs. to both know what is best for their children! Thank You! Grandma Beth
Steven Carnell
Friday 16th November 2007 02:28
The Transformation of Ducklings
Excellent. Very well written with interesting possibilities. Well done.
Thursday 15th November 2007 12:58
The Transformation of Ducklings
What a pleasure—and of course the mothers see things differently and sweep through all of the testosterone-fueled posturing.

I've always thought it would be nice if Albus actually were sorted into Slytherin and Harry and Ginny had to put their money where their mouths were. I wonder—are we going to see them at all?

It's funny—as I was reading this I found myself thinking of all of the Draco/Ginny fics out there, and how many of them would like to have been this story—and I asked myself why those fics rubbed me so emphatically the wrong way, while this one is such a pleasure.

The answer, of course, is two-fold: first of all, your writing is always a pleasure to read; and more to the point, this isn't Draco and Ginny! These two actually like each other—what a concept!—and Scorpius as you've shown him here is an infinitely more pleasant and interesting human being than his father ever was (or, in this timeline, apparently is). I wonder if Draco felt as conflicted about what happened in Diagon Alley as Ron eventually did. And I wonder what will happen when he finds out that Grazia has brought his son and heir to visit that haven of blood traitors, mudbloods and Gryffindors, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes!


I suppose these icons work for our new couple, don't they?

Wednesday 21st November 2007 12:58The Transformation of Ducklings (Author Response)
You always do leave the best, most thought-provoking reviews, Antosha. The Potters will (probably) make a brief appearance several chapters down the road--even though I've written 2 more chapters tan have been posted here, the story is still in flux, but there's a thread developing involving James that will probably require Harry's intervention to resolve it. That's all I can say for now.

I've seen a lot of people describe Rose/Scorpius as Draco/Ginny (or Draco/Hermione), Take Two, and I can see where they get that idea from but I don't agree with it. But then, maybe that's just because I never saw the appeal of Draco/Ginny. The truth, as you said, is that Rose isn't Ginny and Scorpius isn't Draco. I think the distinction is even more important for Rose, because Ron is very different from Ginny, and the traits Rose inherited and learned from her father are quite different from those she'd have if Ginny were her mother. With Scorpius, there's the added advantage of not knowing who his mother is--thereby eliminating Pansy or anyone else known from the books--and thus being able to construct for ourselves how much of an influence Draco would be on his son's personality.

What I find particularly ironic about this exercise, if you can call it that, is that I've become much more sympathetic to Draco than I would have ever imagined.
Tuesday 13th November 2007 21:09
The Transformation of Ducklings
can't wait till the next chapter
Tuesday 13th November 2007 20:50
The Transformation of Ducklings
Intriguing family! You've made me actually want to read more about Draco, even if it's just to find out how he found himself in such a well-adjusted family! Lots of lovely things here - I love Ron's relationship with Rose and I chuckled at the memory of Lavender Brown! But this is how you'll know how engrossed I was in this chapter - when Hermione admonished Rose to stand straight I found myself sitting up straighter and trying to improve my posture - because like Rose I was a tall, gangly, skinny teenager. I loved your description of her - coltish - I've never seen that simile before, but it's a perfect description. Anyway, I'm really enjoying the awkwardness between our two ducklings and the parallel parental comparisons.
Wednesday 21st November 2007 13:09The Transformation of Ducklings (Author Response)
I was so delighted to see that you'd decided to give this one a chance! I've found myself increasingly intrigued by and sympathetic to Draco as I've worked on this--I don't like him, but I've enjoyed working out the gradual path to redemption he's had to take since the end of DH. It's contributed a lot to my characterization of Draco, just as Ron has contributed a lot to Rose. It's been an absolute joy writing this, and I'm so glad you've enjoyed reading the first 2 chapters.
Tuesday 13th November 2007 14:18
The Transformation of Ducklings
I like Mrs.Malfoy here, so unique from the other Mrs. Malfoys I've read so far (which are not any less pleasant)
Tuesday 13th November 2007 10:18
The Transformation of Ducklings
Very cute chapter. I really like Grazia (and her name; its so unusual and beautiful!) and I love Scorpius! And Rose. And evryone, really. Lovely work!
Tuesday 13th November 2007 11:39The Transformation of Ducklings (Author Response)
I really like Grazia (and her name; its so unusual and beautiful!)

I couldn't resist the symmetry of a name that means the opposite of "Malfoy." I'm really glad you're enjoying this, because I love writing about Scorpius and Rose. Thanks for reviewing!
Tuesday 13th November 2007 09:54
The Transformation of Ducklings
Glad you didn't have Draco marry Pansy. Never could picture that one. Looking forward to future chapters!
Wednesday 21st November 2007 13:11The Transformation of Ducklings (Author Response)
I couldn't see Draco ending up with Pansy either, and the fact that his wife wasn't identified in the epilogue as someone we know pretty much confirms it. I'm glad you liked this. Thanks for reviewing!
Tuesday 13th November 2007 08:21
The Transformation of Ducklings
Give us tthe next chapter, pleeeeeeeeeeeease!
I'm Maggie.
Tuesday 13th November 2007 05:32
The Transformation of Ducklings
I'm loving this story so far, very Romeo and Juliet! Can't wait for next chapter!!
Monday 12th November 2007 23:53
The Transformation of Ducklings
I was a bit surprised to read that Rose had been sorted into HUFFLEPUFF? With the second-best brain in her year? Hmmm.

Story reads very well!
Tuesday 13th November 2007 04:31The Transformation of Ducklings (Author Response)
I hope you're not implying that Hufflepuff is the House for dimwits. Just because Rose has brains doesn't mean that she'd be a shoo-in for Ravenclaw (any more than her parentage means she'd be a shoo-in for Gryffindor)--there are other factors the Hat takes into consideration.

Thanks for the review! I'm glad you're enjoying this.
Monday 12th November 2007 17:21
The Transformation of Ducklings
aww i loved it! keep up the amazing work. Do try and update quickly won't you? =] 10/10
Monday 12th November 2007 15:17
The Transformation of Ducklings
WOW! that's one of the best chapters i've read in a while!!! I love the contrast between Rose and Scorpius, and Draco and Grazia (lovely name, by the way, it feels nice on the lips if you say it out loud!) My only question is: How ON EARTH did Draco marry such a nice woman??? Anyway, you have a beautiful writing style which I haven't seen frequently, and trust me when I say this: I read a LOT!! Update soon!!!
Tuesday 13th November 2007 08:31The Transformation of Ducklings (Author Response)
My only question is: How ON EARTH did Draco marry such a nice woman???

Ron and Hermione are asking themselves the same thing. You'll get some answers in the next chapter.

Thank you for the wonderful review! I'm so glad you're enjoying this, and was very flattered by your comment on my writing style.
Monday 12th November 2007 14:59
The Transformation of Ducklings
Aww... that's sweet! Although I'm not sure any daughter of Ron and Hermione's would have made it into Hufflepuff, that doesn't matter too much. I like the 'we're practically family' bit - I'm sure with so many Weasleys that in another generation the whole of Gryffindor tower will be related either by blood or by marriage!

Can't wait for more!
Monday 12th November 2007 13:29
The Transformation of Ducklings
lol, Great job on wife, I love how your writing this story, keep up the good work!